Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Thoughts on the new gameplay teaser?

Just want to know what you guys think about the teaser, it was alright to me seeing it wasn't a cinematic at least ! Would have liked to see maybe some different armors or weapons than the ones in apoc.

I'm going to be a little critical here.
For the first part: The raptor models looked really good but it felt weird that raptors were attacking the city. If they really wanted to show them off, i wish they had the adventurers go into the wilderness and be attacked there. Maybe tack on a scene where a large, boss type monster shows up at the end to give it that epic PVE feel.
For the second part. I wish they had people manning the walls, shooting arrows and spells, instead of a small group run out on horses. I think it would have been better if they showed people charging the castle on horses with the griffons. I felt like they needed a little more time with the dragon. They body and texture looks really good but it wings looked too pointy which made it look awkward when it was flying. Flying animation probably could have been cleaned up too.
I'm hoping it was just another gameplay / insight trailer for fun. The game isn't going to even be out until around 2021 I thought right? So I'm hoping this was just a little thing to show off the new dragon and raptors. All the armors and stuff looked like the ones from APOC so I wasn't thrilled about that. I do have to agree with you though haha! I'm sure this isn't a trailer for the game though or anything, hopefully more just to show off new stuff they've made.
this is a public teaser to sell the game and look at the like to dislikes the game is in trouble. I wish I could get a refund for this tragedy at this point
Yea I haven't invested into it or anything but I was very hopeful. I can't understand why they're putting stuff like this together. They should just work on the game, everything shown in the trailer was seen already to my knowledge. It just looks like a bunch of player models from apoc around in a town with players adorning the armor we've seen in apoc already, along with the horses we've seen and the raptors annd the dragon. It's definitely making me lose some hope to see this, even with the improvements on backend on apoc.
you are 100% its just a rehash of the BR and not the MMORPG
Yea, sadly
Look and Feel: Something felt/feels "off" to me.. Can't quite place my finger on it.. Scaling, animations, something.. They look good, but there is something going on that's weird or not quite right. I use to be able to chalk it up to being in early development, but we are pretty deep now.
The game use to look a lot better, now if feels more mud'ed (my opinion)? To me the game looked better back when they did that first playtest, the mini group adventure.. Up and around the hill, fought some stuff, back down, crossed the river and into the cave.. Did the game design switch from "high fantasy saturated" world to "high fantasy grunge" look?
We see these designs and models of stunning armor and weapons, Fantastic work in 3d (coming from an ex-animator, myself)... But playing Apoc last night, the armor graphics looked "meh" in the world. Maybe because I wasn't set to God graphics setting or something. They also looked "meh" in this trailer... So designed that way Im going to assume? Why ruin such beautiful assets.. :-/
The dragon was cool.. Love dragons.. But why animate a traditional four legged dragon like a two legged wyvern or terradactyl (ie leaning on it's wings for support)? it has four legs after-all.. I know this is nit-picky.. But go watch the first dragonheat movie.. massive difference. /rant
Anyway.. Just my opinions.. There is still tons of time left.. So it will be interesting to see where this all ends up..
I still have hope and believe the game will go in the right direction, I can see they want the promotion and publicity but when you have something this unfinished and unclear presenting it won't do much. You can just check the comments on the youtube video itself, it's a very confusing move to me. Either way there's nothing I can do besides point out the obvious. The animations are way off, nothing new was shown really and that's a blow for a gameplay teaser ..
Why would the gryphon riders dismount to face a charge of light calvary? This makes no sense to me tactically as an airborne unit has a superior advantage. Calvary excels at smashing foot soldiers, so why would a flying mounted unit land, turning themselves into foot soldiers to then engage light calvary?
I'm just scrolling down the comments of that video and a lot of people are confused about it. Honestly they would have been better off just showing the Quarrior video than this.
Come on Intrepid, I know you can do better than this.
EDIT: I've just seen the tweet they put out to accompany the teaser:
"Ashes of Creation is an MMORPG set on a fallen world untouched by civilizations for thousands of years. Rebuild, repopulate and rediscover the world of Verra."
Now anyone reading that will probably think "WoW, that sounds amazing" and yet the teaser doesn't reflect that at all. If I had to put a caption to the teaser it would probably be along the lines of:
"Defend your town against the marauding invaders who seek to destroy it. Tame legendary beasts to fight by your side to protect your home."
They must have watched GoT
where in the video did it say alpha? I just looked at it again and nowhere did it say alpha build. This is why people are hating on it
The game is still in Alpha remind yourself of that when you watch a video like this. Its a good start, its more than we have had for many months. What Intrepid need to do is keep this going, improve and keep improving.
why is it a good start? compare this video to the old Kickstarter videos and all I see is a huge steep back
Is it though? Honestly if I were in charge of PR at Intrepid and I saw this trailer I would tell them to not show it at all. From the comments I've seen on youtube and twitter this trailer has done more to confuse people than anything else, which is the complete opposite of what you want from a trailer.
For an official IGN release teaser, where everyone who has not followed ashes can see it? If I was not invested in ashes, I would not have given this a second look. At least the Kickstarter videos got me to look into ashes and in the end back it, all this does it put me off even more.
Too many white humans.
I would much rather see diversity among the characters they are highlighting than to see a bunch of highly detailed mobs.
I hate being stuck playing white people.
while that is a good point I would like to see the other 7 races as well
and a skeleton relaxing in carrions rest
It would have been okay to show it to the community by stream or blog. We know where those raptors, horses, dragon and so on come from. We've read the blogs and seen the videos. The video isn't impressing but it would have been fine for a summary of last weeks/months work to show to the community. But officially presenting it as a gameplay trailer during Gamescom will drive so many people away. There's absolutely nothing in this video that would make me take a look at Ashes. Such an overhasty decision to put everything of the last blogs in a video and think it would make for an appealing trailer.
The votes are not looking good
Exactly, combined with the Steam reviews which were absolutely foreseeable this all leaves such a bad impression. Couldn't have worse marketing
All we need to top it off would be an epic game exclusive and I hope I dont jinx it