Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!

Next Livestream + Q&A Submission - Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 11am Pacific



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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Do you intend to have player or guild wealth caps (currency or materials)?
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    How do you plan to fit an entire server worth of population into the very little land there will be at launch of Alpha 2?
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    HevelHevel Member
    During the February livestream you mentioned that you plan to have elemental attacks be affected by weather events. This seems to disproportionally affect the Mage archetype since that skillset seems to be mostly elemental damage. Have you decided that the immersion provided by this mechanic is worth the fact that it will only truly affect one class, or are you assuming that most non-mage players will also have elemental damage in their kit from augments or weapon enchantments?
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    ValorinthValorinth Member
    edited June 22
    Hearing about server meshing for A2 is awesome. I have to know, is the team implementing this technology in order to meet the stated active player counts of 8-10k per server, or is this being implemented to reach beyond previously stated population goals?
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    NeurotoxinNeurotoxin Member, Alpha One
    If a non-sanctioned/non-scheduled event creates a far greater player density in an area than is normally supported, what server tech is implemented to manage that density without hiding players or having them disappear around one another?
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    LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    is the max guild member cap still planned to be 300 or did this change?
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    I'm trying to understand whether choosing to become a citizen of a node will be a personal decision or one dictated by guilds. After watching the node wars preview, it seems like there are really strong incentives to ensure that everyone in your guild is a citizen of the same node so that they can all fight together. Are there any reasons why a guild would allow each of their members to choose their own nodes to call home, or should I expect that most guilds will pick a node and require all of their members to become citizens of that node?
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    OtrOtr Member
    If people will want Battlepasses, will you make them?
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    LineagerLineager Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited June 22
    Will we see an Augmentation system before all classes are released?

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    VissoxVissox Member
    If we are playing on one mega server with server meshing how can players attempt to make safe choices around players that might have a "bad" reputation and how can we preserve player infamousy and fame and importance without those players getting lost in a sea of names. People who are guild leaders, mayors, or noteworthy players that would otherwise be known on a small pop server.

    How is this different than the community problems WoW faces with layering?
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    VissoxVissox Member
    edited June 22
    Lineager wrote: »
    Will we see an Augmentation system before all classes are released?
    If by released you mean playable,
    Alpha 2 drops within the next 3 months and PI members didn't see any augment system, so no.
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    LineagerLineager Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Vissox wrote: »
    Lineager wrote: »
    Will we see an Augmentation system before all classes are released?
    If by released you mean playable,
    Alpha 2 drops within the next 3 months and PI members didn't see any augment system, so no.

    This thread is not for discussion. The question is whether we will see Augments before the release of all classes. This has nothing to do with the start of A2. Rogue and Summoner will be released after A2 and will we see augments before their release? That was a question to Inrepid.
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    MoisMois Member
    An update please, on anti-Zerg-concepts and -measures.
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    Vaknar wrote: »

    Glorious Ashes of Creation Community!

    Our next livestream featuring an Alpha Two Server Meshing Technology Preview will be Friday, June 28, 2024 at 11am Pacific! (Click here to convert this to your local time.)

    If you have a question for our team, then you’re in the right place! Please submit your question for our development team in the thread below, and we'll select 10 of them at random to answer during the end of our livestream. In order to accommodate a variety of questions from our community, please only post ONE question below - the more direct, and succinct the better (think one to two sentences)! Submissions end Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 11am Pacific, so we can select your questions before the broadcast.

    We'll see you soon for our development update livestream!

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    VelkinVelkin Member
    edited June 22
    I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the anticipated release month for the Alpha-2 testing phase of Ashes of Creation. As we look forward to this milestone in the development of the game, our community and stakeholders are eager to prepare accordingly.

    Understanding the complexities involved in such a significant undertaking, could you kindly provide any insights on the targeted month within the 3rd quarter of this year for the Alpha-2 release? Any information you could share would be greatly appreciated and would assist us in planning and coordinating our efforts effectively.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response at your earliest convenience.
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    Oh man am i excited about this. I wonder how similar is the tech to the star citizens tech?
    Will there be a replication layer where everyone in server X can do something and the replication layer copies those actions over into other servers.

