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Need help Looking for a guild?



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    Name: Kida

    Type of gameplay: PVE/PVM (Will eventually do PVX with experience.)

    Play style: I am a very passive but consistent player. I will do anything when with the right group. I love to grind for goals.

    What class you may pick: Honestly, I am not sure. I think I may try either Tank or Rogue/Archer. I need advice.

    Server: NA/US

    What you want from a guild: I need a guild who is very competetive. A Guild who is looking to be "The" guild. I want a guild who cares about ALL it's members. I want a guild who will teach me the essentials of playing an MMORPG. I want a Guild who will help me grow as I grow with them, to build a connection more than just a group of people who just happen to play the same game. I'm not gonna lie, I do look to be in character... as in Role Play but it doesn't have to be a requirement although I would love that aspect of being someone else in this virtual world(I emphasize the NOT needed part but surely appreciated. I want a family.

    Any addition information: I really want you to understand that I am not a huge MMO player. I only say that because I do have a lot to learn. I have played games like Tera, WoW, and Lost Chaos but only slightly. I have more experience with WoW although I couldn't continue as I felt like I was so behind the veterans of the game. This game offers me a fresh start to rise with the initial fan base and grow with the game. The main game I play now is actually Old School Runescape... laugh if you want. I have been playign this game forever and its in my blood. I love to grind levels and goals like nobody's business. All I am asking is to allow me to be part of you family in this game. I want friends who I will grow with, be competitive with, learn with. I promise I will commit. PLEASE PRIVATE MESSAGE ME.
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    Name: Migit

    type of gameplay: mainly PvE

    play style: Varies game to game, but I do tend to dive deeply into whatever catches my interest

    what class you may pick:Completely undecided as yet


    what you want from a guild: a friendly, active group that take the game somewhat seriously, without being overbearing in how others play. 

    Additional notes: I like helping people, and tend to be very flexible in what I do in game. I've been playing MMO for quite a few years, but never really went into the social side of things. 
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    type of gameplay:

    play style:

    what class you may pick:
    Tank class. 


    what you want from a guild:
    A fun group of ppl that speak Dutch, German or English.

    Any addition information:
    I mostly
     played SWTOR, GW2, Warhammer online and a bit of BD, Tera, LOTRO and Rift.
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    Eh, figure I'll throw this out there. Though, I can be very picky when it comes to guilds. Typically, once I am in one...I never leave. Ever. Unless of course i leave the game-in which case, 9/10, my account is usually donated to the guild. Anyway...

    Saeyo Prayers aka Dissonance

    Type of gameplay:
    I have been a part of both raiding and pvp guilds in the past-though, my track record shows I tend to lean much more on PVP. I can do both, however. I will generally play 10-20 hours a week. Maybe more, especially on the weekends, it's not that uncommon for me to spend 8-10 hours a day then. During the week, 2 hours or so a day.  

    The name says it all, right? #winning lol No, a word or two? Pirate/Viking. 

    Classes I play: 
    Generally I always choose a Paladin or Necromancer. With 64 combinations-who knows. I am sure I will have one of them, though. 

    NA....with insomniac leanings. So it is not uncommon to see me on at all hours of the night-especially on the weekends when I don't have to work. 

    What I want in a guild: 
    World domination of course. Lol No, Seriously. It's time to take over the world....errr
    I am looking for a group of likeminded, mostly mature (maybe with a bit of childish, perverted, I am 37 but like to think I am not old and still in my prime and can hang out with 'younguns' ...until you are actually hanging out with them and realize it was a mistake and you have nothing in common' type of thing) *ahem* no offense to younger people, I know a lot of you are actually really cool people* Anyway, people that are generally not dictators and won't put me in timeout for shooting that random guy over there with a fireball for absolutely no reason whatsoever. (It happens) I am a good guy in real life. So, in fantasy world-I tend to play more to my darker side. 

    Additional information: 
    I have been gaming for the better part of 3 decades. I have been guild leaders and officers, though, while I will devote myself entirely to whatever guild I am in, I do not want any form of leadership at this time as my career and family take up a vast amount of my time. Some of the games I have played-Runescape, Ultima Online, EQ 1&2, GW 1&2, WoW, SWTOR, ESO even mobile MMO's such as Celtic Heroes, Order and Chaos. 
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    --------------------(A GUILD HAS ALREADY BEEN FOUND)-------------------

    ame: Dinomitey 
    Nickname: Dino

    type of gameplay: PvX (almost anything)

    play style: I want to delicate my time to progressing our node in almost any way. I prefer playing with other people. I hate to play alone. 

    what class you may pick: Summoner, Mage, Bard.

