Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Login rewards MEGATHREAD

MOD NOTE: Hi all, since there are so many threads about login rewards I'm combining them into a megathread. Please continue to discuss them in this thread rather than making new ones. Thanks.
How do you all feel about daily login rewards some mmos implement (aa eso bdo etc etc)?
Do you feel rewarded with those potion gifts and what not?
Do you feel unique with the generic beards and braids everybody receives?
Or do you get annoyed at the pop up window every day and the manipulative nature of the daily concept that was designed to induce fomo to players?
Do you feel like you wont manage to play the game unless you receive some random consumable every day or do you "destroy" those trinkets before they pile up in your inventory?
Two reasons - first, if logging in to the game isn't 'reward' enough, then the developer should just make the game better.
Second, players shouldn't ever feel punished for taking a day off to take their significant other out for dinner, or to spend an evening with their children.
Someone that is able to spend 2 blocks of 7 hours a week in the game should not be at any disadvantage to someone that is able to spend 7 blocks of 2 hours a week in the game.
It devalues every item in the economy that is in the rewards like, or the items with similar effects.
If the log in rewards gave potions for example. Everyone in the business of making potions as a part of their craft. Has their efforts devalued.
If it gives flat money it is worst because you are just inflating the gold supply of the economy. I also don't want to deal with annoying pop-up windows.
And lastly as @Noaani said. If my work schedule is thus that I do four days of solid work in a week with no time to play, but I have 3 days off to goof around and play AOC, I could normally keep up with those that play daily, but now I am missing out. This is a common work schedule for those working 12+ hour shifts.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
Sounds like we're all in agreement, so far.
Just like mobile games
Every time I see such system I think about Ion Hazzikostas talking about engagement metrics with dead, soulless, eyes.
I realy hate games where you need to log in 30 Times a month to get the big Reward.
Or 7 times a week to get the middel Reward.
I would normaly easy get the when i like the game. Still a shitty system
Here's a quick quest/task you can complete in 20 minutes.
As long as you aren't penalized for not logging in.
I guess as long as the daily login rewards don't penalize you for skipping days, they could be OK.
I see it as a cheap inducement to populate the game. The game needs to be improved if you have to bribe people to play.
(Note: emphasis mine, not the original quote.)
I mean, the original poster, for one, used a very leading style of questions and language, but despite that, I'm going to echo everyone else and say that the login system is terrible. Sure, if you have the time, the inducements feel great, but then you feel terrible for missing the 28th day, skipping a week to have a vacation, not being able to log in because of a headache, etc.
Once I've had a chance to do more research on the subject I plan on doing a video about all the psychological techniques mmorpgs use, in order to educate players on what is happening. Once you know about them, they become far less effective. The amount of psychological manipulation modern games use on their players is quite frankly disgusting in my opinion.
we can thank the mobile game and AAA game companies for that
It muddies the feeling of immersion in the game.
When I log on, I want to feel like I'm living all the crap behind me from this word, and entering Verra instead.
A "Login Reward" reminds me right away that I'm still stuck in this hellhole and receiving a useless-whatever for dropping by AoC today.
No thanks.
Steven Sharif is my James Halliday (Anorak)
“That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.”
I'm interested to see where you go with this - let me know if you want a thought partner.
I definitely understand how these types of login rewards that only ramp up if you log in consistently can lead to potential "feelsbad" moments just for living your real life too. However, I've seen some games implement them where they just count up every time you log in, regardless of how long it's been since your last login - so it was more about rewarding you for overall time played. More like a "thank you for being a loyal friend" vs. "you MUST log in every day to get the greatest goodies". I'd be interested to hear more on what folks think about a system built more like this instead
Keeping this in mind and expanding further on the above, what if it was just based on your total time played in-game? So that every certain hours of playtime (regardless of consistency of login) you got a nice little gift?
Any pop up windows ingame feels more like real life marketing practice and it rubs people off the wrong way. 100%
Personally I never ever felt that I needed any such gifts.
Events are the way to go. Not pop up windows.
P.s Just make sure you hide the time tracker so people with OCD won't freak out every time they log in plz!!!