Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Meet and Greet the Community!



  • Kratz said:

    Welcome @Reaperofcookies :)

    I actually think crafting in this game will be superb, but that's just a inkling at this point. Early info is promising. Keep your eyes open. :)

    Thanks ^_^ 

    And yea it does seem promising, part of the reason I want to get into it :p 
    The whole freehold thing helps ofcourse, I love being able to set up my own place. I'll be pouring millions into decorations, probably... Like usual..  God save me.
  • Such a cute sig ^^
  • I don't know what you're talking about, it's real scary.
  • The perspective of the undead as to what is "scary" may differ from ours.

  • I've been a Warhammer fan for a long time I have seen some scary things 
  • It just looks innocent, that's the real scary part.
  • nagash said:
    I've been a Warhammer fan for a long time I have seen some scary things 
    Yeah pretty scary what you did to the people of Nehekhara, would not want to live in the same node as you... ;p 
  • GaFl4Ever said:
    nagash said:
    I've been a Warhammer fan for a long time I have seen some scary things 
    Yeah pretty scary what you did to the people of Nehekhara, would not want to live in the same node as you... ;p 
    I was talking about Warhammer as whole but thanks for knowing what I was on about ^^
  • Kratz said:

    The perspective of the undead as to what is "scary" may differ from ours.

    Legions of frightful undeads are starting to gather. We got to stop them, before it's too late. For, on my honor, I'll never give up my cookies to their skinny, dead hands.
  • Not really a big fan of cookies....but if they stole Jaffa Cakes, then I would be on board. Flagon of Ale + Jaffa Cake = bliss.
  • I feel like people have it out for me but im not sure why ^^
  • Howdy, I'm Nephalem and I love community so glad to be a part of it!

    I can't wait to see  this game evolve in the years to come. I've been playing MMOs since EQ1 and feel all the games after lacked the same feel I got from playing it. I will be looking forward in help shape this game into the next best thing. As long as this game is driven by the people it will continue to prosper.

    I plan on testing the hell out of this game and providing as much feed back as I can. 
  • Nephalem said:
    Howdy, I'm Nephalem and I love community so glad to be a part of it!

    I can't wait to see  this game evolve in the years to come. I've been playing MMOs since EQ1 and feel all the games after lacked the same feel I got from playing it. I will be looking forward in help shape this game into the next best thing. As long as this game is driven by the people it will continue to prosper.

    I plan on testing the hell out of this game and providing as much feed back as I can. 

    Welcome @Nephalem, yeah the vision that sharif shared definitely appealed to many old school gamers. 

    I'll look forward to helping out and providing feedback in the alpha betas as well. 
  • Welcome @Nephalem :) I too started on EQ1 so good to see another one here. Glad you're keen to test as that is going to be key to actually making this game what we want it to be. If you've pledged to get Alpha/Beta access then that's great but remember the closed alpha key giveaways which are periodic and advertised here on the forums. 
  • I've been far too remiss in keeping up to date with who's been coming in, welcome everyone I've missed, it's fantastic that you're here!

    *hands out sparklers*
  • Alright, I guess we are better late then never aren´t we?

    Im a 27 year old (Turning 28) Oh shit, getting closer to 30.. Err anyways.
    Ive been around gaming since gaming was born pretty much, atleast the online part of it. 

    Im part of Ashenguard, my family and home. Blacksmith, Master of the craft and protector of friends. Going to focus mostly on being an asset when it comes to binding people together, creating bonds, Roleplayer at heart and Viking.

    Ohh, and I never sleep. 

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Highwall said:
    Alright, I guess we are better late then never aren´t we?

    Im a 27 year old (Turning 28) Oh shit, getting closer to 30.. Err anyways.
    Ive been around gaming since gaming was born pretty much, atleast the online part of it. 

    Im part of Ashenguard, my family and home. Blacksmith, Master of the craft and protector of friends. Going to focus mostly on being an asset when it comes to binding people together, creating bonds, Roleplayer at heart and Viking.

    Ohh, and I never sleep. 

    Oh my fellow Ashengaurdian! What an honour it is to have you in our community! Welcome to my domain : The forums xD
  • Hello, @Highwall o/  Welcome to the forums. I have listened to your Nordic tones all day in guild chat and now here as well.  Enjoy :)
  • Welcome @Highwall! It seems you've already mad a most positive start to this game by joining Ashguard. It features a few of the people who've worked the hardest making this community what it is. I'm sure you'll have a great time on the hype train! 0/ 
  • Kratz said:
    Welcome @Highwall! It seems you've already mad a most positive start to this game by joining Ashguard. It features a few of the people who've worked the hardest making this community what it is. I'm sure you'll have a great time on the hype train! 0/ 
    Thank you so much mate o/ Will be a pleasure to get to know the people here. Also, that signature of yours... Prob one of the best things I´ve ever seen. Except my coin. Caps is a beast! :blush:
  • Kratz said:
    Not really a big fan of cookies....but if they stole Jaffa Cakes, then I would be on board. Flagon of Ale + Jaffa Cake = bliss.
    I had heard of jaffas from a youtuber I used to watch and ordered some off Amazon. It took them 3 weeks to get here and I was impressed they were still fresh. 
  • Karthos said:
    Kratz said:
    Not really a big fan of cookies....but if they stole Jaffa Cakes, then I would be on board. Flagon of Ale + Jaffa Cake = bliss.
    I had heard of jaffas from a youtuber I used to watch and ordered some off Amazon. It took them 3 weeks to get here and I was impressed they were still fresh. 
    I just copy and pasted that onto the feedback section of McVitie's website. :D 
  • Kratz said:
    Karthos said:
    Kratz said:
    Not really a big fan of cookies....but if they stole Jaffa Cakes, then I would be on board. Flagon of Ale + Jaffa Cake = bliss.
    I had heard of jaffas from a youtuber I used to watch and ordered some off Amazon. It took them 3 weeks to get here and I was impressed they were still fresh. 
    I just copy and pasted that onto the feedback section of McVitie's website. :D 
    If you ever need a good laugh, check out these reviews.
  • Hi I'm Relwoh and I come from London in The United Kingdom. I found the game on a YouTube. It was one of those that was summing the best mmo to come out. I looked at it and straight away knew that this was the game for me. I have been wading though those type of videos looking for an mmo since everquest next. The nodes system got me interested at first.
  • Hello World! I am Gurudia, and I can usually be found lurking through the forums here for most of my free time (actually, I think I may have a problem, help).

