Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Lineage 2 Veteran Pub



  • +1 here. Best mmorpg experience
  • OG L2


    I love all the threads these wow noobs have made crying about pvp and completely not understanding what a seige is. It will be a blast educating them. 

    Sieghardt -> chronos


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018
    I never played Lineage 2 and I am really interested in learning about what made it popular. Considering that Steven was a longtime player of Lineage 2, I am going to assume that he will be inspired by some of its features.

    So I am wondering, what did people like about Lineage 2? What were the stand out features? And what features/mechanics have inspired Ashes of Creation?

    Lastly, why did Steven and the rest of you guys stop playing Lineage 2? Were there issues with the game? Or did it just get old? What lessons do you think Steven will learn from any of the issues with Lineage 2?

    I was an Ultima Online player. Were there similarities between Ultima Online and Lineage 2? I ask only because it sounds like they had similar open world PVP mechanics.

    My last question, why do you think it never became super popular in the west? I'm assuming it was not popular in the west purely because it never really presented as an option for me to play over the years?

    Thanks :)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018
    LithiusV said:
    I never played Lineage 2 and I am really interested in learning about what made it popular. Considering that Steven was a longtime player of Lineage 2, I am going to assume that he will be inspired by some of its features.

    So I am wondering, what did people like about Lineage 2? What were the stand out features? And what features/mechanics have inspired Ashes of Creation?

    Lastly, why did Steven and the rest of you guys stop playing Lineage 2? Were there issues with the game? Or did it just get old? What lessons do you think Steven will learn from any of the issues with Lineage 2?

    I was an Ultima Online player. Were there similarities between Ultima Online and Lineage 2? I ask only because it sounds like they had similar open world PVP mechanics.

    My last question, why do you think it never became super popular in the west? I'm assuming it was not popular in the west purely because it never really presented as an option for me to play over the years?

    Thanks :)
    Why didn't it take off in NA: too hardcore, the grind was intense, and open world PVP meant you could kill anyone anytime outside town. Also I think WoW launching in the Fall after L2 launched in the Spring didn't help.

    The big thing I loved about lineage 2 was the open world PVP that actually mattered. We would have massive fights (4-10 parties of 9 players in each) around big raids with the clan managing to survive getting to take on the raid. These fights weren't organized by the server or GM, they started organically because the raids were limited and only spawned every 5-7 days.

    The caslte siege weekends were also high on the list. Nothing else has had castle sieges like L2 to my knowledge. Watch some of the old videos, there were so fun.

    Why I quit: got old, but also the outside scripting made PVP kind stupid. The programs would spam potions in certain orders, and took a lot of skill out of it.
  • I got this.

    1. L2 stood out as an MMO bc you were forced to care more. Early on, you could lose gear to mobs. Always when you die, you lose exp. Exp is hard to get as it was a grindy game. So losing became real personal real fast and that in retrospect immersed you deeper.

    The architecture, gear world was outstanding and epic as well. To a degree that we havnt seen since.

    The PvP was the best. You want AoC pvp? Go play L2. No factions or BS. 

    Castles/clan halls/ forts - other games advertised them L2 did them. Seiges will be epic, and it's a wonderful thing to get to experience again.

    Dwarves (crafters)- originally b4 p2w killed them, you needed to find a solid dwarf to go you make your gear and supplies. Or play as one to grow some income.

    2. People stopped playing L2 for a few reasons. It became P2W in a way that you cannot imagine. I'm talking people who spent over 100k USD as recently as a few months ago. Botting was never checked at any point. After the subscription went away it started spiraling downhill fast.

    3. Why did it not take off on America? You ever see an L2 commercial? (Not the mobile one with conan O'Brien)

    No advertisements. And to be fair, WoW was a lot easier and a lot of Americans want easy. I personally want it to be grindy and hard or it doesnt feel special.

    L2 imho was the greatest MMORPG made to date. And if but a few small things were done differently we might not see an AoC being made to fill a gap that L2 helped create. 

  • 1)Good looking characters, armors and weapons. No crazy looking, no boring.

    2)People took pride in their Class. You had to do quests to become a class. You had to spend a lot of time to lv up to max lv. Since mmorpgs were kinda new you'd spend mb 4-6 months reaching max Lv and unlock all the class skills.
    Also rivalry of classes. D elf tank vs Elf vs Human etc.

    3)Open world. True adventure. Travel from town to town. You could not skip content, you had to kill the monsters in your path or die to them, lose XP, lose gear, respawn back the way you came from, unless your group had Resurection scroll(or healer rez). Lairs, towers, army camps, ruins, temples, creature settlements/societies, caves, deserts, forests, waterfalls, canyons, valleys, angels, demons, vampires. Epic sceneries that you and your group had to fight other players to secure a spot to XP. Chance for gear drop was rare. Certain locations offered certain mats.

