Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
More weapons
Yeah I’m really trying to capture any type of culture within the weapons based off of what we have so far. Brutal, Beautiful, Grotesque, Noble… etc.
What are you using? Midjourney?
lol okay. I wondered why you used the term 'capture'.
Because I still gotta fineagle words around to get the picture I want
From google
Oh is it? I'm sorry! I actually didn't know it defaults to white. I'll stop using the light blue color. Thanks for telling me
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I always use dark mode because my eyes are sensitive lol Sorry about that!
Teal it is!
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Well good thing you're Kin! That means you get the cuddles ^.^
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Of course!
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Then they'll become the favorite race in the game!
Tulnars are combination of different races so can we make orc size and dwarven size Tulnars? 🤔
That's a good question! I would imagine that the concept would be to choose your base and modify it, however I'm unsure if it will actually end up that way in the creator.
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If going by this concept art, we can see the sketched up possibilities to choose from even if silhouetted.
Yes! I remember looking at this picture often. It was one of the reasons why I started to theorize the character creator may start with choosing your ORIGINAL race and building on top of it. Example: Choosing Ren'Kai then adding fur, ears, tails, claws, ect. I know that is asking a lot for a character creator and I also realize that if it literally is just the other races with extra stuff may push some overall opinions to be rather skewed, however, I think it's fascinating. I very much enjoy the idea of creating how monster or how evolved you became. Very fun!
[the quote feature is hating me today]
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rodent features like....
or more like skavan from WH
Frankly speaking, I have been wondering if the Tul'nar will be morr like the Charr from Guild Wars... Or more like the Argonians and Khajiit (ESO). I did not once consider Miqo'te, and I still find that the least likely. Especially because of the concept art.
I think that Charr, Argonians and Khajit are things we can pretty much bet on them being able to look like seeing the current concept art and such that we have. In terms of Miqo'te, I think that you are correct, I don't think it'll be able to be THAT human, however it was mentioned that it can be humanoid.
From the Wiki we have the quote
Which makes me believe that you can get quite humanoid, however Miqo'te would be a bit too far past what they would probably allow. I'm assuming there will be an amount of "monster" or other types you will have to allow still. That could be as little as some form of claws or paws, horns or ears, tail, patches of scales or fur, and such like that.
I tried to find a picture that captured what I think the "low" end may be but I could only really find something anime to show somewhat my point:
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Right? I think it's a good overall feel for it, though the bone biology would be replaced with fur, scales or what not. It's still human shaped thus armor shouldn't have any issues fitting the model. Adding the tails, claws/hooves and such shouldn't affect the armor too too much to cause overall issues.
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It could be metallic and forged still as well considering they spent lots of time under ground. Bone and Carapace/chitin can be super strong.