    I discovered Ashes when I was lurking through Kickstarter to discover something cool. I saw an MMO, decided to give it a shot, clicked on it, drained my savings, and here I am!

    My first experience with MMOs was about 19 years ago, when my parents took an insistent little 4-year-old on their lap and had me run around the opening area to (I think) Everquest 2. Sadly, I never really got a chance to get into MMOs in my life, due to financial and interest limitations, but I did enjoy playing WoW on my parent's account around the time of the Lich King expansion. Mostly I happen to play single-player games (because I have no friends who play games), but i reeeeeeeeaaaaaaallly want to be part of this community that has just been so cool and friendly.

    Anyway, I'm super glad to be here in this community, even if I have trouble expressing myself. I see a lot of the cool stuff you guys do, and I will support from the side - both in forum and in-game as I act as a double-triple-however many-agent to mess with the world.
  • Hay
    I'm drdebica or also known as Doc Bones
    I'm from Croatia. And I hear about AOC from a good friend bof my and and I'm so glad for that. I'm looking forward to have fun with people I'm the game from creating crops and fishing to KILLING DRAGONS AND BAITH IN BLOOD OF MY ENEMIES.
    The community hire is amazing and so is the game.
    So yea see you all in the game
  • Noespark, founder of mana. im here after one of my officers suggested i look at the game. i brushed it off at first untill my brother said something. and now im hooked and on the hype train more than they. we've been playing mmos and leading guilds together for years and we really just want to have a fun community that can have loads of fun in a game together. learning raid bosses together blindly again. everquest next/landmark burnt me hard for a good 100$ scam and bdo just flat out lied, regret the 100-150 ive given them aswell. sadly i just dontlike playing even my favorite mmos like vindictus and gw2 anymore. so ive gone back to playing ragnarok online and diablo 2(DIABLO 3 IS A P.O.S.!!!!!) *heavy breathing**internal screaming*........fkin d3 man....gdi...anyways. 

    heres to ashes of creation and all the glory and happiness it will bring us all. i cant wait to be ingame with everyone. 

    i hope it feels like stepping into EQ for the first time.
  • Karthos said:
    Kratz said:
    Not really a big fan of cookies....but if they stole Jaffa Cakes, then I would be on board. Flagon of Ale + Jaffa Cake = bliss.
    I had heard of jaffas from a youtuber I used to watch and ordered some off Amazon. It took them 3 weeks to get here and I was impressed they were still fresh. 
    Wouldn't happen to be a certain someone from Yogscast, was it?
  • I always gotta' orbit late into the party...

    How goes it all, I am URanu5 and I am a multifaceted person excited for a multifaceted mmorpg coming out :). I have about 20 years experience with MMO's if I want to count Ultima Online being played while on my mothers lap, most of my experience comes from World of Warcraft in both the PvE and RP community. I have led two guilds, one for RP for 2 years and one for PvE for 3 years, with hopefully what would be called moderate success as my officers and I kept competitive and fresh content available in both spectrum. I can't seem to take the 'leader' out of me as I always assume direction needs to be pointed out clearly as communication is important, I see myself stepping on toes which I am truly sorry for (... Unless it helps, then I have no regrats). I am from South Central Los Angeles, close to the Intrepid team ;), where the weather is great but it isn't like I plan on going outside if there is an awesome game to play!!! I heard about the game first from my old GM of a three year strong raiding crew that just disbanded due to boredom of the game due to low moral from all the brainless grinding, he said AoC is going to be the next big thing and I had to check it out... Now here I am a backer and hopefully a successful herald of more players transferring from one game to another. 

    My plans for Ashes of Creation will be mainly of a PvE > RP > Community (Politics) > PvP nature, however I plan on waiting for the game to form before assuming what my in-depth experience will be. I am looking forward to playing with an interactive community again... Currently in WoW there is no need for interaction and 'server pride' outside of recruiting and competition which is too simple for me. I like when raiding guilds of one server create discords with each other and form associations to strengthen intrigue and friendship within the game while also creating no-poaching regulations and competitive friendliness... Rather than what I see normally which are isolated groups that do the exact same thing side by side but ignore each other. 

    BUT ENOUGH OF MY RANT as I am always tilted on my side, message me up for anything.
  • Hello from canada
    between hunting polar bears for furs to keep the igloo warm
    i plan to enjoy this new internet thing.  how do you guys
    live with them making the god awful sound every time they connect
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