A Modest Plea for Knowledge - The Info Must Flow

Before I get to the point, I'd just like to specify some caveats. I fully understand that:
  • All of the Intrepid employees are working super hard to bring us an awesome game
  • A mammoth amount of work was put into making PAX such a success
  • The Alpha Zero is coming up and this is a massive focus right now
  • The game is at least two years from release and so many ideas and concepts are not fully formed
So, what I would like to humbly request is a slight increase in the flow of information released to the passionate and amazingly enthusiastic followers. I know everyone here is hanging out for every little morsel of information, which is immediately devoured and scrutinised and theorised about by new members and old.

What I would love to see is just a small release of information on a weekly basis. Even if it is just a single concept art image (finalised or rough) or small thought about a minor issue or screenshot of a work in progress. I loved the time-lapse videos of the arenas built for PAX. If we could have a two minute feed of something like that, not sped up (even if it was something a little dull, like the side of a mountain or a single pillar) I know it would be watched and talked about for days.

They could be things that are not pertinent to the upcoming NDA Alpha, and would not be used to represent an, in any way, finished product. Just a tiny morsel, a trickle, a drip.

Just something to stop the shakes.


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2017
    hmm although i heart about this game in june of this year, i do have to say that there is a fair amount of info already.

    most of it can be found on the wiki site, and in more detail in some fan made video's on YouTube from for example "deathsproxy". i have to say for a game still in early stage of development they have been very forthcoming with info!

    obviously its always nice to have maybe something of a dev diary were a mock up of what they been working on for lets say the last week is posted. But in general that always takes up valuable time the devs could have worked on bringing us the game faster.

    I guess everything comes with balance, what you prioritize comes down to what you feel is important! And there is no real guidebook on that!
  • While I´d like more information and updates about the development stage, I am afraid to ask for it as I'd like them to focus 100% on development instead of taking additional time to write development logs for us.
  • FliP said:
    While I´d like more information and updates about the development stage, I am afraid to ask for it as I'd like them to focus 100% on development instead of taking additional time to write development logs for us.
    I agree, which is why I don't want developer logs and didn't ask for anything close to that level. I want them to focus on the developing too. The blog posts will come in time when concepts are more formed and the meatier content can be safely digested with regards to stages of development.

    I know that a lot of people feel the way you may, not wanting to ask for fear of distracting. I did, and still do. But it can't hurt to ask the community management team to find an image, get a single screenshot, or ask a single question.

    I was really careful in my wording, to not come off as some entitled goon with his hand out always asking "MORE". Kind of funny, but I wrote the original post with some trepidation (crazy for a forum post, I know) as I really didn't want that impression to come across.

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2017
    Well, having a bit info would be nice, but... I don't want to:

    -Make them feel obligated to give us a weekly update (they do the streams, after all)
    -Ruin or be spoiled of the in-game narrative in the process of them giving weekly updates.

    Streams come mostly every (2) weeks... like the one on Oct. 16. They can plan what they want to reveal to us and not feel burdened. Honestly, just like everyone else, I've beem conditioned to have nothing, or very little in terms of reveal for an MMO, and end up with something that can only enjoy for (X) months or years. Ashes, I believe will go the distance specfically because of the developers and creators involvement with their playerbase.

    EDIT: I think Steven's twitter shows the workplace from time to time :smiley:
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2017
    This will be the case once the Community Manager role is announced and the individual brought up to speed. In lieu of that, as you mentioned, the team is all hands on deck working towards Alpha 0. The livestream is coming up and info will come out via that conduit for the time being. Thank you for the understanding and patience <3
  • knowledge is power, Guard it well 
  • Actually this game has a better flow of knowledge and company/customer interaction than most. 

    After PAX, where we had literal data dump, we have seen a slowing of info over the past month, but I'm not bothered by this. As pointed out, they are busy making the game. 

    I expect the flow of info will pick up again soon.
  • I agree with all that has been mentioned above. ^^ Once we get a new community manager I think communication will flow more consistently and spread out. A few of the concept arts we got for alpha 0 could have been spread out overy the weeks (even though I enjoyed getting so many at once!)
    Even wee updates saying that we are working our butts off will do me ^^
  • For a game that is 2 years from launch, I can't help but think that Intrepid have been very open about their development, from game play to conceptual ideas. It's part of what gives me confidence in the game. If things pick up with a new CM as @Belewyn and @Diura states then fantastic, but I think IS deserve a lot of credit regarding what's been shared thus far. This kind of community interaction is practically unheard of in the MMOs I've been involved with since 1999.
  • Considering the stage Ashes is at, I think we are lucky to have been blessed with the information that has been shared so far.  I foresee info flowing faster as time advances and as @Diura stated a community manager will help. Soon we should should have one.
    We are all anxious to know more, but we mostly desire a great game and using time to develop one is more important than time used to release info.   It is so intriguing to be  part of the fun and drawn into the hype and anticipation of what Ashes promises to be.   
  • I really liked the way Hellblade did their development diaries, just a collection of short videos where the developers talked about progress. No huge production value necessary. But, as people have pointed out, the CM will play a large part in shaping the communications with the community, so I hope we get someone with a broad understanding of the game and an excellent rapport with the community.
  • lexmax said:
     so I hope we get someone with a broad understanding of the game and an excellent rapport with the community.
    *Wink* *Wink* *nudge* *nudge*......You're so undiplomatic Lex :p
  • Kratz said:
    lexmax said:
     so I hope we get someone with a broad understanding of the game and an excellent rapport with the community.
    *Wink* *Wink* *nudge* *nudge*......You're so undiplomatic Lex :p
    Not that it counts for anything, but my vote has been cast :)
  • lexmax said:
    Kratz said:
    lexmax said:
     so I hope we get someone with a broad understanding of the game and an excellent rapport with the community.
    *Wink* *Wink* *nudge* *nudge*......You're so undiplomatic Lex :p
    Not that it counts for anything, but my vote has been cast :)
    I'm sure it counts for more than you know, my friend :)
  • lexmax said:
    Kratz said:
    lexmax said:
     so I hope we get someone with a broad understanding of the game and an excellent rapport with the community.
    *Wink* *Wink* *nudge* *nudge*......You're so undiplomatic Lex :p
    Not that it counts for anything, but my vote has been cast :)
    So I should stop sending the bribe... I mean donations?
  • Belewyn said:
    This will be the case once the Community Manager role is announced and the individual brought up to speed. In lieu of that, as you mentioned, the team is all hands on deck working towards Alpha 0. The livestream is coming up and info will come out via that conduit for the time being. Thank you for the understanding and patience <3
    Thanks for that Belewyn. My bad,  but I actually thought that someone already was the community manager :)

