Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
My point on Classic maps:
I don't think we necessarily need to have a dynamic world map (erasing what you have seen to make you go there again) to afford exploration. I guess the game will have other systems to enhance the exploration and create its dynamics, alongside with the need to travel to gather resources, trade routes, cities, encounters, etc.
My point is that: Maps are supposed to give us information about stuff, what's happening, where to go, and plan our routes, so we kinda can control and decide what to do easier. One point that is in my mind is that, if it doesn't have this kind of information would it still be useful as its best? Or will it just create a trigger to visit an area that is now hidden on the map?
My point on some kind of dynamic world map:
I would love to see some dynamics in world maps, but I guess it would work best with some specific exploration system to really motivate people and create importance to the Information that a World Map is supposed to give us. Even then, this kind of information can be passed through a "metagame" (chat, discord, forum, interactive map, etc.) too, so tough question haha. There is no way to escape the meta, maybe delay it sometimes, but this kind of information will always be there
Summing up, I would love to see a dynamic map with constant change and the need to gather information, but I see it always becoming obsolete with the metagame information. Classic Maps with some small fog of war would already work really well with all the awesome and cool systems that are already planned.
Tough one, hope I could help
I would like to see map discovery be personal, with fog of war that appears over it as soon as your latest known info is outdated, this would actually lead the player to re-explore a location that was nearby, hyped on curiosity to the change. i think sharing map data with your 'family' or guild could be a cool feature too, but i would want it to be at least a little restricted so that you couldn't just take map data from every single person you see in a town.
an alternative thought, is that a node could construct a building, that would allow players to purchase a currently accurate map, that includes the whole ZOI of that node
I think there's real potential for intelligence warfare here
EDIT: Also be aware that very clever people have generated maps of the entire world (like the coordinate exploit on the minecraft server 2b2t)via packet sniffing traffic to/from their client. If cryptography becomes a highly-contested mechanic of the game, this has potential to be a sore point for the game's security team.
Ashes doesn't have secret bases where people are stashing all their goods, but imagine how valuable a map of all active caravans would be?
So if they visited the area early in their adventure it would reflect the first time they visited not the current stage of the map unless they go back and revisit the area.
tldr: just don't make the mapping or questing inconvenient id rather have a little marker then be forced to google a quest or dungeon location, as that is the single biggest immersion break that you can give.
You get the general outline of the area, but the details are rough and you may be off by a few hundred meters.
Then as more and more people map the area and your own skill evolves, then the map becomes more detailed and accurate, until you have a perfect map depicting the area exactly like it is.
Further increase of the map detail could indicate the types of mobs in that area, making it valuable for those in need of farming them.
Honestly the thought personally excites me because I LOVE the thought of exploration gameplay. Doing something valuable and adventurous without constantly fighting something? Sounds pretty awesome! This would also give many players an excuse to move away from their parent node, and make high-seas exploration seem more viable. If this was implemented, this skill could be VITAL for many large organized groups, and information is power.
This all could fall apart very easily though, as many players may just wiki-search the world map and get the general information they are looking for. Nodes, mobs, and dungeons may change with local node levels and what world server you're in, but certain resources and overall topography will always be the same.
Here are my thoughts for this type of dynamic map system:
1. Have a fog-of-war style map for each major area/biome the player explores.
2. Once a major story beat in that area is completed, or the player explores all areas for that specific biome, the player is rewarded (exp) and given a base-map for that area that persists for them with no fog of war.
3. POI's that were present at the time the player explored the area are noted with icons on their map automatically in the state they were found in (Metropolis icon, cave icon, etc.).
4. The player can, through some system, send the most recent map details they just explored back to their home node. (Sending maps in a caravan/ other message system?)
5. Players have a limit on the number of maps they can send back per week to the NPC library/cartographers.
6. Other players in that home node can talk to the Library NPC to purchase the most updated map information for a specific area.
7. Maps take time to draw back at the home node. The more players that send maps of the same area successfully in a caravan, the quicker the maps are drawn and available for others to use.
8. Other players can attack the caravans, destroying the maps sent, increasing the time the map updates, or removing a map update completely.
9. A percentage of the money paid by other home-node players at the Library NPC is given as a kick-back to the explorer-player for sending updated information to the home-node.
