Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Main can have the Dawnbreaker mount while an alt has the Obsidian Steed.
Main can wear the Royalty costume while an alt wears the Merchant costume.
HOWEVER, if these are a taste of what the prices will be in the released game's cash shop, I will be rather pissed... $25 for a costume is exactly what BDO did. I really hope these prices are re-considered when the time comes to releasing the game.
And, I'm beginning to get a glimpse of what "creative differences" might entail.
$425 =/= "very reasonably priced"
The pricing for the add ons is equal to their individual values in the summer packages. The bundles provide 15% - 20% off of that value.
Only kickstarter backers have the ability to individually purchase the summer exclusive items without having to purchase the package they are in.
Will work on getting the ice and fire skins fixed shortly
Thank you for the update!
Would you consider commenting on whether the prices we have been shown here (like $25 costume and $50 mount) will be the "norm" for when the cash shop in game is released? Or are the prices as they are because it is equal to their value in the summer packages?
Holy cow people...
Steven first floated the idea of giving summer rewards free to backers of very high levels.
This led to the now incorrect belief this is what would happen, IS could have stopped this at any point but chose not to. Eventually Steven began word-smithing in the ala carte even going so far as to discribe the cost as nominal and reasonable. This again set expectations in a direction that very much should have been reigned in given what was delivered.
Intrepid Studios has a very bad habit of hyping up something, letting expectations run wild, and then delivering something wholly underwhelming giving the impression that you have been had. The reason people are critical now is because money is involved.
IMO I would want small transactions of items, such as 0.99 1.99 2.99 etc. This would create more of an incentive for purchasing lots of cosmetics. I look at it like Dota 2's treasure system, in that the devs sell the original (sometimes for only a limited time) and the community creates an economy around the item in-game.
*side-note* I would love to see community created and approved content!!
I'd love to hear your comments on this sort of mirco-transaction system.