    Server: NA East

    what you want from a guild: I want to be friends with my guild mates and be existed tot talk to them every time I log in. I want a guild that is active and will work to progress there node in almost any way (gathering materials, crafting, killing bosses, defending our node in PvP/attacking other nodes).

    Any addition information: I want to be a more serous player but I want to have some fun while doing it. I will try my best to show up at a dedicated time. 

    --------------------(A GUILD HAS ALREADY BEEN FOUND)-------------------
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    Name: Blunderbuss

    type of gameplay: PvE

    play style: Blacksmith

    what class you may pick: Dwarf

    Server: NA

    what you want from a guild: Beards and ale

    Any addition information: i like my women like i like my beard
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    Name: Xenerie or Xen

    type of gameplay: PvE

    play style: support type/healers and buffing people

    what class you may pick: im a hardcore bard in every other game that allows bards

    Server: any NA server really

    what you want from a guild: some people to have fun with

    Any addition information: ive got a mic and no issues talking if others are chill with it
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    RP is a valid form of gameplay! RPPvX
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Name: Coatimundi or Helix, whichever you prefer

    type of gameplay: PvP, PvE, PvX

    play style: Any play style

    what class you may pick: I always know theirs a lack of healers so, I'll do the gritty work xD ; That being said I have an interest in creating things, so if crafting is really in depth I will be focusing on that. :)

    Server: NA

    what you want from a guild: The ability to possibly switch from hardcore to casual, and vice versa simply because being in the military may prevent me from playing for certain periods of time.   Maturity is a must as well as no nonsense, I do not tolerate power trippers so if I detect that I'm out. By power trippers I mean people that abuse their power of position. Guild must be transparent and not hiding behind close doors with its members. Fair share in loot, I don't want any, "I'm the boss so I get the shinies!" "My precious."

    Any addition information: I don't guild hop, Once I decide I like the group of people within a guild I stay loyal. I do want a discord oriented chat group to hang with, if discord is not a option then something suitable to take its place.   
    I have found a guild, thankyou everyone. :D

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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
                           *GUILD FOUND*
    Name: Balvor (subject to change depending on in game content)

    type of gameplay: PVX

    play style: Barbaric Obliteration. I run into battle with my giant Axe raised in preparation to decapitate any who get between me and my enraged path. I love combat, soloing bosses is my specialty. when I'm not fighting superior opponents I grind the day away or build majestic masterpieces of artistic weapons. (hardcore player even when restricted by time)

    what class you may pick: No class is off limits for me, but i tend to have fighter/great weapon fighter as main character.

    Server: NA west

    what you want from a guild: World Conquest, to join a guild with similar ambition to become the best of the best. Dominating everything from Combat to Economic superiority, to remove powers and place new. other than that, in which any barbaric person such as myself would like to have in a guild, it is essential to have a decent community and the ability to work as a team not as strangers, but as Friends.

    Any addition information: I can join guild discord and talk on mic, though I'm usually quiet so you might not hear of me much, but in game I will be everywhere. I do not have a alpha/beta key so unfortunately I probably wont be participating in it. I currently play Neverwinter and BDO. 
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    Offensive support would be the greatest way to describe myself. I love to dance in the battlefield and master my class till I can fight outnumbered and still come out on top of it. I was so glad when they presented the cleric and how he will be a close combat dps/healer. 

    Cleric and maybe bard, depending on how the class is. 


    I want a guild wich is organised. I dont want the heavy zerg like guild, but the one that will make the most of his ressources. On the other hand I feel like a 150 member guild would be the best for me, but I would rather prefer a skill oriented guild with 100 awesome player. I want bounds, fight and victory. Also, if she is composed of people from Quebec (Canada) who speak french, that would be awesome. 

    My only long lasting mmorpg experience is gw2. I completly fell in love with the pvp and wvwvw experience and more over, I fell in love with the guardian as a tank/dps/healer/buffer. I never played ranked pvp but I have fought alot of the top 200 players before Hot. I was on eu servers, and on gw2 they were the most competetive ones, but because of the time difference, it was impossible for me to join a good guild. My goal was to take on anything with the smallest possible number of player. The pinacle of my gameplay on that game was when I fought in 1vs5 and won. After then Hot came out and so was I, out.  Since then I have tried some asian mmorpg (revelation, black desert online and a few more) but never liked the gameplay.

    Also, I will be part of the game from beta part 1.
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017

    *UPDATE* - Guild found.  Thank you for those that reached out to me.

    Since I am having trouble making a decision on a guild, I ran across this thread and decided to go ahead and post here.  Right now I have backed at the Founder level so I will be in game as of Alpha 2.  I am wrestling with the idea of bumping up to Braver of Worlds if they keep the upgrades open until after Christmas.

    Name:  My main character I usually try to name Lyriss, although I have been having a harder time getting that name in these newer games!

    type of gameplay: PVE/PVX  - I am not the biggest fan of PVP but I prefer the larger scale battles when I do PVP.

    play style: Semi-casual until I am done with school in August 2017, and then it depends on how immersed I get in whatever game.  I used to be a hardcore raider in the early days of EQ1 and WoW but that has dropped off a little due to life and less tolerance for drama.

    what class you may pick:  First choice will be a Cleric - I usually feel more comfortable keeping people alive.  Other than that, I prefer ranged dps.

    Server: NA server - I am in the Central Time zone

    what you want from a guild:  
    I want a guild with low tolerance for drama/elitists.  I don't mind when people have confidence in their skills, but I don't want to hear about how L33T people are 24/7.  I do not enjoy hearing people put down others either.  I believe a guild should be about integrity, loyalty, and honor, and its members should personify those attributes in game, and on the forums.  

    I do not want to be forced to talk on Discord/TS/Vent, even though I usually will once I get comfortable with people.  I tend to be a bit shy.  I don't mind listening on voice chat, and chatting in text.  I used to be quite sociable in games but over the years, I have gotten a bit jaded and retreated back into my shell quite a bit in game.  Gotta love being a Cancer zodiac sign (crab).

    I prefer a guild that has enough active members to progress forward as a team.  I don't worry as much about server firsts or being the best, even though that is nice.  I would rather everyone just be having fun and enjoying each others company as they work towards becoming a well-oiled machine.  It is not about the speed, but the quality of the experience.  

    Any addition information: (optional)  
    Hmmm optional info:  I have played many MMOs and raided 4-6 nights a week in both Everquest 1 and WoW for many years, and several nights a week in Rift and Everquest 2 when I played.  I would list all the MMOs I have dabbled in but I fear that would be quite a long list.  I have almost always main'd a healer type character.  

    Right now I am playing BDO and I would prefer a guild that has a division in that game as well.  I have been taking leveling slowly to learn my class and enjoy the amazing life skills present in that game.  I love the horse taming and breeding that is available (as I used to raise/train/show horses in real life back in my teens and early twenties).  I study YouTube videos for whatever game I am playing, and while I am not a min/maxer, I do like to be open minded to suggestions as to how to progress my character.  

    If anyone has any questions to ask of me, please feel free to shoot me a private message!  Thanks!

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    Name: Nemesis2699

    Type of gameplay: PvX mainly

    Play style: Solo or group oriented at least they're nice people.

    What class you may pick: Fighter/Rogue or Fighter/Ranger

    Server: NA (texas if there's one)

    What you want from a guild: Fun, serious and cool people who take their goals serious but having fun with the other members like family.

    Any additional information: I played alot of mmo's but not the popular ones like WoW or EVE mostly browser based mmo's plus I'm still gonna get a good gaming pc so please be patient with me while I di that thanks.
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    Let's bump this great post back to the top again :)
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Voxul will be looking for a Guild and a home for a few years. Will fight and or guard for food. Will die pulling bosses (successfully) for future considerations.

    Maybe an orc Hairdresser. Or an elven sandwich artist.. (jk)
    I have tanked b4 and also in EQ was a body puller with my Necro.  

    Familiar with the pre-cursors of this genre. Had fun pvp; raids, guild trainer, and loved having my own property in Uo.

    Server: E N.A. preferred.
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    Name: Sage0fThe7Paths ( Not sure what my IG name will be just yet )

    Type of gameplay: PvE & RP ( Not sure what PvX means )

    Play style: I like to play pretty actively in the evening time as I work most of the day and then hit the gym after work. I enjoy all different aspects of the game, except PvP, I'm pretty terrible at it.

    What class you may pick: Not sure what classes are available yet however, it'll probably be something ranged.

    Server: Again, not sure if there are even servers figured out yet but I'll try to be on an RP server if there is one designated for RP otherwise, just a popular PvE server.

    What you want from a guild: Active, Mature folks who like to play the game, tell stories ( RP ) and help others tell their story.

    Any addition information: Not sure I have any additional information at this time however, I'm open to questions, concerns and/or ideas.
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    *** Guild has been found. Thank you to those who reached out to me! ***

    Name: Aurelia

    Type of gameplay: PvP/PvE just depends on my mood

    Play style: I enjoy playing with others but I can also play alone. I'm between casual and semi hardcore.

