Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Your First MMORPG?

First, please forgive me if this has been posted before.  The search doesn't work (it couldn't even find anything for "Ashes") and I didn't see a discussion that answered my question.

So my question is...  What was your very first MMORPG?  Was it EQ?  SWG?  WoW?  Or did you play something completely different before you found any of those?

For me, while I was aware of all the above, I was not completely sold on the idea of paying a monthly subscription for a game.  I remember some co-workers  talking about SWG back in 2004-ish and thinking they were just crazy for paying $15 a month to play a game.  My prior gaming experience had all been with single player games that only had a box price.  One time purchase and it's yours.

Then, in 2006, I was living with a roommate who was into WoW.  I got interested in the idea of MMORPGs, but I still didn't want to pay a sub.  So I did some searching and I found a game called "PlaneShift".  Not a "AAA" title, by any stretch of the imagination.  But it was free and there was plenty of RP happening there. 

In late 2006, I got curious about WoW (I had watched the Burning Crusade cinematic reveal with my roommate).  My roommate wasn't actively playing at the time, as WoW players often unsub/resub with the expansion cycle, so he let me try it on his account.  I got hooked on the vastness of the world.  I'm an explorer at heart.  When BC launched, he was active again and I had to get my own account. 

That decision literally changed my life, as I met @Isende in WoW.  But that's a story for another time.  :)

How about you?  What was your initial experience with MMORPGs?


  • I started playing WoW back in undergrad. Both seem like an eternity ago lol.

    I bought my first gaming laptop for the occasion. Left it running on top of my mattress one night and it blew the cooling and died. Thanks Blizzard. 
  • Ghyx said:
    Left it running on top of my mattress one night and it blew the cooling and died. Thanks Blizzard. 
  • There are some similar threads but you're right. The search function is broken. 

    I played a few mmos before. DarkAges and Ultima online and eq being my first few (I was pretty young then). But the mmo that I first learnt to play properly, with optimization, high level play etc was Anarchy online. 
  • I'm pretty sure It was Kal Online, but I played a lot of mmorgs at the time.
  • My very first MMO ever was Runescape lol. I played that a lot when I was younger, and it's kind of what got me into the genre. Of course WoW was the next step for me, followed by many obscure MMO's lol. 
  • my first mmo was Runes of Magic. I played the shit out of it when i was in school for about 4 years without a longer break. but like all old mmos, the game became kinda boring when you reach end content. so i looked for other games and now i am only logging in once a month to see if something's changed.
  • My first MMORPG was either Tibia or Mu Online, don't remember which I started to play first. :)
  • Dark age of Camelot, Back in 2001, I was a noob at the time, but irl best friend introduced me to the genre and its been quite the journey since then!
  • Was runscape when it was a flash type game, but first 3D MMORPG I got hooked on was Lineage 2 (Liona server!)
  • WoW Vanilla, until then I only played FPS's.
    That vanilla expirience got me hooked forever. Then they broke wow and I'm still searching for something like that.
  • Ultima Online.  <3 
  • Everquest was my first MMO that I enjoyed but I will always have a place in my heart for Runescape for getting me into the genre 
  • I think Ragnarok Online was my first, followed by WoW. 
  • I started playing Runescape in 2001-2002 and then I moved to WoW which I could only play for couple of months because I couldn't afford subscription so I started Runes of magic and guildwars
  • It was MapleStory for me. I still very much like pixelart and am a nostalgic gamer who values gameplay over any next gen graphics. Though I was never able to get WoW when it came out, but always stared at their artwork boxes in the game shops back in the day. Damn you moneys!
  • Star Wars Galaxies - loved that game. Played it from almost day 1. It's biggest flaw, at the start, was that it lacked content. But being able to play with others from around the world was so amazing to me, that I didn't really care. I was in a great guild and met wonderful people.

    I went to the first 2 SWG Fanfaires (well, the only 2 Fanfaire) and had so much fun meeting guildies, developers, other players.

    Then, of course, the game imploded. Seemed like everyone blamed John Smedley and thought he was the devil lol I live in San Diego and went to a couple of the SOE block parties where I met Mr. Smedley. Gotta say, he was genuinely the nicest guy.

  • First mmo was runescape(didn't know they upgraded from flash?)  but at the time was more interested in non online games, didn't really get into mmos till late 2011 as all I saw was theme park mmos, which to me defeated the purpose of playing an MMO(community interactions) and so always played single players games. I started playing FB games and started playing with a group of people and went with them to an actual mmo, called mortal online which I played for over 2 yrs then I went to playing eso, on pc, then onto xbox, In eso on Xbox is where I really started to role play, but that's another story.

    Never gave wow more then a quick look as it seemed like a boring grind fest

  • EverQuest and then moved to DAoC where I was in a terrific guild till it started splintering.  Made a gaming friend with whom we still talk and sometimes game together.
  • My first mmo...hmmm I believe it was WoW tbh
  • My very first was definitely Lineage 2. I was about 10 years old when I came across it and it was in fact the first ever computer game I had ever come across. It was subscription based back then and I remember asking my dad if I could play and he said no, because he didn't trust online payments :') So, I looked and looked and eventually managed to install and get into a private server. See, back then I had so little clue about games that I thought the private server was actually the real publisher's server... I have learned so much since then! :D
  • First MMORPG definitely was WoW but you i was a noob, played some time and quit. The game that got really excited about was Guild Wars. I played so many hours that game and then Guild Wars 2 came out :D Thats when i started to be a hardcore player!
    At the moment, i'm just a casual player, still playing GW2 time to time and BlackDesert Online (love the combat), when you study and work there isnt much time to play  :/
    Good story btw ;)
  • The Matrix Online

    It's really weird to imagine that if it wasn't for those Matrix films, I would have never gotten into the MMORPG genre.

    Eventually I moved onto vanguard, which to this very day is still my all time favourite MMORPG.

    since then I've played afew MMO's, Aion, AoC (Age of Conan), SWTOR, GW2, FFXIV, BDO and a few other F2P MMO's that shall not be named (I really dislike the F2P model).
  • The best mmorpg of all times (so far) DAoC‼️
  • Runescape, Ultima Online, Everquest, Nox, Wow...just kept going from there
  • EQ. AO.
    A bunch of stuff in-between, but I preferred AO.
    I thought I was going to love EQ2 for the lore and was less than impressed by WoW.
    But, all of my co-workers were playing WoW... and turned out it was just way easier and more comfortable to play than EQ2.
  • My first was Dungeons & Dragons Online back in 2006. My dad let me play on his account, but I was obsessed with creating and customizing characters so that was really all I did for a long while until I got my own and was able to start playing with him.

    Years later I was introduced to GW2 by my brother in late 2012 and got my dad to join in.
  • Well the first mmo I played was Pirates of the carribean online. I was young so don't judge me lol. Anyway, I had a fun time playing it even though I never got to max level and I made a few friends which was nice. The game probably sucked but at the time it was enjoyable.
  • my first mmo was Underlight. You would need to find a teacher every 10 levels I think it was. If you did not do it, you would not be able to level up any more. They would set you a task to do or ask you questions about lore of the game. Then you could continue leveling.
  • I played NWN online a lot, but my first MMO was Lineage 2. 
  • Ultima Online
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