What are people's node & biome preferences?



  • Depends.

    If it's just me or a small guild/group, I'd say a tropical island. It likely won't have the most amazing loot, but isolation can provide safety/less people trying to take you out, and let you work and grow, and likely has access to a lot of staples for building a society.

    Defensible in general is good, but I suspect things like mountains and forests won't provided as much as simple DISTANCE and isolation from others.

    In general, remoteness from starting spawn zones/regions. Probably one of the first things I'll do when I get into this game is just take off and get as far as I can before I start trying to build up a little remote node somewhere.

    As for type...hm, not really sure. I need to read up more on those, and I don't ever expect to live in a fully built up one, so the tier 2-4 perks are what I'm more interested in. That said, the one that allows teleportation sounds the most outright useful for efficiency and logistics.
  • Oh, as for type...all things being equal, either forest or plains. Plains are just one of my favorite types of geography in general, possibly with a hill somewhere for the actual town to be built on top of.
  • Aside for any Eve fans: I wonder what the first major trade hubs to appear will be.

    I suspect the guy (Texas?) who said near the Human starting area is correct and there will be something akin to Amarr there (for those that don't know Eve, one of the 4 starting areas just happened to end up being one of the main game trading hubs!), with some scattered around near the other portals and then along routes that connect them, which is how we see a lot of the main trade hubs in Eve.

    The original mega-hub was at a nexus connecting all four capitals/starting areas, but this was seen as TOO good (and crowded!), so they cut those jumpgate links to make it a random "normal" sector, and its popularity waned into nothingness. Thus did the four regional hubs develop (of which the Caldari one became the biggest, and the Amarrian capitol the second biggest and also the first one that many players will encounter just because it happens to be the main hub for one of the main and for a while popular starting areas), with the Galente and Minmatar ones being smaller/lower volume and more regional major areas.

    But then there are also the smaller local hubs on the edges of lawless space that get a lot of traffic (small being a relative term in this sense), some of which are pretty respectable in size and development, just not on the level of the 3 regional main hubs or the megahub in Caldari space (don't remember the name, been too long, but it's definitely the "first among non-equals", and by quite a measure, the only system that is CONSISTENTLY at the population limit for people to jump into it, especially during peak hours, etc).

    It will be interesting to see if such things develop in Ashes. Given the ability to siege nodes, they can be attacked, but a lot of people might take the position of leaving the main one's alone if they're sufficiently beneficial to lots of players, even ones not in the main controlling guilds.
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