    What class you may pick: Really leaning towards Cleric/Summoner or some combination of cleric *is subject to change*

    Server: NA *I'm in central time zone*

    What you want from a guild: Structure with clear goals. Don't get me wrong, I still want to have fun and be social (I hate gaming alone and I don't just want to be a number) but I really look forward to progressing a node and making a name for myself and the guild I join. I don't like drama or a lot of fighting within guild so maybe an 18/21+ guild would be nice.

    Any additional information: PM me if you have any other questions. Really hoping I find the right fit, I honestly hate hoping from guild to find so I will be a tad bit picky on my forever home. Thanks for reading! Have a great day. *Forgot to add I do like to role play a bit but that's not a requirement lol*
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    Name:  It will be named after my child.

    type of gameplay: e,g, PVP PVE PVX     PvE and some PvP

    play style: Tank.....Been tank in Vanilla WoW, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion (had to skip BC as i got out of the military then and came back in WotLK as a lock)  SWTOR tank.

    what class you may pick:  Tank

    Server:  NA  im from the SouthEast US

    what you want from a guild:  A group that can be family that can handle my vulgarity,  asshole attitude yet not need a safe corner with puppies to make you feel better after i tell u the truth whether u like it or not. 

    Any addition information: (optional) Experienced,  Ex Navy,  Single Father so there is kid agro.  

    If any guilds want to contact people on this list I would suggest sending PMs.

    Please remember to keep this thread clean and no personal information such as real names and the like
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    Name: texasmatt

    type of gameplay: PVX

    play style: Haven't decided yet

    what class you may pick: Haven't decided yet


    what you want from a guild: a family

    Any addition information: a am disabled so once the game drops I will have loads of time to play it.
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    Name: Hoax 

    Gamepay: PvP

    Playstyle: Guild v Guild PvP, Arena, Any PvP other then ganking 

    Class: Rouge/Bard makes sense....buffs for big crits

    Server: NA

    What I want from a guild: Fun people who want to kick ass. Preferably 18+

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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2017
    Name: TwelfthFlare (short: Flare)

    Type of Gameplay: PvX
    Play Style: Exploration, Group Content, Crafting, Bounty Hunting

    Class: Most likely a Fighter/Something (subject to change)

    Server: EU
    What I want from a guild:
    - mid scale size
    - interest in grp play
    - respectful treatment
    - no aversion to alliances

    Additional Information:
    - My main language is German (but my English should be decent enough).
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    Name: Dominus Kuuk or Kuuk

    Type of Gameplay: PVX I love pvp but spend a fair amount of time in pve and crafting.

    Play Style: Typically solo as I rarely find groups in the games I play.

    Class: Tank/Healer, Fighter/Rogue, or Fighter/Summoner.  This depends if I can find a guild/group of friends to help me level my Tank/Healer.

    Server: NA 

    What I want: I'm looking for a small tight knit community. I despise "uber/raiding guilds" in which you don't really know anyone and its just a zerg fest.  

    Additional Info: I'm a methodical player.  I prefer to take my time dungeon crawling.  If we're out in the open just smashing trash maniac gameplay is great but I play for the experience not the bragging rights.
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    Name: Booliemantin

    type of gameplay: PvE, PvP

    play style: fairly hardcore, not as much time as I used to have. Hoping to find a guild with players on same time zone and schedule as me. Recently fell in love with mid teir raiding and dungeoning.

    what class you may pick: Always mained tank always will.

    Server: NA east

    what you want from a guild: a place I can call home. Recently fell away from old online friends. Haven't found a place to stay since. 

    Any addition information: Play lots of other games, mostly weekend active. Willing to strive for higher positions in guilds. Main tank at heart. Love to organise raids and dungeon runs. 
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    Name: Glosterian

    type of gameplay: e,g, PVE first and some PVP (I'll grow into in this game!)

    play style: small-group ranger/explorer/scout
    (maybe stealthy exploring with 1 or 2 others - max 3 or 4 others, seek out of new areas/nodes - return to share info);
    Slow and careful in exploration; crafter type/merchant when returning from exploring. 

    what class you may pick: Starting with Ranger/Mage
    (want to try all classes over time)

    Server: EU (UK)

    what you want from a guild: Relaxed style - Can play most after 10 p.m. on most nights

    Any addition information: (optional)

    If any guilds want to contact people on this list I would suggest sending PMs.

