Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Guild tab, calendar, sign ups for events, customizable map or mini map (either intricate or simple to allow guild/raid leaders to show paths or POI's on the spot during roaming or sieges), recruitment page, guild hall, guild bank?
I know what's on the wiki but am curious to hear thoughts on any updates or direction changes. Thank you, you are the best @LieutenantToast : )
First of all, thanks for doing the AMA and interacting with the community!
My questions:
1. How are the gathering/processing/crafting mechanics looking so far, and what are some things you have been testing out?
2.Will there be exclusive areas that you can only access through flying?
Eg. You get a quest that gives you clues about a secret area that you can only acces from flying, so ypu set as a goal with your guild to get one of the castles to complete it etc etc
If yes, will there be a way for players to increase their critical chance, by using more of the rare crafting component?
For example, if crafting a high level weapon requires one rare component and provides a 20% chance of critical success, could the play choose to use two rare components for 40% chance, or three for 60%, etc.
Will there be hideouts where corrupted players can seek refuge and avoid justice? And if so, will it be required that they are a non-citizen of other nodes to access? Outlaw/outcast life.
I would love to support Ashes of Creation by being able to have a chance at buying Pre-Order packages from the past.
I’m loving the art and game play of this game.
I did not find about Ashes of Creation until 2021 after I watched a video on YouTube, so I totally missed out on the Kickstarter project which I would have supported because I’ve been looking for a new MMORPG that is not WoW or FFXIV.
Will there be an option to be left handed or right handed in character customization?
Game looks great so far, keep up the good work!
Now that you have gained significantly more attention from the MMO community, are there any plans or intentions to re-release Ashes of Creation: Apocalypse? Everyone I have talked to said they would play it after finding out about Ashes, and I could use a fix myself.
Hope you guys are staying healthy, love these monthly VODs!
This one had Upvotes also
When nodes level up will that expand upon content that already existed in that area or change all together?
For example there was a dungeon with 1 boss during the "encampment" stage, but now that it has reached metropolis it has 3 bosses, better loot, more area etc.
🍿 Bring your snacks and join in the pre-party!
@FeeliusMaximus - Make sure you stop back by before submissions close next time to add in your question! Also please note that "reserving" a spot early in the thread doesn't make a difference on whether your question is picked - all questions in the entire thread are reviewed in order to be selected prior to the stream.
@90Bubbel, @Thoghli Ramheart, @Ravudha, @Pokkitt - Stay tuned for more details on artisan professions and their mechanics as we dive deeper into testing them with you!
@Altii - You can check out more on how your secondary archetype will impact your class abilities here.
@mischievous Priest, @keyl, @Ispencer189, @Salpygidis, @Squeezy, @Lark Wyll, @Rogosh, @Sump, @Furyni - Please only share one question next time as requested, and the more direct/succinct it is, the more likely it is to be selected by our team!
@TheDimension, @Szolo, @zombinvestor - Our team is continually evaluating the newest technology and updates as they come out to see what would make sense for our team to implement!
@Kirichu - The character creation options you may have seen so far have been in their very early stages, and you can check out more on our plans for the character creator here.
@meedx - You can check out more on where we've discussed how much your gear will influence your overall power in the game here. In addition, you can see more on our philosophy on balance being group-focused rather than based on 1v1 combat here.
@Zakk, @PeteNasty, @Quanderer, @ThePeacekeeper, @Amar, @Azherae, @Elvi - Stay tuned for more details on archetypes, classes, and their skills and augments as we share more blogs and videos in the lead-up to upcoming testing!
@Mayhem - We'll be continuing to keep you posted in our helpful support article here with our upcoming plans for testing!
@neuroguy - We've also noted that seasons would impact crops, as well as items, buildings, and crafting mechanics.
@J3N7S - The lifetime subscription to Ashes of Creation was noted as a Kickstarter exclusive during the original campaign here.
@Arkyfinity - You can check out more on where we've discussed our potential plans for an API here.
@Scruffy Scruffington - While we haven't shared many weapon cosmetic options at this time, I'd suggest staying tuned to see what creative options there may be in the future
@SlackerG - You can check out more around our philosophy and plans for different kinds of questing here.
@Prieston - Not all of the elements around player collision (such as inertia and momentum physics) have been implemented quite yet!
@Darkfuria - It looks like I've shared an answer with you on this one in the past two live stream threads, and you can check out more on our philosophy around increasing boss difficulty and adaptive content here.
@George Black, @Dygz - We've floated the idea of either players OR champions duking it out, and I would recommend keeping an eye out for our future Military Nodes edition of the Know Your Nodes series for more details!
