Welcome! Introduce Yourself Here



  • Hi. Glad to be part of Alpha II Wave I. Looking forward to checking out AoC. Where and how do we download the game? What happens to the $120 if my system can't meet the spec?
  • OracaiOracai Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Hi! I'm Corey currently looking for a guild, but really unsure of how available I will be since i work in healthcare.
    I hope to play alongside some of you soon.
    Question to the Dev team. Seeing as the alpha 2 releases on the very month and date of my Birthday, any chance you could make a green & black version of the Fire fox. 🤞🫶, its my favorite colors and will be my color scheme for my mage. I'd even pay for the special skin.
  • Hello, I am Tiredof. Looking forward to Alpha and immersing myself into AoC.
  • Hey everyone. I'm Nomickk. I'm looking forward to playing AoC with you all!
    When I die, I want to go peaceful and sleeping...
    I don't want to go kicking and screaming like the passengers of his car.
  • Hello there
  • I am Edd, known as LordDoc from Ultima Online since 1997, The gang who pvp Lord Gork and took off his head as a bounty. I can't wait for some real hardcore PVP and to meet some cool friends. I have a good feeling about this game.
  • Hi folks! I’m Pham. I’m most excited for release in Ashes of Creation.
    "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." - Ephesians 6:11
  • imbarossaimbarossa Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Hello from Sweden! <3
  • I am DigitalDream, I played SWG and UO way back when. Looking to make a ton of friends and be a part of a great gaming community. Also, Hello from Vancouver Island!!
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