    Please remember to keep this thread clean and no personal information such as real names and the like

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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Name: Sigalov

    type of gameplay: both, although most of my time will be spent PvE I'm sure.

    play style: Usually play alone, focusing on crafting and making money. 

    what class you may pick: Impossible to say, I'll see how I feel, but probably Summoner, Ranger or Tank. (If you only want me in your guild because I may be a Tank etc, then I'm not interested).

    Server: Europe West, if that exists.

    what you want from a guild: Well I'm hoping to do some in-game business, as well as to do occasional raids and PvP battles. I love discussing strategies and tactics too. But mostly, I want to have a good time, and you can't have a better time than playing with some friends.

    Any addition information: I also want to look into streaming, etc. I'm personally hoping to make a real-world name for myself in this game, and while I can only hope that happens, I'll be putting a lot of effort into the game and giving out what I find out to the community. So I'm looking for people who want to use what's 'optimal' and try and find the next stage, which is even better. Also, pretty sure I'll be 100% free-to-play.

    Got a guild now. Thanks :)
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    Name: Izaria / Keraria

    type of gameplay: PVP PVE PVX

    play style: adaptable

    what class you may pick: Fighter or Summoner (mostly undecided atm)

    Server: NA

    what you want from a guild: Social, events, Mature (18 - 21+), people that are willing to work together and not be carried through the content.

    Any addition information: I am not opposed to investing a lot of time into the right guild. I tend to ignore trolls for the most part. (I do have young children so I have to afk a lot).
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    (One thing in the beginning ... is it possible to pin this thread? So the bumps are not needed and people which search a guild... will find this Thread faster)

    Name: AzuraShino

    Type of gameplay: PvP with some PvE to calm down

    Play Style:  I always try to be in the higher ranks of gear and stuff! Progress is always needed for me! Sometimes I also like to calm down with housing and gathering.

    What class you may pick: highly prefer Healer/Support (I will heal you to death! xD) or maybe Mage

    Server: EU

    What you want from a guild: Semi-Hardcore? 
    I don't want to be in a sleeping or going too casual guild where you cant see any progress. I never was in a real Hardcore guild and I'm not sure if I want to be as well. The guild should be 18+ with Discord (TS3 is also acceptable but not prefered). I'm really loyal to my guild and mostly dies with the guild even when it wasn't my own guild. Maybe it sounds wierd for some people here to give my heart into guilds in a game but that's me! So I'm really picky with joining a guild. 

    Any addition information: I have alot of experience with different MMO's like Rappelz, Perfect World International, Aion, Tera, Age of Wushu/Wulin, GW2, ArcheAge, Wildstar, BlackDesertOnline, FF14 and other genres...  I like to organize stuff in guilds as well ... like doing Recruiting, Events, PvP Training or Challenges etc. 

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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Name: AzuraShino

    Type of gameplay: PvP with some PvE to calm down

    Play Style:  I always try to be in the higher ranks of gear and stuff! Progress is always needed for me! Sometimes I also like to calm down with housing and gathering.

    What class you may pick: I highly prefer Healer/Support (I will heal you to death! xD) or maybe Mage

    Server: EU

    What you want from a guild: Semi-Hardcore? I don't want to be in a sleeping or going too casual guild where you cant see any progress. I never was in a real Hardcore guild and I'm not sure if I want to be as well. The guild should be english or german speaking 18+ with Discord (TS3 is also acceptable but not prefered). I'm really loyal to my guild and mostly dies with the guild even when it wasn't my own guild. Maybe it sounds wierd for some people here to give my heart into guilds in a game but that's me! So I'm really picky with joining a guild. 

    Any addition information: I have alot of experience with different MMO's like Rappelz, Perfect World International, Aion, Tera, Age of Wushu/Wulin, GW2, ArcheAge, Wildstar, Black Desert Online, FF14 and other genres. I like to organize stuff in guilds as well ... like doing Recruiting, Events, PvP Training or Challenges etc. 

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    I have added the topic to the Promoted articles for continuity. Please refrain from posting "bump" replies.

    Thanks yall <3

     Please do not “necro” a thread, cross-post, or post miscellaneous messages >>>>to “bump” threads<<<<. Keep topics clean, organized, and on the topic they were created for. However, feel free to create new threads if you’d like to talk about something slightly different that doesn’t quite fit with the original thread. If you have questions, always feel free to ask.

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    Name: satiricalcactus

    type of gameplay: PvX, leaning more toward PvE

    play style:

    what class you may pick: Warrior/ Mage or Ranger/Warrior

    Server: NA East

    what you want from a guild: Community

    Any addition information: Never been in a guild before. I've played several different MMOs casually over the years but always solo.
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