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Imperium [NA] - Trade/Mercenary Focused | Restricted Recruitment



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    Recruiting clerics, people who like clerics, and friends of clerics.
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    Freelancer, how do I get a cool imperium picture like that for me? ( I'm in your guild as well)
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    philx said:
    Freelancer, how do I get a cool imperium picture like that for me? ( I'm in your guild as well)
    If you're talking the logo, we just modified one we found on the net (we're working on an original sexy one right now) but if you're talking signatures go to the art_corner channel and ask :)
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    Artheeria has been the one doing a majority of our signatures. Very talented person! ^_^

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    Artheeria is the one that did a majority of our Signatures. Very talented individual. ^_^
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    I hope every one affected by the current devastation by mother nature is okay and safe
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    We're still looking for more clerics. Apply within!
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    Are there any um... more specific points in creating guilds and recruiting people at current situation? I mean the game hasn't even been released, yet you guys are so hyped up. Do you do anything before the game is released? (Except recruiting and developing your guild systems)
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    We have a very active discord where we talk about all sorts of things besides AoC, there are several games that people are playing and will be playing as they come out while we wait. Such as Destiny 2 and Dauntless along with a few others I play LoL quit a bit. But the hype is defiantly real for AoC! -Comprehensive guide to Ashes of Creation. -Ashes of Creation Guild.

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    Neitronic said:
    Are there any um... more specific points in creating guilds and recruiting people at current situation? I mean the game hasn't even been released, yet you guys are so hyped up. Do you do anything before the game is released? (Except recruiting and developing your guild systems)
    As Cadderly said above, the simple answer is yes. If you click the links you will see we already have over 50 just for Destiny next month alone. Dauntless is going to be crazy busy as well, and DnL is currently a popular game. 

    I'd invite you to randomly hop in other guild discords and compare activity, you'll see a big difference. There are certainly potential drawbacks of a larger guild but easily one of the best perks is non-stop activity and things to do, plus a wide range of player types, from casual and relaxed to serious competitive gamers. 

    Good luck in your inquiries. 
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    Tons of friendly people always around, and a good group we have here :smile:
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    Best wishes to everyone in FL.
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    Looking forward to fridays stream. Hopefully we get a rundown of all the classes with a short description about them
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    Custom Karthosian guild slogan!!!

    "Imperium: Karthos, get out of our Discord."
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    Karthos said:
    Custom Karthosian guild slogan!!!

    "Imperium: Karthos, get out of our Discord."
    Other new guilds may not know you, but we do ;)

    We still love you though. <3
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    Awww <3
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    Ziz said:
    Looking forward to fridays stream. Hopefully we get a rundown of all the classes with a short description about them
    Livestream Hype!!   To bad I will most likely miss it live, but I'm excited to hear any new info drops!!   


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    Just stopping by the official forums to say Hi!
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    Welcome to the latest wave of recruit and returning PvPers. Guild got a lot bigger in a matter of days :)
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    Welcome all of you, glad to hear we added some veteran talent to the ranks! Hope to chat with you on discord over the next few day. -Comprehensive guide to Ashes of Creation. -Ashes of Creation Guild.
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    Grats to Nisuma on the officer promotion! First promotion in quite some time, but definitely needed as we expand our roster. :)

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    Great Guild meeting tonight.  Some good changes being made! 


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    I like having an active Discord server to shoot the shit with while I'm bored and mucking around at work. \o/
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    I agree, I love how awesome our guild is.  We are like a big family. And our discord convos are always great entertainment :smiley:


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    Davlos said:
    I like having an active Discord server to shoot the shit with while I'm bored and mucking around at work. \o/
    +1. Then you realize you were late for something.
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    is there a castle i can camp on this game too?
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    tsutsu said:
    is there a castle i can camp on this game too?
    nightmares have come back.

    (farming is never safe)

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    Davlos said:
    I like having an active Discord server to shoot the shit with while I'm bored and mucking around at work. \o/
    +1. Then you realize you were late for something.
    He got caught in the moment of the game and totally blew passed the meeting lol
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    Best guilld I have been in. So far I  found them to be the guild that managed to fix all the issues with other big multi-group guilds. There are no leadership perks over players when it comes to PvP or PvE. There are no "preference" or "favorites" in this guild. You can go up the ranks by doing things in the guild and contributing. I truly feel everyone is equal here. :)
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