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A Forum Card Game: Letter To The Intrepid Team



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    I will do my best thinking for you!
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    I fully support this idea :) I love card games and I think it would be a great feature to have. Might even become an app or parlour game if done well :3 
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    Can I be Granpa Archangelus, the Angry Theologian?
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    Aye where's mah Card @tugowar =3
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    Can I be Granpa Archangelus, the Angry Theologian?
    You can be the Lord of Sandals of you so desire :P
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Megs said:
    I will do my best thinking for you!
    0/ @Megs, just saying hi to my favourite person in Ashes starting with an M! Long time no speak too, hope you are well! ;)
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    SethGure said:
    Can I be Granpa Archangelus, the Angry Theologian?
    You can be the Lord of Sandals of you so desire :P
    He said "Grandpa".

    More like "Lord of Black Socks and Sandals"
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    Kratz said:
    Megs said:
    I will do my best thinking for you!
    0/ @Megs, just saying hi to my favourite person in Ashes starting with an M! Long time no speak too, hope you are well! ;)
    Aww, thank you so very much for being so wonderful, and not a beer in sight! 
    I've missed you too.

    *attempts to launch herself at @Kratz  for a cuddleplomph*

    After four days of heavy thinking and being serious, I'm so happy to be back among such happy positive people.

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    *cuddles @Megs*

    Megs said:
    Kratz said:
    Megs said:
    I will do my best thinking for you!
    0/ @Megs, just saying hi to my favourite person in Ashes starting with an M! Long time no speak too, hope you are well! ;)
    After four days of heavy drinking and being inebriated, I'm so happy to be back among such happy positive people.

    Fixed it for ya lassie! ;)
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    Are we talking about an actual TCG like Hearthstone/Elder Scrolls Legends with graphics and sound effects or more text based driven by a channel bot?
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    As long as I get an entirely useless card with my name on it I'm happy with whatever comes of this.
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    The fox wants in!
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Zephirius said:
    Are we talking about an actual TCG like Hearthstone/Elder Scrolls Legends with graphics and sound effects or more text based driven by a channel bot?
    The design philosophy will be MVP - minimum viable product.  What is "viable" will be up for discussion.  To make it playable while you are looking at these forums as a browser extension, it has to be a JavaScript / ajax driven game, so there are some limitations there.  Nonetheless, you can do cool graphics and make it pretty fun still!  

    Look forward to brainstorming with everyone. :)
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    Zephirius said:
    Are we talking about an actual TCG like Hearthstone/Elder Scrolls Legends with graphics and sound effects or more text based driven by a channel bot?
    We're aiming to have enough visual and sound effects to make the game viable, or to maximize enjoyment according to our standards.
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    Bannith said:
    As long as I get an entirely useless card with my name on it I'm happy with whatever comes of this.
    As long as i am a card that breaks the game's balance, i will be happy, lol. 
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    I'd like a card and could it be a wild card, being you won't know what you're getting til you open the box?
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    T-Elf said:
    I'd like a card and could it be a wild card, being you won't know what you're getting til you open the box?
    That's interesting; however, it will remove thinking, and in some rare cases, pure luck could win you the game if you get the right card. Although it's not completely out of this world, and i can see how it can be used strategically. I would say add something of this sorts; however, limit the number of cards it can give. Maybe enable it only to only summon(add) cards that can save a game through a certain mechanic. I will think of this later.
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    Let me know when it's not Google Chrome exclusive.
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    SethGure said:
    What is a forum card game? A game played in forums? Based on forums? 
    A forum card game is what it sounds like. A card game played in the forums. The cards will be various archetype combinations, and monsters that might, at some point in the future, be in Ashes of Creation. HAve you ever heard of Magic The Gathering. Well, this game will be something like that; however, it will be using Ashes of Creation's class system. We're still brainstorming ideas, but we're very ambitious and sure of our ability to bring this to live.

    I've never played a forum card game. But I'm familiar with CCGs and LCGs.

    Sounds pretty amazing :)
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    SelinaH said:
    Bannith said:
    As long as I get an entirely useless card with my name on it I'm happy with whatever comes of this.
    As long as i am a card that breaks the game's balance, i will be happy, lol. 
    Sad news, we will actively seek the most balanced version of the game; therefore, your fantasy is dead on it's tracks :D
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    Heres my card 

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    SethGure said:
    SelinaH said:
    Bannith said:
    As long as I get an entirely useless card with my name on it I'm happy with whatever comes of this.
    As long as i am a card that breaks the game's balance, i will be happy, lol. 
    Sad news, we will actively seek the most balanced version of the game; therefore, your fantasy is dead on it's tracks :D
    Well, can i at least be a little broken? :P
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    nagash said:
    Heres my card 

    What is that card suppose to be? 

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    SethGure said:
    nagash said:
    Heres my card 

    What is that card suppose to be? 

    If I'm not mistaken, it's the tarot card for Death.
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    SethGure said:
    nagash said:
    Heres my card 

    What is that card suppose to be? 

    If I'm not mistaken, it's the tarot card for Death.
    Tredici is Latin for the number 13. So probably a very bad omen to pull this card.
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    Karthos said:
    SethGure said:
    nagash said:
    Heres my card 

    What is that card suppose to be? 

    If I'm not mistaken, it's the tarot card for Death.
    Tredici is Latin for the number 13. So probably a very bad omen to pull this card.
    I'm sure there's a few Dwarves here who've pulled worse.
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    Kratz said:
    Karthos said:
    SethGure said:
    nagash said:
    Heres my card 

    What is that card suppose to be? 

    If I'm not mistaken, it's the tarot card for Death.
    Tredici is Latin for the number 13. So probably a very bad omen to pull this card.
    I'm sure there's a few Dwarves here who've pulled worse.
    In fact, I think most of the dwarves here have been provoking that card! Bawhaha!
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    Karthos said:
    SethGure said:
    nagash said:
    Heres my card 

    What is that card suppose to be? 

    If I'm not mistaken, it's the tarot card for Death.
    Tredici is Latin for the number 13. So probably a very bad omen to pull this card.

    Unless it's opposite day.
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    Kratz said:
    I'm sure there's a few Dwarves here who've pulled worse.

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    Karthos said:
    Can I be a card?

    Like the King of Awesome?

    King of awesome no but how about court jester :wink:
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