    4)Guilds. There were no factions in L2. Everybody was free to make friends, groups, guilds and wage war against all. Alliances between guilds would form to create larger wars.
    Guilds could outbid other guilds for a house in Cities.
    Guilds would siege castles to control those cities once every 2 weeks. Everybody wanted to bring glory to their guild. Everybody wanted their alliance to dominate. So much PvP. So much competition.
    There were also hideouts out in the wildernes. Guilds would fight for those few as well.

    5)Gear. In L2 to have a complete armor set, complete jewelry set, enchanted weapon would take 1 or so weeks of group effort for 1 person only. At 20 lv you needed D grade gear. That would carry you to 40.
    At 40 you had to get C grade to help you lv up to 52. At 52 you would get B grade. 
    Later on A grade was introduced at 61. S grade at 76.
    Every time that you would complete a gear set you'd feel such pride. Such power. 
    Gear had to be crafted. Only dwarves could craft or farm for specific materials to make good gear. It required group effort to enter dangerous lairs.
    If you were not worthy to be part of a team you would not advance in this game. (Not discord and such were necessary). People would group woth randoms, or make friends and join a guild.
    Everything took effort, but every day was exciting in L2. New enemies? New friends? Where will my trip take me today in this Open World.

    6)Raid bosses and Epic raids.
    Raid Bosses were out in the world some times deep in the lairs, some times just on an open field.
    Raid bosses gave huge XP and chance for gear drops and mats. People would PvP for them, during raids.
    Epic Raids were epic. At the begining it would require the whole server to contribute. Then the strong alliances would fight for them.
    Epic raids would drop ONE piece of jewelry with great stats. (Worth $$$$$$ real money). An honor to be given one from your guild leader.

    7)Grand Olympiad and Heroes.
    This was added later on. Every evening players would queue for 1v1 matches with random enemies. At the end of the month, the strongest players of the 30 classes would become a Hero, given a godlike glow, global chat channel (with 30s CD), hero weapons(strong), hero skills (strong-high CD).
    The ultimate statement of "I am the best at my Class". 

    8)Noblese and Subclasses.
    As you have understood by now it would take a lot of commitment to make your chsracter strong.
    Noblese quest was required in order to compete in the Olympiad. Noblese had a couple of skills plus a self buff that would protect all your buffs in case of death. Very usefull in L2. An unbuffed character was worth 0. 
    The noblese quest also required that had compketed all the hard quests of your class. Itself was hard as well. Needed a lot of help from your guild.
    Upon becoming a noblese you could begin the Subclass quest. The most difficult in the game. That would enable your character to have a second class that you could switch to, starting at lv 40. Some people would choose a class for fun, others for guild services.

    All in all there were no instances. All in all you were part of a live world, not a single player game. Everything could be a friend you'd be greatful for or an enemy that you'd wanna beat. 
    It was so affictive. Never boring. 

    Why I stopped playing.
    Better graphics came out. Better combat system. L2 itself started adding instanced content and it became an easy mmorpg like all the others.
    In addition once you play a game for many years the sense of discovery is gone. You know what you need to do at every corner. 

    However no game since the original L2 has offered such a meaningful world. 

    Here's a list of what I dislike about other mmorpgs:
    1)Instanced PvP
    2)Instanced dungeons
    3)Easily obtained gear through repetitive dungeon runs.
    4)Easy lv up
    5)Easy open world. Hope on a mount and go straight from A to B, skip all combat all discovery of landscapes.
    6)5-6 classes available to all races. Where is the race culture?? Boring tank dps healer triangle. Where is the bard? Where is the summoner? Where is the enchanter? Where is the chaotic warrior? Where is the dangerous roque? Dark Knight? Paladin? 
    7)Boring crafting
    8)Global economy with very little options to mske profit.
    9)One character 10000 professions. 
    10)Solo friendly designs. One character can be 100% self sufficient and make it to the end game quickly. Then what? Join instanced end game dungeon. Join instanced BG. This isnt mmorpg. This is single player with Co op modes.

    I should get back to work....

  • Hi  guys...another Lineage 2 Player is comming to town😄

    I started Lineage 2 on L2 extreme in 2005 or 2006... till 2010 i played on some other privates like DragonNetwork etc.. From 2010 to 15 finally on official until they completly killed the Game with pay to win, instances and the awakening shit...
    Would be cool to Start with some other old L2 Players...

    greetings from Germany 🍻🤘 
  • Nice little circle jerk around my favourite MMORPG, keep it up bois! :)

    No game has been able to keep my interest as long as Lineage 2 did, and it was definitely awesome times.
  • Hi L2 fans.  I played there for a long time on Erica, merged to Sayhe and so forth.  Ashes looks even better than L2 (which was fantastic) particularly without the P2W corruption.  I am very much looking forward to Betas and release.