@horendis - Beauty like this is definitely in the eye of the beholder, so keep an eye out for more Niküa designs as we continue through testing to see if anything strikes your fancy!
@Hjerim - If you wouldn't mind being a bit more specific on what other variances of action-oriented combat you had in mind, I'd recommend re-adding this question to a future live stream Q&A thread!
@Anvil - You can check out more details on PvP flagging, including the corruption system, here.
@ajiin - You can check out more on our plans around legendary items, quests, and bosses here.
@Hirschegar - At the moment we've shared that our plan is to provide harmonized pricing for certain regions, that would then be segregated from others so as to help prevent abuse of any lower pricing options.
@The Erudite Trader - Specifically in regards to mounts, yes certain mounts will indicate a certain level of "prestige" - like flying mounts.
@2DOLKI - You can check out our current plans for class names here.
@Monad - You can read more on our philosophy around UI customization here.
@LeviathanSummoner - The team's focus is likely fleshing out the archetypes first, as the classes underneath them will each need to take direction and inspiration from both the primary and secondary archetypes.
@Okami - This is likely something you could set up with your housing permissions accordingly.
@Dizzy Rascal - Yes, as previously there have been accessories such as rings and necklaces shared as cosmetic skins!
@roost - Looks like I answered this one for you last month! You are not necessarily "opting out" with little to no consequence, as choosing to remain a non-combatant when someone attacks you will cause you to suffer death penalties at twice the rate of a combatant, which includes more than just dropping loot.
@Anzoul - This would likely depend on whether you wanted to focus on more tab-oriented or action-oriented abilities.
@T Elf - Our first implementations of remapping your keybindings are now available in Alpha One Preview spot testing!
@Abuck - We've been highlighting some of the latest node features in our monthly development update streams, and we also recommend staying tuned for more installments in our Know Your Nodes series!
@Tetterian - I'm not quite sure I understand your question, if you wouldn't mind rephrasing it next time around? In general, mobs and other content within a node's ZOI will have a diverse level range, but will scale with the advancement of that node.
@JustVine - Previously we've also noted that summons will exist until another summon is cast, the summon is killed, or the summoner logs off.
@Aaxc - All Kickstarter backers will receive unique in-game character titles based on their backer level!
@Lashing - You can check out more on where we've discussed our philosophy around item sinks and gold sinks before here.
@Sago65 - I'm not quite sure if you're asking whether the POI would be shrinking simply due to the node developing, or based on direct player interaction (players plundering a shipwreck), if you wouldn't mind clearing that up for a future Q&A thread!
@Leolouch Vi Britannia - That sounds like something you may want to post up on a bulletin board to get more local help with!
@palabana - We'll be sure to keep you posted as we have been in our helpful support article here if any adjustments are made to testing dates!
@Crowigor - You can check out more on where we've shared details on siege participation here.
@Khronus - The wiki has the latest updates we've shared on the guild front for now, so stay tuned for more details as we dive deeper into testing those features with you!
@SongRune - I don't believe we've specifically announced any mechanics around tavern owners allowing bards to play; this sounds like it would likely be something that just occurred through coordination or RP.
@RocketFarmer - With the constant rise and fall of nodes through both player agency and random world events, there will always be new adventures to be had!
@SunScript - This would likely fall under the standard family summoning restrictions listed here, though as noted subject to further testing.
@Cyeq - While any cosmetics that were previously available for a limited time will not be making a comeback, Steven has indeed noted that he would love to create some sort of collector's edition (perhaps even a physical one) if possible!
@Kaillict - We've taken to the skies in a few previous streams and videos, which you can check out more on our YouTube channel here!
@Bardtic - Those sneaky designers and environment artists are always leaving little presents for us to find
@Intent - Costumes will not have a level requirement, but other cosmetics may.
@Argentum401, @Hix Haxxen, @Sunboy, @Ekin, @Ryuuramaru, @DaveN, @Varez, @Emberstone, @Anikir - Since I couldn't find a direct answer for where your question was covered previously, and we didn't quite have a chance to get to it today, please feel free to share it again in an upcoming Q&A thread!
We'll see you all again next month for another development update stream!
🤔 If you could pick one type of environment mood, what would it be? Are you into the dark foggy places, or do you prefer the sunny relaxing beachside?
(Also updated OP!
Had somehow missed it the 1st time yours truly had watched the monthly Dev update this month, but when working from home as I do at the time these occur, it's easy to miss things: You answered my question, this month!
Ha ha - I don't even mind that the answer was 'no'; It's just cool that you take our questions! Caught it in re-watching the update on your YouTube channel, a second time.