Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

What is your opinion on the add-on prices?



  • We can share with alts.
    Main can have the Dawnbreaker mount while an alt has the Obsidian Steed.
    Main can wear the Royalty costume while an alt wears the Merchant costume.

  • I don't know you guys... Like, I think most of the things are reasonable, but the $25 for the Majesty costume and the $50 for the Pridestalker Epic Mount still don't sit very well with me. What I think is that for crowdfunding and exclusivity purposes these prices are probably fair (because of package prices etc).
    HOWEVER, if these are a taste of what the prices will be in the released game's cash shop, I will be rather pissed... $25 for a costume is exactly what BDO did. I really hope these prices are re-considered when the time comes to releasing the game.
  • Don't see the add-on options for myself either...sad boosh.
  • Nelirya said:
    I don't know you guys... Like, I think most of the things are reasonable, but the $25 for the Majesty costume and the $50 for the Pridestalker Epic Mount still don't sit very well with me. What I think is that for crowdfunding and exclusivity purposes these prices are probably fair (because of package prices etc).
    HOWEVER, if these are a taste of what the prices will be in the released game's cash shop, I will be rather pissed... $25 for a costume is exactly what BDO did. I really hope these prices are re-considered when the time comes to releasing the game.
    for game launch id like to see costumes to cost around 10-15 maybe even 20$. anymore and i will be very angry myself.
  • Yeah I can't see them either but they'll probably fix it by tuesdays livestream.
  • I am also unable to see the Add Ons.  The prices seem semi resonable to me.  I believe you should be able to get anything for you "level" and below.  So for me anything you get from the braver package and below.  So i am suprised they let you buy a skin from a higher package.  And I do wish we could see a concept of the skins before purchasing them.  
  • Just saw the prices, and yes they are ridiculous. Weren't they promised at a discount? If these are the sale prices I don't want to know what their in-game prices will be. They really need to fix this and now.
  • I think we're getting the Wand of Many Things instead of a discount.
    And, I'm beginning to get a glimpse of what "creative differences" might entail.
  • Yeah I'd rather get a discount than the wand.
  • These prices are crazy, i bought leader of men on KS and i was expecting maybe $150 MAX to get the add ons?  $450? No thanks. I can only hope cosmetic prices when the game is released are going to be a lot different to these, because otherwise i'm gonna regret giving so much money to a company that is slowly starting to seem more and more greedy.

  • $425 =/= "very reasonably priced"
  • I'd like to ask you guys to also vote here: gives the devs a cleaner overview. Feel free to continue discussing the prices here still :)

  • Shy said:

    $425 =/= "very reasonably priced"
    Yeah I would agree. Not very reasonable.

  • Hey guys, just to update, the fire and ice skins are available individually as well, but are glitched atm. Working on that. 
    The pricing for the add ons is equal to their individual values in the summer packages. The bundles provide 15% - 20% off of that value. 
    Only kickstarter backers have the ability to individually purchase the summer exclusive items without having to purchase the package they are in. 

    Will work on getting the ice and fire skins fixed shortly 

  • GMSteven said:

    Hey guys, just to update, the fire and ice skins are available individually as well, but are glitched atm. Working on that. 
    The pricing for the add ons is equal to their individual values in the summer packages. The bundles provide 15% - 20% off of that value. 
    Only kickstarter backers have the ability to individually purchase the summer exclusive items without having to purchase the package they are in. 

    Will work on getting the ice and fire skins fixed shortly 


    Thank you for the update!
    Would you consider commenting on whether the prices we have been shown here (like $25 costume and $50 mount) will be the "norm" for when the cash shop in game is released? Or are the prices as they are because it is equal to their value in the summer packages?
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    GMSteven said:

    The pricing for the add ons is equal to their individual values in the summer packages. The bundles provide 15% - 20% off of that value.
    I have personally lost so much faith in how you word your way out of things after making statements purposefully raising expectations only to pull the rug out later.

    • Nominal
    • Reasonable
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    I have to say I was expecting the prices to be half of what is being shown to be what I consider "reasonable".  These price points are equal or more in what I see in current P2W/F2P games.  I'm really disappointed.
  • T-Elf said:
    I have to say I was expecting the prices to be half of what is being shown to be what I consider "reasonable".  These price points are equal or more in what I see in current P2W games.  I'm really disappointed.
    Well at least there's only cosmetics in the store, so as long as they have enough ingame cosmetics it won't be the end of the world. But yeah I'm a bit disappointed. This means I won't be buying that many cosmetics.
  • I didn't realize this community had so many "I want it, I want it now!!!" kids. 

    Holy cow people...

  • The issue isn't one of entitlement it is one of expectation grown by IS.

    Steven first floated the idea of giving summer rewards free to backers of very high levels.
    This led to the now incorrect belief this is what would happen, IS could have stopped this at any point but chose not to.  Eventually Steven began word-smithing in the ala carte even going so far as to discribe the cost as nominal and reasonable.  This again set expectations in a direction that very much should have been reigned in given what was delivered.

    Intrepid Studios has a very bad habit of hyping up something, letting expectations run wild, and then delivering something wholly underwhelming giving the impression that you have been had.  The reason people are critical now is because money is involved.
  • Which is why PR folk get hired.
  • Yeah they need to be more careful about what they say and write.
  • Patience everyone - all will be made clear :)
  • I just prefer to know the whole story before I set my outrage meter to 11.

  • Fire & Frost skins we just added (attachment included in OP) $75.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Diura said:
    Patience everyone - all will be made clear :)
    What needs to be mad clear? We think the prices are too high, Steven does not (as he voted that). Does that mean it's the end of the world? No. Does it mean they should change the prices? No, not really that's their choice. It's all cosmetics. It won't ruin the game.
  • I'm curious if we will see character customization tiers becoming available as addons. (They were not KS exclusive so that would not be an issue.)
  • Gothix said:
    I'm curious if we will see character customization tiers becoming available as addons. (They were not KS exclusive so that would not be an issue.)
    Yep pretty sure they'll be part of the normal store. That and new cosmetics.
  • Personally I don't mind the prices as long as there are also different looking armors and weapons or skins for them achievable in game. Not like BDO where all classes had basically 2 or 3 different looking armor sets and weapons and everything else put behind microtransactions. IIRC even some of the armor skins that were available through gameplay in Korean servers were moved into the store on western servers.
  • So....
    IMO I would want small transactions of items, such as 0.99 1.99 2.99 etc. This would create more of an incentive for purchasing lots of cosmetics. I look at it like Dota 2's treasure system, in that the devs sell the original (sometimes for only a limited time) and the community creates an economy around the item in-game.
     *side-note* I would love to see community created and approved content!!

    I'd love to hear your comments on this sort of mirco-transaction system.
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