Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
What class/sub-class are you wanting to play? Why?
Having trouble choosing an archetype. Wanting to know what you think.
List of Class Archetypes / Subclasses
I assume that your Primary class will affect the way that you sub-class compliments it. E.G. A fighter cleric might mix into a vampirism fighter or something like that.
Let me know what you think!
Id love to know your plans and planned play-style.

I think the Enchanter will be a summoner that has increased abilities through Bard on buffing their summons. Like enchanting your summons in the way I would historically use enchant... 'make more magical.'
The Songcaller I am not really sure about. Since the Bard is primary, the character will naturally be a buff oriented support class but I am unsure of how a summoner secondary would affect it. The only thing I can think is that the Bard can start calling forth summons to replace buffs or act as distractions etc..., but this doesn't fit in with the augment as much as it would a traditional multi-class set up.
Either way, I am going to play/test the Songcaller first chance I get.
Why you may ask: Ive always loved 'slightly dark' magic users in my RPGs. I play as a Warlock in my D and D campaigns and one of my favourite all time characters in Fantasy is Raistlin from Dragon Lance. He is my biggest influence.
A Niküa Summoner, conjurer or enchanter.
A Dünir Dreadnought or Knight. I need to see the fighter play style first before I decide. Either way this one weilds a warhammer.
Kaelar Falconer. I want to see a ranger without a bow before I feel to comfortable with this pick. I want a walking stick/staff and an aviary companion to explore the woods with.
So I normally have to deal with encounters alone, or avoid them entirely.
Tank/Rogue or Rogue/Tank will probably be how I end up.
A scout of sorts will probably be the most compatible profession.
I love jumping in to help others out, when they are in trouble, at the spur of the moment tank fits the bill.
idk yet
EDIT: Or maybe Mage/ Fighter or Summoner/ Fighter
Will then add a tank/tank and cleric/cleric as my two main alts, and from there I'll experiment with other combos and such.
For example, a lvl 100 mage, plus lvl 100 ranger, plus both a lvl70 tank, with lvl 25 Healer equipped (self healing tank type)- could still use a couple of the masteries from Mage, and Ranger, even if those lvl 100 classes were not equipped.
Once more and more classes were mastered, the players rank could go beyond lvl100 to show that there were additional masteries. I believe lvl 225 was the max.
Having this would allow players to have almost infinite growth with a single character.
Necromancer - undead pets and death magic
Shadowmancer - shadowy pets with possible CC and support
Warlock - MOAR DOTS
Shadow Caster - shadow themed spells, I can imagine shadowy tentacles snaring enemies while applying a dot
I highly doubt that classes are going to play traditionally like the names imply, depending on how subclasses actually impact primary classes is what will determine my class choices. I'm looking forward to actually seeing demonstrations of archetypes to evaluate what we want to play.
I will likely play a support type character; it simply feels right to me.
Orc Shaman!