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Meet and Greet the Community!



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    You all know me already I'm that guy with a hat in his profile picture.
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    Hello fellow gamers! 
    Im Mahou/Uppa/Aihron, well you know as the Swedish saying goes "Dear child has many names". 
    So Im a 27 year old Swedish guy from the island of Gotland, as I write this post tho I'm in New Zealand for a year and one of my mates back home shared this video of Ashes of Creation, and boy am I happy he did?

    I've been waiting for an MMORPG that have everything that Warhammer Online once did, apart for all the bugs obviously. The community seems also really nice, its looking to become a new great game. I've also played WoW since release, miss Vanilla and TBC. 

    Also looking for an EU guild with that awesome name just fyi, hehe :wink:
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Hello everyone!

    I do not normally put my info to public forums accessible to just about everyone.

    I instead limit this to my gaming community (closed forums), and optionally share it with some other (non guild) people that I meet inside the game and end up playing with more often.

    I still wish to greet everyone here. For now I'll just say that I'm a man and I'm from Croatia. I look forward to seeing you inside the game. Weather these will be friendly relations or "talking with swords" it doesn't matter, it will be fun either way.  :p

    I'm long time MMO PvX player enjoying both PvP and PvE in a good company. I also like cookies. Whoever will be a baker can become my friend!  B)
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    Gothix said:
    For now I'll just say that I'm a man and I'm from Croatia.
    Lucky you stopped there! Us Dwarves are clever and I almost worked out who you were! ;) Welcome @Gothix!
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    Gothix said:
    I'm long time MMO PvX player enjoying both PvP and PvE in a good company. I also like cookies. Whoever will be a baker can become my friend!  B)
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