    I've only been following since halfway through the kickstarter, it's what got me involved but I've devoured everything out there and I know I'm not alone in that. 

    One of the things i love about Intrepid is their openness and their transparency. It's one of the main things that gives me confidence,  not just hope,  that they will make a great game. 

    I'm not sure if people thought I was ungrateful. I'm not used to being misunderstood, I always choose my words pretty carefully - though brevity is not one of my strengths :)

    I have followed a few games through development,  some with more regular info,  most with far far less, especially this far out, but I haven't felt as involved in a game before. I think that is a testament to Steven, and the whole dev team, to make us really feel like we aren't just spectators but participants. 

    Anyway,  just thought I'd express that for a little chance at the drop of something minor on a more regular basis,  something that doesn't take the devs out of their cycle  like the livestream or blog posts. 

    @Belewyn thanks for the info on the community manager role. I'll sit back in me chair with my patient hat on. 
  • I think what you guys are doing is great I men too much info in one large dump is just going to tire us out by the time the beta comes. A small trickle of info every week and at the end, we will have a lake of knowledge which @lexmax will then post the info for likes  ;)  
  • Mhm... community manager Gothix...

    or... no, better no  :p
  • I know there is a ton of information in the discord, plus it *seems* to be more active than the forums for the most part so any question you might have is typically answered immediately.
  • Gothix said:
    Mhm... community manager Gothix...

    or... no, better no  :p
    over my dead undead body 
  • nagash said:
    I think what you guys are doing is great I men too much info in one large dump is just going to tire us out by the time the beta comes. A small trickle of info every week and at the end, we will have a lake of knowledge which @lexmax will then post the info for likes  ;)  
    Posting info will get you far less points than snide and humerus [sic] remarks ;)
  • lexmax said:
    nagash said:
    I think what you guys are doing is great I men too much info in one large dump is just going to tire us out by the time the beta comes. A small trickle of info every week and at the end, we will have a lake of knowledge which @lexmax will then post the info for likes  ;)  
    Posting info will get you far less points than snide and humerus [sic] remarks ;)
    our points disagree ^^
  • nagash said:
    lexmax said:
    nagash said:
    I think what you guys are doing is great I men too much info in one large dump is just going to tire us out by the time the beta comes. A small trickle of info every week and at the end, we will have a lake of knowledge which @lexmax will then post the info for likes  ;)  
    Posting info will get you far less points than snide and humerus [sic] remarks ;)
    our points disagree ^^
    To click "Delete Content" or not hmmmmm <3
  • Belewyn said:
    nagash said:
    lexmax said:
    nagash said:
    I think what you guys are doing is great I men too much info in one large dump is just going to tire us out by the time the beta comes. A small trickle of info every week and at the end, we will have a lake of knowledge which @lexmax will then post the info for likes  ;)  
    Posting info will get you far less points than snide and humerus [sic] remarks ;)
    our points disagree ^^
    To click "Delete Content" or not hmmmmm <3
    please don't

  • I would never.
  • lexmax said:
    nagash said:
    I think what you guys are doing is great I men too much info in one large dump is just going to tire us out by the time the beta comes. A small trickle of info every week and at the end, we will have a lake of knowledge which @lexmax will then post the info for likes  ;)  
    Posting info will get you far less points than snide and humerus [sic] remarks ;)
    This is the only reason i'm relevant
  • Karthos said:
    lexmax said:
    nagash said:
    I think what you guys are doing is great I men too much info in one large dump is just going to tire us out by the time the beta comes. A small trickle of info every week and at the end, we will have a lake of knowledge which @lexmax will then post the info for likes  ;)  
    Posting info will get you far less points than snide and humerus [sic] remarks ;)
    This is the only reason i'm relevant

    You sell yourself too short my friend, even for a Dwarf ;)
  • I guess I might be a bit weird on this point but I like to know things but not necessarily see them. So I would love to see more blogs and posts and more written content about how things are going, but I don't want to see images of monsters and things like that. I kind of want those things to be surprises for in-game.

    I know that is going to be near impossible to keep up over two years so I fully expect some creep there. I even just listen to the livestreams (I know, I already said it was weird!).

    The problem is that what I prefer is the time consuming stuff that will take someone out of their daily routine to write a blog post. In a way I think that intrepid have kind a made a rod for their own back by being so open so early. Now all we want is more.  :)

    So I'm glad someone made a post like this because it made me realise that we might get that with a community manager which we havent had for a while.
  • <Just comes in to bring some teatime and snacks> For the hungry and thirsty that want to relax and forget for a moment the gnawing need of having the game already ready to play.

  • Grisu said:
    <Just comes in to bring some teatime and snacks> For the hungry and thirsty that want to relax and forget for a moment the gnawing need of having the game already ready to play.

    Ah thank you very much, I was dying for a cup of earl grey or oolong tea 
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