10. All players can see when their specific map was last updated (date / time in the corner) and perhaps a vague indication that some change may have occurred since they last visited. For example, icons for certain POI's lose opacity or saturation over time (to a minimum of ~30%) until re-visited, indicating a change may have occurred. That way, players can make the choice to either go to an area with the knowledge they have, or head to the home-node library to purchase a map update.
11. As a player re-explores the map, the POI icons automatically regain opacity back to 100% if they have not changed, or update to new icons if the node has changed since the last visit.
12. Map-update costs will scale based on how many changes there have been since a player's map was last updated and how old/incomplete their map was. Players can only purchase map updates for base-maps they have unlocked.
I think having a map completed that then goes back to fog-of-war after a change won't feel great, since it feels like we're being forced to re-explore and it takes away from the completionists.
I also think this would give a pretty decent balance to folks who want to go out and explore the world to earn a little extra cash, as well as perhaps create a spy-network for keeping tabs on other nodes. It might be a good opportunity for some PVP, since some nodes may want to keep their progress hidden or off other's maps entirely. Such as a collapsed cave that a group of players have managed to excavate for new materials.
This would create a nice cash-sync (besides reparability of weapons) since only a small kick-back percentage is given to the explorer-player. You could cap how many times they are given this kick-back per map purchase.
It also gives the option for folks who don't want to purchase new maps to just go out and explore for themselves. This can be risky of course, due to other players or world-bosses they may not know are present there.
Instead, what if the player has to go a library in a metropolis to pay to get the map upgraded or buy a magical map(very pricey) that auto updates with the changes? Either way it fuels money into the economy.
Making a profession map maker is a VERY nice idea, but one for a later expansion I would guess, no scope creep!
One thing I would love to have for our map is the ability to make notes on it, not a full blown essay, but say maybe like 100 characters max per note. I think this would be very hand addition to the map and make life a lot easier for us players.
Anywho, can't wait to see what you all come up with!
Or for social interaction.... why do i have to walk all the way back to the node to uodate my map, when jimmy with an updated map is right here. Ill just check his map and make some notes on mine about the changes.
This is a GREAT idea!!! information is power and knowing a regions map detail is a very real-world thing.
Maps of convenience are your typical map - POI become marked automatically once discovered, terrain detail becomes more detailed once explored, and event markers become known on the map. This is very user friendly and most people are probably seeking this type of thing.
World Building style maps are maps with an initial fog of war, where you yourself have to add the POI to your map, and it's a map that is NOT automatically updated with events, world boss spawns, etc. This is the type of map that leads to really cool interactions like a cartography class or information brokers who can sell "map data" like in sword art online.
I think the later would be absolutely amazing. Allowing players to create maps and have a cartography skill that gives better detail or greater tools for marking and even allowing topography eventually would be incredible. So would giving players the ability to create FALSE data points, thus allowing for reputations and subterfuge to grow as part of the dynamic world. Alas, I'm not sure if this is possible in a world where we have so much access to websites that could mine for data or players who can put together maps like in mortal online or conan exiles.
Ultimately, whatever you decide to go with, please allow for custom markers, with lots of color and shape options, even layers we can turn on or off would be a huge QOL convenience feature if the play is a map of convenience style system.
Static Map Elements:
Dynamic Map Elements:
It could be fun logging in and stepping into the local tavern to find out all the local gossip, map updates, bounty’s placed on players, wars declared etc..
Or maybe there’s an bulletin board posted at a crossroads, villages, town etc.. where you check for updated maps
What I mean is that when a player interacts with the guild map map, not only does it update that players map, it updates the guild map with things that that player discovered.
Also, if you are in a party with someone, standing next to them, and you open your map, it should update both players maps with each other. Either that or it updates both players map if they are next to each other and they both open their map.
This way guilds can have scouts, or just players who spend a lot of time exploring, be of extra value to the community. It's an opportunity to make a persons individual way of playing with systems that are already in the game, a benefit to the group, without breaking balance, immersion(it actually adds to it) or any other systems already in place, I say go for it. It also ties systems together(crafting and exploration) and adds to the actual world which is always great.
I thinkkkkk most people would consider that fun, but idk.
"have you updated your map today?"
"yea i stopped by the guild map like 30 minutes ago"
"sweet, mind if I update my map real quick"
"oh wow, did you happen to see what was going on in the badlands when you were over there, it looks like they upgraded their node".