    Yes, I would be interested in guilding with other L2 fans.  I played a Cardinal as my main (with lots of alts, many of them dwarves) and will probably specialize in healing again. 

    If any Thaidinites or Invalescere see this, please be in touch!

    All the best, Tau

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2018
    I'm so happy to see so many Lineage II players joining this game!
  • I was a terrible Gladiator that spent too much time wasting time in the arena areas instead of grinding xp.

    -Tristom     Erica (around 2003/2004ish for a few years on and off)
  • It's nice to see that I wasn't the only one that fell in love with L2 but mostly for the mechanics and community. From what I have seen Ashes will be implementing some of the mechanics that made L2 interesting. I do like the fact of the bounty system, reminds me of the cursed swords, when they would appear it was a server zerg to find the owner on the map and take the sword for enhanced stats (whether this was private or official it was a nice feature)

    I never played official until the past year, mostly on private servers from C4 and up, until I found a home on L2Blaze. I loved the diversity of all the players, and the community even though it was a high rate pvp server. I didn't PvP. I extremely suck at it, and choose another calling in the server.

    The thing that bother me the most about L2, was how some classes were rendered useless and the auto macro system deteriorated game play because it promoted afkers. The game became more of a solo event. If I wanted to play solo I would play my FF/Zelda games.

    So far from what I've seen (thanks to thelazypeon youtube commentary) Ashes will be very community driven, based of the choices of the players. This definitely what I've been searching for, and I can't wait to see more reveals. Even told my current guild on L2, once Ashes is live, you won't see me on here anymore, but welcome to follow me!

    I am a little curious to see if similar mechanics from other games I have played could possibly be in future reveals.
    - summoning player (marriage/friend)
    - mentor system (based on active in game time, with a slight enhancement buff or goofy item)
    - unlimited character creation opportunities
    - tamable mounts (since this is an open world it would be to acquire mounts through taming (loved this from BOTW and in ROI)
    - non stat accessories skin (I never knew how important character diversity was until I seen an ORC fighter with pink plastic hair)
  • Devianne represent!  played from Prelude C1-Interlude.  Hell yea man, L2 was the GOAT.  There hasnt been a game to come close to it, hoping Ashes will fill that void L2 left!  
  • Chell said:

    I am a little curious to see if similar mechanics from other games I have played could possibly be in future reveals.
    - summoning player (marriage/friend)
    - mentor system (based on active in game time, with a slight enhancement buff or goofy item)
    - unlimited character creation opportunities
    - tamable mounts (since this is an open world it would be to acquire mounts through taming (loved this from BOTW and in ROI)
    - non stat accessories skin (I never knew how important character diversity was until I seen an ORC fighter with pink plastic hair)
    The owner of Intrepid spent a lot of time in Archeage and Lineage 2. The corruption system we have is almost identical to L2s. Good news is most of your wishlist is already planned, some things will not be happening.

    No summoning of others. Very little fast travel options planned. Summoning across long distances would break many of their core mechanics or pillars as they like to call them.

    Mentor system is planned. No details as to benefits either way.

    BDO level or better of character customization. (if that is what you meant by unlimited creation, unlimited number of alts is a no, there will be a cap, number is stated as "comfortable")

    Almost everything in game is tamable with the exception of world bosses and certain named mobs. You will acquire mounts, mules, and pets through taming or husbandry. Cross breeding is a thing. Hurtle specifically mentioned (horse/turtle)

    All skins are cosmetic only. There will be no p2w of skins with stats. One of the core tenets of the game.
  • One of the main things my Ashes anticipation has done to me is make me regret all my WoW time instead of trying AA and L2. So much time wasted on a game that frequently left me feeling disappointed.
  • Hey everyone! Glad to see a forum thread like this one.I was a Lineage 2 player back thru C3 to Hellbound and i've been playing on private servers mostly. L2 is the best MMO for me since then, but sadly i am one of the people that liked the old chronicles and not the new. From time to time i go and find a private server that are launching a nostalgia chronicle or something but sadly they either lack people after 3 months,or "a sudden hacker DDOSes the server out of existance" . Sadly this is the only way i can get my fix from time to time , but here i am HOPING AoC is gonna be the one to rule them all. I myself also love the fact that Steven's fav MMO were L2 and Archeage, both of wich inspire lots of things in AoC , and this is just hyping me up to the roof.
  • Chell said:

    I am a little curious to see if similar mechanics from other games I have played could possibly be in future reveals.
    - summoning player (marriage/friend)
    - mentor system (based on active in game time, with a slight enhancement buff or goofy item)
    - unlimited character creation opportunities
    - tamable mounts (since this is an open world it would be to acquire mounts through taming (loved this from BOTW and in ROI)
    - non stat accessories skin (I never knew how important character diversity was until I seen an ORC fighter with pink plastic hair)
    The owner of Intrepid spent a lot of time in Archeage and Lineage 2. The corruption system we have is almost identical to L2s. Good news is most of your wishlist is already planned, some things will not be happening.

