Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!

Next Livestream + Q&A Submission - Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 11am Pacific



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    FrosthideFrosthide Member
    edited June 30
    In A2 will tattoos be implemented when it comes to giving the character some sort of power(s)?
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    DolyemDolyem Member
    When considering initial engagements in OWPvP, where the attacker is now flagged and the attacked is still a non-combatant, would you prioritize feel/flow of gameplay or the flagging/corruption system; in the sense that an engagement may be severely crippled by having no CC effects and limited viable skill kits amongst different classes for those initial engagements?
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    Regarding crafting, what requirements will players have to make to utilize better artisan & gathering tools. For example: will we have to hit x level in said profession or x player level?
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    TenmaTenma Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Have the developers considered using AI-driven load balancing to improve performance and scalability in the game? AI has the potential to predict traffic patterns, allocate resources in real-time, and ensure smoother gameplay during peak periods. This seems like it could be a valuable addition. Are there any insights you can share on whether this technology is being explored or integrated into the server infrastructure?
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    VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    Hello again, glorious Ashes of Creation community! Thank you to everyone who stopped by and shared a question with us for this month’s stream. Q&A submissions are now closed, and we’ll see you at 11AM Pacific on Wednesday for our livestream!
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    Can't wait for the Livestream!
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    ZettrexZettrex Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Definitely zoomed out, but you do need to be able to zoom in as well, as certain situations require it.

    Also in a MMO being able to see ur position relative to your environment, and being able to see more arround you is a massive advantage
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    PallywagzPallywagz Member
    At 21:55 in the node wars preview there was something that appeared on the cliff above you. What/who is it? We've been calling it the cliff creeper.
    Balding but not old
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    Are there plans to have class type epic weapon/armor quests akin to those done in Everquest? The type where it takes a whole community to solve and will involve raid type events to complete (e.g., getting rare drops)?
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