Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
That's also assuming they design the gear accordingly but it's high fantasy so who knows how well that would apply regardless without obvious visual indicators.
You took the second part, I took the first part. There really is no difference between the three different armour sets. You will instantly tell defensive parameters by the amount of damage you do, whether the target evades or whether the target moves faster or slower. There are tell tale signs in Ashes. Steven and some of the Devs are PvP Veterans - Steven has led many PvP Guilds in PvP Scenarios. I think the devs know how to build pvp and how to build a strong set of combat circumstances. Its the pve I have qualms about.
Conversely, transmog only works on same armour types but when most of the gear is crafted and costumes are cosmetic I'm not sure how many transmog items will be available.
Here is the wiki reference:
Turns out the tab is actually the nameplate now.
The "type" of armor (cloth, leather, plate) a character is predominantly wearing is visible in their nameplate.[31][51]
There will be strengths and weaknesses for armor sets that opponents can exploit with gear enhancements, for example.[31]
I think it is pretty funny you think you are going to be targeting certain people based on armor and not trying to kill important targets like healers and attack whom ever in the mess of large fights.
Its like these people are pve players trying to pvp. They are scared of the pvp players actually having decent cosmetics and other items to look good like in Guild Wars 1. There are methods to identify the armour type, rarity level and opponent you face, they just won't be explicit from eying the toon. Eying a toon in pvp takes too long anyway. What do they want to do?
PvE Player Approach:
Weapon type: Melee, check.
Armour type: Heavy, check.
Class type: Tank, check
Plan of action? Get taunted because the checks took too long.
Well you see with my 900 Raid IQ i can use that ability in pvp to see and know all players and their armor and weapon types and organize my raid on the fly to attack only the most optimal people. And move people around the battlefield easily to go where they need to counter certain armor and weapon types.
-pushes glasses up- I was one of the top WoW/EQ pvers, and pvp is easier than pve so it will be easy for me.
My approach: Use Action Combat to kill my target and tab target to scout the next target. Pepper the next target to weaken the target in preparation for action combat to finish the target. Mass scale will be the same in localised situations but I'm only a guild member and not a raid leader so the higher tactics will come from above. I just have to kill, buff or heal when appropriate. The PvE won't be like WoW/EQ in Ashes it will be like L2 but better I hope.
I was memeing btw lol
Live AMA with Steven Sharif, July 25, 2020
Your counter arguments are quite alarming. How would you like PvP to be exactly? Not able to see enchantment level and not able to see rarity level? PvP players would exploit the systems in such a scenario. There's nothing better than having BiS and Transmogging it to level 1 white items for pvp.
It's seems like you havent played an mmo recently. They are full of cosmetics and transmorgs. This whole cosmetic concept has been discussed many times now.
It's bad for pvp in a way and the overall feel of achievement, ok.
But people like the OP play fast and loose with the term p2w...
Cosmetics and transmogs are disabled for sieges anyway.
There is no P2W or P4C in Ashes though. Ashes is not a WoW Clone either. Ashes will be a Silk Road and Albion hardcore hybrid with L2 Elements. It will also be cool like Guild Wars 1. There's nothing wrong with wanting transmogs and cosmetics. There's nothing wrong with wanting the name plate to explain the target acquisitions. There's also nothing wrong with using the tell tale signs of target acquisition. Large scale will be hectic. You'll choose your enemies based on other factors too.
I told you many times. It's a business model. Grow up.
If you want to be lit up like a Christmas Tree be my guest.
Catch me if you can... Im gonna metamorph with my P2W powers and blend into the environment.
And what are you gonna do then?? When Im a rock, looking at your goofy ass trying to find me
I'll have my gathering pickaxe and I'll test the rocks for diamonds. When no-ones about gatherers have the best time.
i'll just look for the name plate above the rock. Super immersive gameplay lol