Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
[Player Feedback Request] Dünir Race - Feb 2022
Hello glorious community,
We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the Dünir race. We shared our most recent art of this race during the January Development Update livestream.
As a reminder, your feedback matters to us! For example: during Alpha One, players felt the Dünir race did not meet their expectations of a dwarf. Due to that feedback, we made adjustments to the Dünir race as mentioned in our September Development Update last year.
Dünir Art

Dünir race discussion from January Development Update livestream.
To help guide the conversation, here are a few thought starters:
We’ll be leaving this thread open for your feedback until the end of the day on Thursday, February 24, 2022, so that we can begin compiling a report for our development team.
Everyone here at Intrepid Studios looks forward to reading all the great reactions to our latest character designs!
UPDATE: Hi again friends! Thank you all for taking the time to stop by and share your thoughts on the Dünir race! We had a blast reading through your thoughts and comments! We created an awesome report with the feedback you gave us for the design team!
Your thoughts and opinions matter to all of us here at Intrepid and we appreciate you all very much! ^_^
We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the Dünir race. We shared our most recent art of this race during the January Development Update livestream.
As a reminder, your feedback matters to us! For example: during Alpha One, players felt the Dünir race did not meet their expectations of a dwarf. Due to that feedback, we made adjustments to the Dünir race as mentioned in our September Development Update last year.
Dünir Art

Dünir race discussion from January Development Update livestream.
To help guide the conversation, here are a few thought starters:
- What do you like about the current art direction of this race?
- Is there anything you dislike about the art direction for this race, and why?
- What are your thoughts on what was shown during the livestream for the Dünir race?
- Are there any specific Character Creator customizations you would like to see for the Dünir race?
We’ll be leaving this thread open for your feedback until the end of the day on Thursday, February 24, 2022, so that we can begin compiling a report for our development team.
Everyone here at Intrepid Studios looks forward to reading all the great reactions to our latest character designs!
UPDATE: Hi again friends! Thank you all for taking the time to stop by and share your thoughts on the Dünir race! We had a blast reading through your thoughts and comments! We created an awesome report with the feedback you gave us for the design team!
Your thoughts and opinions matter to all of us here at Intrepid and we appreciate you all very much! ^_^

1. Longer beards! Most fantasy dwarves have immense pride in their beard and keeping it well kept and long to show age and respect. I think some longer beards with adornments such as bracelets to keep them maintained.
2. Height: My biggest issue with them is their height and how it makes them look condensed. I'm not sure how tall they can get with character customization but I hope they can get to low-chest height of a normal human. This seems to be a residual feature of the previous iteration of the dunir where they looked too "gnome/halfling" like. Some optional height would be appreciated to create the fierce dunir aesthetic. The proportions look great as does the muscle size. Ignore this if height can be adjusted in the character creator.
3. Female Dunir Face: The female dunir look ok from the face down. They look leaner than males, but still look like they could pack a punch. I find the body looks like it resembles our real world a little too much with how the female is proportioned. It oddly looks based off real-life dwarfism which is something that I think should be avoided. The face is where I think some work can be done. It looks very gnome/halfling-like and too sharp. I imagine female dwarves to have more rounded features and stoic rather than the sharpness that resembles a gnome.
Overall I think progress is going excellent and I am thrilled the team is committed to listening to feedback, it is greatly appreciated!
P.S: Please have a transmog/outfitting system so I can show off that beautiful dunir armor all day every day.
As for suggestions, first I want to say that you have nailed the female Dunir's looks(with a single exception that will be mentioned later) and proportions, so they are all fine and dandy.
For the males it is a 90% complete job. The overall everything about the male Dunir is perfect, but I think their legs are far too slender. I'd like for the male Dunir legs to be thicker, more stout, at least as thick as their arms(which you nailed), with maybe slightly bigger feet to match the new thickness of the feet.
And also the detail that I feel needs improvement for both the male and female Dunir - give their butts more meat. Their butts currently look too flat.
Also, I wish to mention this regarding another detail that I found to be somewhat displeasing during the last livestream.
Truth be told this is more of a nitpick from a historical arms and armor nerd, but I did not like how incomplete the supposed high tier armor set that was shown of was. From the front and side it looks spectacular, but I dislike that the back remained uncovered(set wise).
Can we please have the high tier plate sets, actually be full plate suits, with a joined front and back plate that completely encases the character, rather than just a front plate and an open chainmail back, like the example we saw in the stream?
We still need to see size comparison with Kaelar and Vaelune.
Contrary to others in this thread, I am leaning towards wanting shorter legs. Both male and female. Go for the "Boulders with short, stumpy legs" look. For the male especially, perhaps even more muscly legs as default. They need to look like they can carry his massive upper body. If the female dwarf can be made bulkier in character creation, I think the current model is a good base. But I would definitely go more towards the bulky side of things if you decide to change it.
Curious if this is a "dwarf females can have beards" kind of world or not so much?
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This is a dwarf.
A typical fantasy dwarf.
No changes.
I also look forward to seeing how much we can customise them and how they look with different types of gear on
First off, i'd like to say, you guys really nailed it on the new look. The old Dunir had me worried quite a bit. This really is looking like I expected a dwarf to look like. That being said, without seeing customization capabilities, the dwarven races look very similar, unlike the variance we get from the orcs. I love how the Dunir looks though.
Is there anything you dislike about the art direction for this race, and why?
Nothing too dislike here. I love the way it looks. Just would like to see more variances between Dunir
and Nekua.
What are your thoughts on what was shown during the livestream for the Dünir race?
Keep up the amazing work guys! The community loves seeing the races come to life. Feed us more of this !!! =^_^=
I definitely would want a lot more hair as an option especially, but not limited too, the beard (yes, for male and female).
Glory to Arioch
Glory to Winsted
For my mana addicted brothers:
For the Glory of Quel'Thalas
I love the male model for the most part, but there's something odd about the rear view. I think for that type of physique up front he'd have a bigger booty and stronger legs. To me something that small and muscular would be more universally bulky, rather than a "skips leg day" kind of look.
The female model has been homogenized with human traits to the point of looking like a bodybuilding halfling rather than a female dwarf. The facial structure/skeleton is entirely different on the female model and could easily be a human face.
Her body is also so different than his it's kind of crazy. Would love to see her back, neck, stomach and arms built up to be more stocky while lowering that boob slider a few notches and replacing it with a more muscley barrel chest.
I'd really prefer a more muscular and stocky female Dunir over the same type of half-human watering down of female models we often see.
Oh and I really hope you let female Dunir have facial hair!
If I could make a little change for the male version I would make them have a little bit wider legs because their hands look a bit big compared to legs.
I know Dünir dwarves will look great when the game lauches!