Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

What is your opinion on the add-on prices?

Hi everyone!

So, I just noticed that the add-ons are now available. You can see them by going to the main Ashes website, log-in and then click the "account" option.

I was very much looking forwards to buying several costumes and perhaps pets and still am thinking about it, but now that I have seen the prices I am a little uncertain. The main thing I was looking to buy was the "Majesty Costume", because it sounds awesome (even though we haven't even seen any art of it.....). However, after checking its price, which is $25, I am no longer so certain I want it. I think I understand though, this costume is from a high-priced package, so I suppose it does make sense making it cost that much.
I was also interested in the "Radiant Stallion", but seeing the $15, I don't think I want it either now (once again, guessing the price is justified by being from a higher package).

As a conclusion, I think if I go for anything, I will get the "Summer Costume Bundle" (costing $37.50) which contains all the 3 summer costumes at 15% discount, making each costume cost about $12.

My question to you people; what do you think of the prices of the add-ons?
Also, when the game releases and the cash-shop comes up, what would your ideal price be for a pet skin/mount skin/costume skin? Keeping in mind we will be paying $15 subscription.


  • I can't see the add ons
  • Diura said:
    I can't see the add ons

    Oh... they show up under "Dashboard" for me right now. Maybe it's not available for everyone yet. I guess this topic will need to wait until most people have it available.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Still broken for me at this time too. Hope it isn't the same issue that took them a day to sort out with different browsers.

    Edit: Asked on Discord. No one around. It is at the time of this writing 4am in San Diego, so prolly a few hours before anyone is around to answer questions or fix anything broken.
  • Nelirya said:
    Diura said:
    I can't see the add ons

    Oh... they show up under "Dashboard" for me right now. Maybe it's not available for everyone yet. I guess this topic will need to wait until most people have it available.
    Are you able to take screenshots and share? xD
  • Diura said:
    Nelirya said:
    Diura said:
    I can't see the add ons

    Oh... they show up under "Dashboard" for me right now. Maybe it's not available for everyone yet. I guess this topic will need to wait until most people have it available.
    Are you able to take screenshots and share? xD

    Omg that I didn't think of that -.- I will do once I am back, going for a walk with doggo! :smiley:
  • Ok I decided to very quickly put together all the prices of items together in the 3 files you see in my original post.
    My editing skills are 1/10, sorry!
  • Love it ! Thankyou so much!
    I think the prices are fine. For non f2p and for "exclusive" items these were the prices I expected.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Will wait to take a look for myself. Thank you for the files, but you did put the mount bundle twice, so that mounts are under the pet bundle price. I will probably give the addons a pass myself. I am only ever going to be able to skin one mule at a time, so don't see a point beyond the (most likely) minor cosmetic differences in having multiple dresses or mount skins of the same type.
    Edit: Though after some thought I might go for the Summer Freehold appearances. Those would be static options that might have some real difference to them.
  • I wrote this in discord but especially to those of us that pledged heavily this is pretty much a big "FU, pay me money" because our summer campaign didn't work like we thought it would due to us actually believing people on the internet.
  • are those all the options? I can't buy the ice/fire elemental skins separate? 
    I might as well bump my braver of worlds up to leader of men for that amount of money, which would be less anyway. 
  • @azurl and you would still not get the ice/fire. You would only be getting the KS skins. Ice/Fire are Summer backing. You are KS. The only way for you to get them is addon, or buy a summer package on a different account, defeating the purpose, since it would then be linked to that account. This is why Hatchet is visibly upset.
  • The prices seem okay to me and 34.00 for the summer pet bundle seems tempting that I might go ahead and get that my next paycheck. They are about the prices I thought they would be too.
  • @azurl and you would still not get the ice/fire. You would only be getting the KS skins. Ice/Fire are Summer backing. You are KS. The only way for you to get them is addon, or buy a summer package on a different account, defeating the purpose, since it would then be linked to that account. This is why Hatchet is visibly upset.
    I know, to me it would not matter if I have the angel/demonic or the ice/fire. 
    I just wished to know if those three images were all options available.
  • I cant see any add-ons under accounts unless your talking about the store
  • Relwoh said:
    I cant see any add-ons under accounts unless your talking about the store

    Unknown-Today at 9:37 PM

    @Shunex if you are out there and awake...could you let Intrepid know if they don't already, that we seem to be having the same browser problems with the addons that they had yesterday with the upgrade program. Some people can't see the options through the dashboard.

    Shunex-Today at 9:37 PM

    @Unknown yep i will be doing that when they wake up  but i think they are aware already

    Unknown-Today at 9:37 PM

    @Shunex thanks
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Will wait to take a look for myself. Thank you for the files, but you did put the mount bundle twice, so that mounts are under the pet bundle price. I will probably give the addons a pass myself. I am only ever going to be able to skin one mule at a time, so don't see a point beyond the (most likely) minor cosmetic differences in having multiple dresses or mount skins of the same type.
    Edit: Though after some thought I might go for the Summer Freehold appearances. Those would be static options that might have some real difference to them.

