Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Any interesting build that you are going to try out in AoC?

Hello everyone, Damokles back with another thread! 
Is there an interesting build that you want to try out in AoC or do you want to play a cooky-cutter build?
With interesting i mean something like a melee dps necromancer, a movementspeed based melee mage or my favourite the hybrid rogue/bard. Everything that is not really conventional but could be a ton of fun for the player.
I myself want to play a heavy melee rogue or bard (probably with buff capability or heals).

Is there an interesting build that you want to try out in AoC or do you want to play a cooky-cutter build?
With interesting i mean something like a melee dps necromancer, a movementspeed based melee mage or my favourite the hybrid rogue/bard. Everything that is not really conventional but could be a ton of fun for the player.
I myself want to play a heavy melee rogue or bard (probably with buff capability or heals).
Edit: Ranged tank could be super fun as well
With a focus on cooldown reduction and crit.
Even though we know nothing about the Shadow Lord, I hope that he can summon shadow daggers and throw them then at his oponents
Not sure what build would constitute towards this goal quite yet but it will need to include gtfo & stealth skills with decent critical damage ranged skills. However I did enjoy the potion launcher a lot in Apocalypse, so if i can incorporate this in the build i would be happy, although doubtful all of the above will be feasible in one build. Very much looking forward to testing
I always imagine under snipe in a game, someone who can turn invisible shortly before engaging his enemies, blast them with his whole arsenal and then run away. ^^
Sounds like a R&R class (Predator = Rogue/Ranger, Scout= Ranger/Rogue)
It would be really cool if the Predator got a ranged backstab, and the Scout got strong movement speed buffs. xD
Brings back wow memories. Tanking bosses as ranger with a pet or kiting a whole bunch of adds around. Damned fun times.
Speedy concales cleric. Aka Soraka on speed. Just baiting people to try and cach you with your 650 movementspeed. When 450 is considered high already. Was one of the most fun 3patch cycles i played in lol.
I always wanted a dueller with a main focus on block/ parry/ dodge
into counterattacks. Gw2 came close with rogues there, if they hadnt been absolut garbage. The skills were there but you did literally no damage if you didnt go doubledagger backstab not to mention you had the health and armor of a oneshot and run class. Sadface
I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
In most games this playstyle is all about heavy dmg but I want to see if in AoC I can have a sturdy, slow but strong swordsman.
A dot warrior with bleeds would be really cool. The Fury Warrior in WoW Classic was a bit like that with deep wounds.
Sometimes it is not about top dps, but rather slow and steady!
(Thats how I managed to top the damage meter in WoD throughout the expension as a combat rogue ;D my top damage abilities where my mainhand autohit, off hand autohit and multistricke procs
Soraka is so much fun to play. Gaining movement speed towards allies who are low on health could be a really interesting mechanic
I think that the current Chronomancer tank is a duelist playstile. A friend of mine play chrono and he plays with double swords and relies on block/parry's
Her passive in Ashes could be a fun mechanic. I love battlefield mobility, Yuumi brought me back to this shity game. She is all I would ever hope for. bodyblock that one spell jump back, jump to someone else, autoattack, get shield, heal... oh she is sooo much fun. Sucks that the game has the community it has. 90% everyone is muted to preserve my mental health.
Edit: I have dropped GW2 years ago when it was clear they would never get around to making the promises real from before the release.
I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
Leagues community is THE worst I've ever experienced
I guess Ill start with classes that get punished harshly for mistakes and have a more passive gameplay... but what sort of build and class thats going to be? No idea
Weaponmaster, Hunter and Spellsword could work here.
Setup would be medium, light or heavy armour (after prefference), sword(mainhand) and dagger(offhand) or a two-handed sword, with poison coatings.
Main focus would be physical/hybrid DPS (hybrid here for the Spellsword) and tracking.
The weaponmaster would focus on straight up physical dps, the Hunter would focus on poison application and soft CC, while the Spellsword could in turn focus on hybridized damage and mid-range support.
If my ranger/wizard can conjure a magik bow and shoot fireballs from it I might have to make a change.
* Necro (Summoner/Cleric) - but good or bad ? The good ones sound SOO good with their healing spirits and stuff, but I traditionally play the "dark & twisted" version ... so I'm really torn !
* Battle Mage (Mage/Fighter) - this one just sounds from the name like it's going to hit every single one of my hot buttons, but HOW are the fighter augments going to work being overlaid onto the mage spells ? Will they make ranged spells into melee versions ? Would that work ?
* Sentinel (Ranger/Tank) - would this end up being a ranged tank ? Cos that would be hella cool if it did, I would love that.
Hanging out to have more info so I can understand the choices in more detail.
Should be interesting.
Beat the Drums of War my friend!
The Kha'Zix:
-Class: Assassin (Rogue/Rogue) or Shadowblade (Fighter/Rogue)
-Weapons: Double Daggers and a Crossbow
-Armour: Light or medium Armour
-Playstile: Deletion of single enemy targets with good disengage/engage ability
All augments would be specked to enhance single target damage and damage out of invisibility, with one ranged skill to slow the target.
Class: Dreadnaught (Fighter/Tank)
Race: Dwarf
Weapon: Two-handed Hammer, One-handed hammer and Shield
Armour: Heavy Armour
Playstile: Lay down the Law and count ALL the grudges
Augments should be specked to slow heavy hits and armour debuffs
But what i currently have in mind, is a Tulnar weapon master or spellsword, using a 2-handed sword. Previousely I had thought of a duelwielding ranger typer, or rogue. I also though about summoner, perhaps necromancer. But currently i feel for the warrior. It is also partly why i bought the legendary path in APoC, so i could get some sword skins
or some such things xd