    No summoning of others. Very little fast travel options planned. Summoning across long distances would break many of their core mechanics or pillars as they like to call them.

    Mentor system is planned. No details as to benefits either way.

    BDO level or better of character customization. (if that is what you meant by unlimited creation, unlimited number of alts is a no, there will be a cap, number is stated as "comfortable")

    Almost everything in game is tamable with the exception of world bosses and certain named mobs. You will acquire mounts, mules, and pets through taming or husbandry. Cross breeding is a thing. Hurtle specifically mentioned (horse/turtle)

    All skins are cosmetic only. There will be no p2w of skins with stats. One of the core tenets of the game.
    That sounds awesome! The character creation is where you can have diversity in your character at creation screen. Most games you have to choose from a preset character. I can spend hours choosing how my character will look from eye color and placement to hair color and length. 
  • ❤ the new L2 love. If you could handle the L2 grind you can handle anything 😁.

  • GOAT said:
    ❤ the new L2 love. If you could handle the L2 grind you can handle anything 😁.

    I don't think its much of a grind to get to awakening.. I spent more time grinding in high rate pvp servers with 2x party xp, than what i have on L2 offical. I can make a new toon and get it awaken in 3 days (level 85). Armor and weapons are given to you through the quests up to s grade, and if you have a mentor you can buy your low r grade once you awaken. Grinding really starts around 95, because you can gain most your levels through the instances <yawns>... Honestly, I just sit in discord most the day and goof off with clan mates, since L2 is more solo based than community based anymore. Just killing time until I see Ashes has been released :)
  • @Chell yeah nowa days it is much better for the grind. I started in L2 beta long ago and played for a decade+ during the big grind days. You start to like the grind in a sick way though.
  • @GOAT I know... I loved the rich community where all classes were utilized. I started playing around C4 up to now (mostly private servers, I started playing official over a year ago). Was a gm for a few of those years, had a lot of fun, it was more entertaining when players thought I was a guy <devilish grin> ... because you know girls don't play games, they are in the kitchen making sandwiches...
  • If there will be l2 guild in eu server as we, im in.. played since c1
  • Kar said:
    If there will be l2 guild in eu server as we, im in.. played since c1
    Someone should really make a EU Guild in AoC for Lineage 2 players cause we were the hardcore ones :D
  • Kar said:
    If there will be l2 guild in eu server as we, im in.. played since c1
    Someone should really make a EU Guild in AoC for Lineage 2 players cause we were the hardcore ones :D
    Yeah, would be nice, i would do that but i wont be able to play many hours a day.. so someone with more free time should create one and im sure many people will join :)
  • Kar said:
    Kar said:
    If there will be l2 guild in eu server as we, im in.. played since c1
    Someone should really make a EU Guild in AoC for Lineage 2 players cause we were the hardcore ones :D
    Yeah, would be nice, i would do that but i wont be able to play many hours a day.. so someone with more free time should create one and im sure many people will join :)
    Same here. Someone just create it name it TheLineage and lets hop on!
  • I was in L2 back when it was a real grind to get to lvl 20.  I remember the first player who had a C-grade set being totally uber for ages!

    One  of my alts was a dwarf who had a profitable shot-crafting business.  I got all the gear to crush for crystals by dropping trains on bots (not on players).  Training bots and killing PKers - great fun!

  • Yeah that reminds me that one of the things i liked about gridning/farming in L2 were the trains you could do, the whole mechanic and polearms made it kind of appealing to me. I dont think i've seen this done in any other games i've played. Anyone has some examples maybe?
  • @KawasakiNinja I haven't seen the polearm used in other games I have played either, but if they bored me i left and went on to the next game.. so possible i didnt stick around long enough.. Poles was fun when you were doing 7 signs... watching your health bounce up and down.. 
  • Kar said:
    If there will be l2 guild in eu server as we, im in.. played since c1
    Someone should really make a EU Guild in AoC for Lineage 2 players cause we were the hardcore ones :D

    We "were" but sadly not anymore, most of us are not living in our parents basements playing 16-18 hours per day that was required to be competitive in Lineage 2.

    I have never seen guilds with such a high requirements in any other game, and i have played a lot of games. It was madness...
  • @NILV and @KawasakiNinja WTF?! Definitely hope that's not a requirement here... I need to Adult... even though I don't want too...
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