    Yeah I just noticed, however, after checking twice, that is exactly how it appears on the add-on webpage, they seem to have put the mounts in twice and forgot the pets xD
  • Hoping to get some more feedback from people about what prices they hope to see in the in-game cash shop. Personally I would not want costumes at $25 when already paying $15 subscription per month.
    My ideal prices: pet skins: $5 - $7, mount skins: $7 - $10, costume skins: $10 - $15 at the very most.
  • Interesting price points. At $452 for the whole bundle, I think many people will be choosing between pledge level upgrades and summer backer add-ons.
  • Or it could backfire spectacularly and people don't buy anything. Then again, the KS raised 4x the amount they were looking for, so we were in success territory before the Summer backing fiasco even occurred.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    I think it's ridiculous, charging another $450 when many of us already pledged $1000 to get all of the skins. This is after the slap in the face that was giving lifetime subscriptions again as well.
  • I'm not too sure. The summer things were supposed to be "Exclusive" I don't mind, but having been forced to miss Kickstarter due to lack of payment options. I'd appreciate add-on packages from KS too.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017

  • At those prices, I'll definitely be skipping any and all Addons.  When it was posted that the addons would be "very reasonably priced," I was honestly expecting nearly half of what it is now.

    I can, at least, understand the thought process behind putting them at these price points, as some of the costumes and such come from high-priced packages.  The problem I see with it, however, is that KS backers literally don't have the option of choosing between KS package and Summer package.  If they upgrade to get a higher package, they're *still* locked out of Summer stuff.  Any addons are literally just that: additional revenue given to Intrepid for cosmetic items they will already be creating for Summer backers.

    Again, I understand the thought process behind it, I simply do not agree with it.  Unless, of course, they are offering the same a la carte addons to Summer backers.  Then I can see the reason as fully justified, as people may just buy a cheap addon package instead of properly upgrading their pledge.  I was under the impression, however, that the addons were specifically created for KS backers...
  • Very disappointed with the price tag for the add ons. If I recall Steven said it would be a nominal fee if he did not outright give the summer add ons to KS lifetime subscription backers. Intrepid is well within their rights to charge for these add ons and it may make them more money but personally I am disappointed. 

    I will still continue to be excited about the game but upgrading to Leader of Men like I anticipated is off the table for now. But I am just one person so I am sure my extra $500 will be nothing compared to the add ons bought up by others. 

    Dont mind me...just one persons thoughts. Hopefully others won't feel like me and will put more money into the game to help development. 
  • I would upgrade both mine and my significant other's packages to Leader of Men if I had more time, but since the deadline was set to the summer backing I will most like only upgrade one of the packages and go for an addon at most. time is a bitch xD
  • I am kind of disappointed that it is not free, but I guess it's within their rights.

    My belief is that they are adamant that the KS stuff should remain KS-exclusive (let's not talk about the lifetime subscription, seriously), correct me if I am wrong. If they give the SS stuff to the KS people for free, the SS people will probably not be too happy about it. 

    The price is not important to me, because although I still believe in the vision of the game, the series of poor communication of late takes any further support off the table for the moment. I am still open to spending more when the game launches and is as good as promised. The SS cosmetics are just variants of the KS ones, and I don't think I can use more than one at a time (again, correct me if I am wrong), so I'm not particularly drawn to getting it. 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Hmm... almost as pricey as ESO's crown store stuff  :/

    I might get some of these later on to support the game though - any information on how long they will be available?
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Looking at all of this I am really not angry or mad for how Intrepid continuously plays this out (this is not the first time and going by the track record it will not be the last time).  I am just frustrated and disappointed that I can not really trust them when they say something on Discord or post an idea to get behind then throw it out the window weeks later before trying to sell me something for a "nominal" extra fee.

    I am not disappointed like a customer purchasing something from a company that I expect to be shady; I am disappointed like a father who supports his child knowing I can do absolutely nothing while they make a terrible life decision.
  • Cyreph said:

    My belief is that they are adamant that the KS stuff should remain KS-exclusive (let's not talk about the lifetime subscription, seriously), correct me if I am wrong. If they give the SS stuff to the KS people for free, the SS people will probably not be too happy about it. 
    I agree here and I think that's fine. I didn't pay for summer stuff I paid for the KS stuff - I don't think I should be given summer stuff for free cos well it's  not what I purchased. The Summer stuff is for people that couldn't pay during KS and so that KS stuff is unique they've been given summer variations so that's cool. It's prey much the same thing except for slight aesthetics. 
    Im not worried about the lifetime sub because this is more a KS extension - I mean if they keep doing new monthly packs then fair enough id be annoyed, but it's cool and there not advertising the summer pack so no monetary gain or influx of mass players overtaking the KS players in terms of having rewards.
    Add-ons are fine - IF they can only be purchased by KS and Summer pledgers. Atleast I can get a couple of goodies without paying for the entire pack.
    Just my opinion :)
  • the lower 10$ skins i think are priced ok. but 25$ and got me f'ed up....but alotta people myself included still gonna buy it because we want it and that's the price tag.
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