Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Nah i am not talking about nerdlingering 24/7 into the game (if thats what you taught i meant with hardcore) i am talking about organization,communication and not being an overall carebear. Its a fact that carebears changed L2 into the game it is today , utter trash like the rest of the mmo.
Personally APOC is almost at the castle siege/monster battle systems, and I am really excited to get my first hands on experience with the class systems even if its only 4 class kits, and not in a MMORPG sense yet. It is a great experience to see Intrepids leaps forward.
While I agree that Steven took from L2R all MMORPGs take from those before them if they are to be a success, and one of the reasons that WoW is so successful is it looks at what its competition that is gaining support is offering different then proceeds to attempt to offer it in a timely fashion.
Largely his experience playing L2, AA, EQ2 and other MMORPG i think will yield a boon of a success similar to WoW. As his interest in providing the good of these products with fixes from a gamers perspective I feel will put Intrepid studios on a similar footing to companies like Blizzard.
Although I don't believe this to be the "WoW killer" I do believe it can hold one of the largest shares of the MMORPG market against Blizzard, and potentially Blizzard will kill itself off with bad projects not supported by the gaming community like the mobile version of the game they are currently releasing soon.
Nah i am not talking about nerdlingering 24/7 into the game (if thats what you taught i meant with hardcore) i am talking about organisation,communication and not being an overall carebear. Its a fact that carebear players made L2 into the game it is today , utter trash that looks like the other mmos today.
The only thing they haven't changed is the failed crafting... omg... everytime I hear the crystal break noise, I cringe and think well thats 25kk in mats down the drain, plus a rec... I cried when my apoc 2 hand blunt failed.. *sniff sniff* Just means more strider/wolf quests are in my near future. Ever server I have ever played if done either echos, striders, or wolves to make adenas...Still pissed they did away with echo crystals... those were my favorite! Id spam the hell out of those and have them play like 50 at a time
I am so excited about the crafting in Ashes... and hope there is a craft bonus for dwarf races since crafting is their legacy. Once a farmer/crafter, always a farmer/crafter!
I just hope when the day comes I can find a guild in the North American area that is passionate about the pve and quest aspects of the game. If not ive always found a home with clans from the UK. My L2 clan now is mostly UK. I totally miss parties and group accomplishments.
I have to say that L2 is one of the 2 MMOS that have ever touched me. And I've tried many! The other one is, of course, WoW.