Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Class System, does it need Overhaul?

Hi, I was wondering about the class system. Reading from the wiki it said you can choose a main class and a secondary class but there will be no skill trees? So all people who choose the same classes will be identical in terms of abilities if we discount their race?
Additionally, would the character be the same if I swapped primary and secondary class with each other? For example if I went from Fighter primary and Mage secondary to Mage primary and Fighter secondary?
It might be worthwhile to make some sort of skill tree to give the player some sort of choice regarding rotation, abilities, aoe, single target, etc etc.
What do you think? Am I misinformed? Just joined the movement.
Additionally, would the character be the same if I swapped primary and secondary class with each other? For example if I went from Fighter primary and Mage secondary to Mage primary and Fighter secondary?
It might be worthwhile to make some sort of skill tree to give the player some sort of choice regarding rotation, abilities, aoe, single target, etc etc.
What do you think? Am I misinformed? Just joined the movement.
This discussion has been closed.
Then there's also the case that you have skill points that you put into your skill tree, so some Tanks might put 3 points into their Charge ability, whereas other Tanks may forgo the Charge ability completely and put more points into other skills.
Then ontop of that, there are the augments that come from things outside your class like your Racial augments and your Religious augments.
And no, Fighter + Mage and Mage + Fighter would not be the same. The Fighter + Mage would have Fighter spells with Mage augments and the Mage + Fighter would have Mage spells with Fighter augments. The primary archetype dictates what you actually are, the secondary archetype adds flavour.
I would suggest spending more time on the wiki, as the above are not the only places you seem misinformed.
That is why I simply replied that you are indeed misinformed (which was a direct question you asked), because attempting to correct all aspects that you seem to have wrong will take far too long.
Yea there's supposedly going to be very high levels of customization when making your class, there are some issues that could potentially happen with that that I go into detail in my recent thread, but really you won't have to worry too much about not having a character you can tailor to your own kind of play.
The wiki is a perfectly fine place to go to get a basic understanding of the game.
It is not a particularly good thing to use as a source in a debate on the game. You want first party sources for that.
Eternal undeath. Careful what you wish for.
You can also read that I literally just joined the movement for this game, so I don't understand the hostility coming from you at all. I am just excited for the game and want to know more/help make it better mate, and that's why I created the thread, no evil motives.
Edit: Sentence structure
Yes we get the occasional repeat thread, there's no way around that.
You can either ignore it, or help quickly point them in the right direction and be done with it.
Imagine if the first reply by Noanni was at the very least "You've got the wrong info, but here's a link to the wiki where you can find out more"
Then bam, thread closed.
Instead we get this trailing dialogue where people are insulting and just being outright rude which sidetracks and extends the thread far beyond the lifespan it would have had. Meanwhile the actual answers are slowly trickled in between the negative comments.
save the outrage for when it's necessary.
If you read the OP, it was basically "I read the wiki, this is what I think it said in relation to classes, am I right or am I misinformed?".
I answered that he was misinformed.
I didnt need to link the wiki, as he already knew about it. Linking it after the OP said he had already read it would be - in my opinion - facetious.
With what the OP said, pointing out that he was misinformed was all that was needed - especially considering he specifically asked whether that was the case.
From there, he would be in a position to just go back to the wiki and continue reading - which one would have to assume was his plan of he was indeed informed that he was misinformed.
Aren't we all sinners?
Does it matter?
Just inform him or show him where to find the correct information.
If he accepts it then pat yourself on the back because you helped the community!
If he doesn't and he argues or doesn't accept your source then you might have cause for discourse.
This forum is so full of negativity, I've admittedly contributed to it a few times, but only in a heavy discussion. Not unprompted like in this thread and some others.
Edit: I guess it matters if what you meant is that there's misinformation on the wiki. In that case yea that's kind of an issue lol
If it does matter? Sure if i found any interest it clearly does matter for me.
Sure those 2 seems like reasonable possibilities that would happen from informing OP, sadly informing him wasn't my intention, as it was already done....
Oh that's amusing, you found my interest/curiosity to be somewhat negative? Quite a far reach.
Aren't we all sinners?
Fair enough
Though I wasn't saying you were being negative, that's kind of a reach.
"This forum is so full of negativity, I've admittedly contributed to it a few times, but only in a heavy discussion. Not unprompted like in this thread and some others."
I mean you used this phrase in my quote/reply, so yeah... sure.
And yes my intent/interest was the possibility of incorrect information on the wiki.
Aren't we all sinners?
Nope, and I'm not sure why you would think either of those things.
If you took it that way I sincerely apologize, that line wasn't directed at you or your quote at all.
It seems like my tendency to do multiple lines of thought in a single comment confuses people as it has for @Noaani and you just now
As for @Noaani anyone can just read through your post history and see. That's not an exaggeration, I implore anyone who thinks I'm being hyperbolic to see for themselves.
For someone to be that wrong, they usually have a piece of information in their head that they got from somewhere and they just assumed it was right (usually Reddit). Intil that piece of information is identified and corrected, they will continue to have the wrong idea.
Since I couldn't figure out how the OP got as misinformed as they did, I didn't see a point in trying to correct them. Rather, the best thing to do was (and still is) on my opinion to let them know they have it wrong so that they can identify why they are so far off.
You're wrong.
I thought of the possibility of incorrect information on the wiki, because of the following sentence OP used: "Reading from the wiki it said"
I would've honestly and definitely informed him of what he got wrong and what is correct as it helps the community in a pretty positive way, information is never too much in my opinion, but it was already done by the time i got here.
Aren't we all sinners?
If I saw something on the wiki that looked like it could have been where the OP got the wrong info from, I would then have had something to correct. Problem is, the OP was wrong on almost everything they thought about the class system.
Trying to correct people when you can't see how they got to the conclusion they got to is much harder than just saying they got to the wrong conclusion and leaving them to work out the why part of that
Since the OP already made it obvious that they were happy to try and look things up for themselves, I saw (and still see) no point in doing more than pointing out that they are misinformed - made even more true by the fact that there was a direct question asked as to whether they were misinformed or not.
Others may offer up more than that, and good for them. I'm one to let people at least try and find the correct info themself - especially when they have made it obvious that they are willing to do that. If someone is looking for information themself and is on the wrong path, pointing out that they are on the wrong path is all that should be needed, imo. They can then go back and try and find that right path.
Even with others telling him what it is that he got wrong, the OP will still no doubt have spent several hours on the wiki looking at what information is there - exactly the same as he would if my reply was the only one to this thread.
Maybe people would think it less of an issue if I used a smily face or some shit.