"no i just skimmed through the area"
"we should go check it out, if they've got a new crafting bench I want to see if I can trade someone for maple planks"
So say I am on the plains looking over an area and spot something in the distance like a heard of elephants, and the icon pops up on the minimap and you are able to gauge the distance, from your position on the minimap to the heard of elephants or a settlement. if you change the direction you are facing and your FoW no longer can see the heard of elephants than thee icon should disappears from the minimap.
The dynamic part would come into effect if it is raining or foggy thereby limiting your FoW so the icon would then not appear until you got closer. Same with elevation. If I am on a mountain in clear weather, I should be able to extend my FoW to see more of what is going around me and be able to spot things further away.
I think that this would make great use of the in-game real world mechanics that would give a sense of scale and scope. The minimap is an important feature giving the player a sense of scale, but a static minimap where all icon are visible at all times would I feel take away the sense of immersion.
The bigger down side of having to update your own map by exploring or buying maps update will be that a group of players could always avoid contest by "not telling there is an event" as soon as it starts, do it for themselves, finish it and move on to a different location to push another event while nobody is watching. For the sake of PvP and end game content don't make us run around endlessly to look for content
Farming bots are going to show up, if you make all resource nodes mob nodes and any other type of resource including boss time based.
There needs to be Instance specific to my account, my character to allow me not to fight off the BOTS that will show up and ruing the farming experience. If i catch bots, I'm not going to police this game like i have in other MMOS. Once it becomes apparent that bots get not bans, then I'm gone, and will never come back. So, this needs to be addressed by instances for resources, bots can farm their own resources as they want, but if i see them in my space, and can't kill them to get rid of them, then as I've stated i won't play this game.
Same thing with new character creations, these bots show up in droves and mass and ruin the economy and the server stats, and the economy by posting and undercutting real players without the ability to box their accounts.
This needs to be addressed in world exploration as well.
If the only thought from the DEVS is that players will police and report, an no CSR interaction to control bots, then this game will be a not brainer for me to not play.
I'm sure a bot type player will advocate for less controls than what I'm asking for in the world reveal and exploration, but to date, every mmo that release, the farmer bots show up and ruin the map for boss kills, questing, resource farming, and end game related gear making.
Developers need to control this from the beginning.
in conclusion,
a means to map and mark the map in a UI without an addon or a using a second computer logging onto a map hack site.
a means to collect resources without hinderance from bots, or other players camping a spot for hours.
a way to instance the map for the account im on without dealing with hacks cheats and bots.
CSR interaction to deal with BOT complaints.
If these issues are not addressed, world discovery and advancement and end game farming will be severely impacted and a game breaker.
Thanks for reading this, and addressing thse issues as you see fit.
In the end, for me, I'd rather the map not be something I fight with; or something that creates barriers in the game.
I'm also saying this from a place of not knowing what the other options are. Perhaps if presented with these other design ideas, I could offer better input, or render a final judgement. Without knowing more, I have to default to that which is easy to use, and doesn't create resistance to engaging with the game.
Curious to hear more though.
On the one hand, a regular map that auto-updates is a little boring for a game as dynamic as Ashes.
On the other hand, getting too fancy and complicated could hurt the UX of the map system. There are a lot of systems to learn and navigate, so I would love to see integration with other systems, as others have suggested. For example, using Libraries as repositories of map points; guild repositories for sharing discoveries; selling/trading map sections to others in taverns, etc.
Either way, what's most important is that the maps are highly customizable with many options for markers, waypoints, etc. in both permanent and temporary varieties. We need to be able to track every possible thing imaginable on our maps without mods or addons. Bonus points for making our permanent markings look and feel the same as game-generated features. This game will rely heavily on exploration and pathfinding, so we need the tools to label roads, passes through the mountains, peaks with a good vantage point, ambush areas, the future site of our personal home, etc.
Another key point is that the decisions around map design will have a strong impact on how easy it will be to run a BOT that automatically farms resources. Please put careful consideration into how to dissuade/make it harder for the BOTs to navigate and autofarm. Nothing ruins an MMO like BOTs.
"The Verran planet is not flat. You may not see a curvature on the horizon in this, but from a lore perspective the universe in Verra does adhere to some basic physics and laws of physics that we experience in the real world, which means it is not flat" - Steven Sharif
Verra is in fact NOT flat, nor has Steven said it was. In-game, you will not see the planet's curvature and there will not be world-wrapping. With that said, in terms of lore, Verra is a planet and similarly to Earth, a globe ^_^ I hope this clears up any misunderstandings!