    So that everyone ia united across all servers.

    Hyped for the tech demo on this
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    TryolTryol Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited June 22
    How will ground mounts stay relevant for land traversal when gliding mounts exist? Will gliding mounts be much harder to get, or maybe worse off in certain scenarios?
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    VissoxVissox Member
    Lineager wrote: »
    Vissox wrote: »
    Lineager wrote: »
    Will we see an Augmentation system before all classes are released?
    If by released you mean playable,
    Alpha 2 drops within the next 3 months and PI members didn't see any augment system, so no.

    This thread is not for discussion. The question is whether we will see Augments before the release of all classes. This has nothing to do with the start of A2. Rogue and Summoner will be released after A2 and will we see augments before their release? That was a question to Inrepid.

    That's pretty hypocritical of you to reply to my comment and say this isn't a discussion board when that's you just furthering the discussion.
    Sorry for misunderstanding your question but it doesn't make much sense to me that the classes that would be augmenting other classes would be implemented before all of them are actually done.
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    Will your own profession have any effect (besides a social one) on which tradable recipes and blueprints you obtain?
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    CadacCadac Member
    Will underwater dungeons, and points of interest in the Open Seas, remain outside of the flagging system?
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    Will there be under-water content in the Under-Realm parts of the game?

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    SnowElfSnowElf Member
    Will server meshing have any impact on world bosses or events and is there any potential chance for exploitation from the playerbase in bypassing the spawn timers via this concept?
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    EonaEona Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter
    Will the companion pets have any active role with or to you when when they are exploring beside you (helping to gather loot or offer some sort of buff or debuff or both!), or are they simply cute comfort pixels keeping you company while you roam the world?
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    EonaEona Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter
    edited June 23
    Will we ever see any of the items that had been offered in the store offered again? I really wanted Yew ( the ewe) and still reflect on it, and am hoping we will see some of those skins offered again at some point.
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    FippyFippy Member
    In the May development live stream, it was mentioned that mayors were meant to have extra powers for wars, such as access to a flying mounts, buffs, etc.. However the skills and time required to manage the minutiae of a town as mayor seems thematically very different than being an active war leader. In other games, a guild leader and a raid leader are often different people. Any plans to allow for that kind of granularity, or will all our mayors fundamentally need to be skilled PVPers?
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    edited 2:22AM
    How do you plan to handle Damage Mitigation is it going to build up a Damage Reduction % or is it going to be a 1 DM reduces 1 damage point towards you? And do you plan to have Hard Caps or Diminishing Returns on Scaling Stats such as Attack speed, Penetration, and Mitigation or can we make builds by hard focusing on Specific Stats?
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    MimyakkoMimyakko Member
    Will Racial Augments be unique and different from Class Augments, and Do you plan to have a Utility Augment for every Class like Teleport and Stealth are Such as Barrier for Clerics, Regen for Bard, and Defence?for Tank?
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    We know that the animal husbandry system will follow the mendelian inheritance from the Feb 2022 Livestream, could you elaborate on the number of gamete pairs the Pets, Mounts, Livestocks and Beasts of Burden will have?
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    Will solo/small party playstyles be viable in the open world, or will you be dependent on constantly finding players to group with? As someone with limited time to play I'm worried of being unable to progress through a vast majority of content without spending a lot of that time looking for a party
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    CastaiCastai Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited June 30
    Of taunts, heals, and damage done, each of equal output performed against enemy mobs, will they all generally be a 1:1:1 ratio of threat generation? or will one of those three be slightly better or worse than the other two at producing hate? For example, 100 damage done by one player is more, less, or equally effective at holding aggro compared with 100 health healed by another player to steal aggro. ||| ||| ||| ||| |||
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