Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
The devs already know that some people hate the name and want it changed. Demands for change occurred immediately after the class list was first shared more than 3 years ago, so we'll just have to wait and see if the devs ever choose to change it.
On top of that, they’ve got 64 “class” names they are using for the archetype combos, so you already have eight different names for tank if you really have an issue with calling it a tank.
Within a couple of weeks, NPCs will probably be using your class name rather than your Archetype name.
They might even be using your title...and that might kick in before class names.
Then the Tank charged the enemy with his shield and powerful axe, and the orcs were screaming "Noo! He is the Tank!"
Lmaoo no please
Well thats the neat thing about ashes, you dont know the lore yet so you shouldnt be complaining when they release something that explains it, right?
Hahahaha please explain! I want to know the lore about calling people "Tanks". Are we going again with the "Water tanks" argument? Because they (maybe) had water tanks made of metal in that world and they resemble people in armor?? That's an argument so silly it's ridiculous.
saying the lore cant support it without knowing what the lore is, in my opinion, the definition of ridiculous.
Wich is okay, Steven does what the hell he wants, but the way you guys are trying to excuse him and make it like its all about the lore and perfectly fits the world, its fanatical and sad.
I really don't care that the name is Tank past the fact that I can waste some time in this thread for fun. No sleep or stress lost on my part, what about you?
"Do you really mean that Sathrago is one of the people of the old Kings? I thought they had all vanished long ago. I thought he was only a Tank."
"Only a Tank! My dear Frodo, that is precisely who the Tanks are: the last remnant in the North of the great people, the Men of the East."
"Lonely men are we Tanks of the Undermountain, soldiers - but soldiers ever in battle with the servants of the Enemy; for they are found in many places, not in Mordor only."
Works fine for me.
The class could have taken it's name in the exact same way as tank vehicles took their name. It is no less ludicrous that the vehicles we know of ass tanks are called tanks - we just all live with that fact because we don't know any better.
Additionally, it can be defended by the simple fact that it is what players are going to call them regardless of what Intrepid calls them.
Calling something indefensible when there are two perfectly valid defenses in front of you is a really weird thing to do - even if you don't personally like those defenses.
Im sorry, I tried. Im from spain so my english is very poor. What you wrote was dope tho.
I should think about trying to read the Hobbit in Spanish. I wish I had thought of trying to do that when I was in High School!
It's honestly not a bad translation either. Read it myself in Spanish and it retains quite well some of the Tolkienisms, although it perhaps feels less.... ancient? Still it's very a much a children's book so perhaps the level of depth from Lotr and the Silmarillion is not warranted.
Why not have the cleric called 'heal'
That's why I thought the tank was an odd name choice...
Just call it guardian and have a guardian/guardian be a phalanx or some such...
A "phalanx" is a unit of soldiers, not an individual soldier. To call it a phalanx would be even more ridiculous.
Not all flavors of tank fall under guardian yet they all fall under tank. You forget that tank will be used as an augment as well.
I expect them to be Tank/support with dps rotations you are naturally going to do to increase the groups dps, but I doubt their damage is going to compare to primary damage archetypes. Since if they did do comparable damage then they would unbalance PvP completely and make the game suck since a full group of tanks would overpower every combination in PvP.
So for that reason it's a really good name because it destroys stupid people's dreams of doing top dps as a tank which likely won't be possible.
Vanilla WoW had a couple extremely shitty builds in it that people picked. Melee hunters, Balance Druids, and Arcane Mages are all good examples of what picking a Tank for DPS will probably be like in this game. So the name Tank doesn't give you any stupid ideas of what they fully expect the primary archetype to do. xD
U.S. East
Tank for people who tank is no worse than Fighter for people who fight.
Tanks soak damage, so that fits with a heavy, metal plated object that soaks up something, like water.
Tanking doesn't have the same balance associated with it that hybrids generally would be. Since High Threat Generation is a trait they have at the expense of others.
U.S. East
He is tank/tank the shield'iest of shields... One might say a one man phalanx...
One might not say that as well.
Not all tanks will use shields. As such, Phalanx is automatically inappropriate.
I want to re-suggest my favorite alternative. TankyMcTankFace
That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
Exactly, is the primary class, archetype or whatever you wanna call it. That doesn't make it better.
Just imagine an NPC telling you: "You are a brave TANK, adventurer, and I know you want to become a Nightshield... but you have to first do this quest that will prove you are a true Nightshield, and not a TANK, because you know you are a simple TANK right now, but you will stop being a TANK to be a Nightshield, okay TANK?"
The game is gonna be like that and don't tell me otherwise.
Sounds, perfect to me.
A Nightshield is a type of Tank, so there is no point where a Nightshield is not a Tank.
To be fair there are a lot better names for the final ones too, though I will be a cultist I think so as long as I don't change class I'll be fine =p