Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Awwwww, nuts. There's another character name I need to use, now...
Warcraft orcs are huge, massively muscled brutes, wdym? The new version is nothing like WoW orcs, aside from being green. I main an orc hunter lol
It's a green cartoony orc stereotype. Got WoW written all over it.
Concerned about how the male looks stern and stoic and the female looks, well, not. It's okay to take influence from the interesting cultures of the world, but it's best to avoid the stereotypes. At least for the models shown to the public, I want to recommend less gender dimorphism.
Super excited to see how this race looks in the character creator.
No it really doesnt but if you're drawing that conclusion based solely on their shown skin pigment, there's nothing i can do for you my guy
Professional Skeptic, Entertainer, and Animal Enthusiast
Sometimes I can't tell if people are trolling, people saying the Ren'Kai are cartoony did everyone forget about the old concept art for other races? How is this one any different... they will look as good as the py'rai and vek ingame, chill.
I defer to the Orc Players though. They will have more passion on this subject.
I feel that you want to add another more Asian flavor in Ren’Kai to be more diverse, but the problem is the characteristics you used in this art are already have been over used and heavily cartoonized in the entertainment industry so you can’t do the Asian version Ren’Kai right with these characteristics in my opinion.
If you really want to do is an Asian face Ren’Kai, or more specific Japanese Korean Chinese face, here are some advice:
To me in this concept art you should at least consider to change both male and female eyes shape, I don’t know what it called in English phoenix eye maybe? We called it “Feng Yan”=“鳳眼” in Chinese which just a personal preference of beauty and can’t stand for an average looking of a human race and I personally think that in western people misunderstand heavily what Feng Yan is and misled by media and entertainment industry.
Second, both male and female the lower half facial bone shape and facial muscles, especially the female she look nice but the whole face looks too Disney.
Third, female’s hair style, the fancy X shape decoration should be replaced by a simple wood or bamboo stick or change the necklace into a hair ring to tie the hair so it solve the problem why the female has hair pin the male doesn’t.
Last, the skin color is too bright or say it’s too shiny, feel it reflects the light too much.
I will recommend you do research with Japanese Instagram or fashion magazines both for male and female, to me Chinese and Korean fashion are too unique and limited, Japanese is better as reference especially female fashion.
Formerly T-Elf
I don't really know how Mongolian looks at least I don't know how they look like now. In my knowledge how Mongolian's face don't fit well as Asian Ren'kai the eyes will smaller and body will be more muscular then what we see in concept art which is very similar to the Mongolian in Ghost of Tsushima if it what's you'd like to see, I'm no problem with that but they seem to want to create a more lean body shape, still looking forward what will come out to us next stream.
Some people may complain that Orcs, Elves, Humans, etc are all starting to look a little too similar, but it makes sense to me as they became a more refined later race that combined the attributes of various gods compared to the more diverse Tulnar, and I like the Tulnar having the diversity for big and brutish types of characters. I really like the more unique identity here.
I absolutely love these new versions of Ren'Kai! You are definitely on the right track and I look forward to seeing their completed models within the character creator. Awesome work!
As an example I'm going to post a music video of a Mongolian group that I think fits.
Formerly T-Elf
Yeah, that's the Mongolian face I know in history books and some documentary film, I'll happy to see these face in Ren'kai customization.
Maybe Ottoman or Turkish? Plus consider their armor/weapon style are cool as Mongolian's armor/weapon, I do traditional archery I like the style of Turkish and Ottoman bow.(I don't really know about the history culture or religion of Ottoman or Turkish just like the look and armor/weapon style may fit Ren'kai.)
I like green, brown, red skin orcs. I like the asian hairstyles - The armour and weapons are going to look so cool.
It's also a great way for people who like east asian stuff to find it in-game in a lore friendly way.
This is getting me excited to see how cool the orc boats and cities will look!
In GW1 I really enjoyed Cantha and Elona because they showed fantasy in settings different to the generic European style that we're used too (obviously i'm a big fan of that too!).
(I hope people who want to play as big bulky orcs and others who want to be more slim can still achieve that. However I understand the average orc is going to be WAY bigger than a human).
But other than that I'd say it's fine, you just need to add in more facial features that make their expression darker
Not a good argument because that's the old concept art of the Py'rai, the new accepted one is more realistic so compare the Ren'kai design to that
I'm sorry my friend but you just proved my point here that people saying it's too cartoony don't fully understand what is a concept art.
The ONLY Py'rai concept art we saw is the one I showed in that picture, after that what they showed was the 3D Render based on that exact concept art - which Obviously looks more realistic since it's more detailed in 3D, same for the Vek -and it will be the same for the Ren'Kai, hopefully @Vaknar takes notice of this when compiling feedback from people saying it looks "cartoony".
This. I'm sure Intrepid Studios understands that the people saying the races look "cartoony" just don't know the difference between concept art and 3D models. The updated races look amazing and can't wait to see their full 3D rendered versions.
There is one thing that worries me , Orcs I think are almost a regristred brand of WOW and the image of WOW orcs is literally engraved in the minds of MMOSRPG players , so, how to show an orc model that does not look like the WOW orc but is attractive and charismatic?
I think the answer is to give him a lot of spice, a lot of seasoning, that his image evokes something different that has its own personality and charisma, that would be a different Orc.
The factions of the WOW Orcs or the typical orcs are well known by many, so I think the factions more Asian, more Japanese, Mongolian etc would be more interesting, fun, and different for a different Orc, an orc with discipline, which follows the path of the samurai warrior another kind of pride, that I think would be an Orc of which orc lovers would be proud and would not compare it with the orcs of WOW.
They have a sword style that is very similar to Japan, they also have a traditional culture of blackening their teeth, some armor, architecture, and everyday clothes can all be used as adjacent references as well. Here is my own little photo dump, but you can see more examples here: