Next Livestream + Q&A Submission - Friday, September 27, 2024 at 11am Pacific



  • At what time will the servers go live on October 25.?
  • ChaosFactorChaosFactor Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Will we have the ability to temporarily drop rare materials in hidden locations for a time, until they can be safely retrieved and delivered to their destination?
  • Is it possible for a player to get stuck with broken gear, if by chance there are no repair materials or artisans available nearby? Will repairs always be a quick and easy trip to town, or is it something we need to prepare for?
  • At what phase in development do you expect the world to be finished and fully populated with assets?
    Will that happen within alpha 2 or will there be a development phase in between alpha and beta where things like that and are completed?
  • TanerothTaneroth Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    Will the speed of character progression and leveling up during Alpha 2 be the same or similar to what you plan to provide after the game's launch? Personally, I really enjoy games that have a longer path to max level, as it enhances the satisfaction of achieving my goals.
  • The only real question I have, is whats Steven's aversion to an API?

    99% of the people on these forums rallying against an API, from what I can tell, dont really know what it is or does, and theyre attributing it to how WoW used it which is a terribly poor example of API.

    I'd be more than willing to talk about it, as I work with them on a daily basis and build/develop multiple things in and around an API. (Also, API does not mean Addons. I am 100% with Steven on no Addons)
  • NugsNugs Member
    edited September 20
    I have 2 questions:

    1. Can we expect more dynamic behavior from a world boss if PvP ensues during the fight? A small example could be the boss putting a ring of fire around opposing players, forcing them to a fight to the death.

    2. While they may be 'possible', will atypical builds be viable? Such as a mage/ranger with a sword, or a fighter with a bow. I can understand them not being the best spec, but having them be completely inefficient seems like a waste of space, of sorts.
  • How many gathering professions will most dungeons attract? 1-2, 4-5, or will it vary greatly?
  • NeurotoxinNeurotoxin Member, Alpha One
    In order to keep players focused on playtest goals during the limited server up time in phase 1, will focused participants receive rewards such as Embers or public commendations?
  • Armor vs Alpha-2 Roadmap

    At what phase of A2 is armor and it’s various impacts on combat and gameplay expected to appear, as armor is not mentioned in the A2 roadmap?

    In particular, there are at least two competing paradigms concerning armor:
    * First is the RPS thing (rock-paper-scissors): Light and heavy armor types superior vs magic and physical damage, respectively, with medium falling somewhere in the middle;
    * Second is the impact of armor weight on Universal Skills, like block, dodge and sprint, plus similar effects in general;
    * Next comes uniformity bonuses, as yet unspecified, from equipping all pieces of same weight;
    * Finally, anything impactful flying under the radar - eg: specific damage subtypes, like lightning or piercing.

    Can we expect a first pass at a complete picture in A2 phase 1? Phase 2?

    Personally I’m curious how the main paradigms will find harmony.
    I’m hoping the exclusion of “armor types vs gameplay” from the roadmap was just an oversight and we might get some information.

    Casually Serious.
    LFG: Open World, tight knit coordination, multiple roles, will travel.
  • During Phase 1 of Alpha 2, what types of activities or mechanics will help my guild stand out from others, in terms of influence, progression, or territorial conquest? Will there be any indicators to measure this?
  • Are there any plans to incorporate large language models (LLMs) or other AI technologies into Ashes of Creation? Specifically, I'm curious about potential applications for NPC interactions, node logic, or other game systems. If such technologies are being considered, I'd love to hear more details about how they might be implemented. As an AI engineer with a passion for gaming, I'm excited about the possibilities and would be eager to contribute my expertise if there are opportunities to do so.
  • In implementing the 64 classes dose Intrepid intend to design them first at a high level as a 'class fantasy' with a defined style of play and synthesis of the primary & secondary archetypes, and THEN make augments which provide the kit nessary to fufill the intended playstyle. Or are augments designed individualy without respect to a playstyle and the player is responsible for finding an effective playstyle out of an assortment of augments, aka build your own class? If class fantasy concepts exist can we hear them?

    How many augments are expected to be in a 'school' and how are they organized and selected? How many augmentation options would a typical ability have within a single secondary archetype, both with and without consideration for limitations in opening access to individual augments.

    How much and in what ways do augments resemble and differ from the passive nodes of the primary archetype skill tree as we have told they used similar code base to augments in the fighter showcases. Is any similarity in design style, degree of impact on skills able to be drawn from what we see in thouse passives. Are augments only buffs and additions to an ability, as seems the case with passives or can they remove/replace major aspects of an ability. How will Augments on an ability interact with passives that also modify the ability.

    "Very Transformative" changes being possible with augments was recently mentioned. Dose that extend to changing the entire purpose of an ability. Fighter/Mage having its gapcloser (Blitz) become a Blink directly to enemy has been mentioned many times but this is still a gapcloser. Would something like a Mage/Tank (Spellstone) having its Blink ability stop being a self movement ability and become a traditional tank pull ability which Blinks the enemy to you be the kind of 'very transformative' change we could expect?
  • What are the differences between water mounts and aquatics mounts?
    The Steven giveth and the Steven taketh away
  • Are there any plans for the support of multiple monitors? I always that it was a shame that I could not display secondary information such Map, Inventory, quest log, Chat and the like on additional monitors.
  • YsandreYsandre Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited September 20
    While I fully understand that wipes can and will happen as needed, how many characters will players be able to create during these testing phases, ideally without having to personally delete a character, so we can experiment with the different archetypes available while preserving individual progress for those we would want to return to?

    On a somewhat related note, is there any update on when name reservations will be available for Kickstarter backers?
  • BriggsBriggs Member
    edited September 20
    I'm bringing several friends who are new to sandbox MMOs and MMOs in general, and they're particularly interested in Ashes. Have you started developing a new player experience for newcomers like them?

    We all know someones first few hours a game matter, but with a game like Ashes where the most enjoyment will come with long term play, how do you plan on grabbing newer players and keeping them interested and active in the game within their first 3 or 4 hours of playtime?

    Any special starting zones planned? Maybe a mini or mock node war to get them started on that? Almost like a bootcamp of sorts? A low level Dungeon? This needs to be skippable of course but it should be an option to people that have never played an MMO or even a Sandbox MMO before.

    Almost all MMOs suck at this but sometimes they do small things well, but they tend to bait and switch you by leaving out end game systems that just can't be packed into a tutorial but the game revolves around.

    Some examples of early game experiences-
    Runescape has Tutorial Island
    WoW has Exile's Reach and before that every starting zone was basically a tutorial.
    Age of Conan had a decent Tutorial
    New Worlds apparently was not bad (didn't play it)
    Tera's pre-2016 Island of Dawn let you try higher level versions of the classes
    Ragnarok had a fun little quiz to see what class you might enjoy, great for new players
  • How are you making core game loops rewarding for players that will not have access to endgame content?
  • warpath98warpath98 Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    What will happen to property that survives node destruction (siege loss) and the owners' loss of citizenship as a result of the node's destruction. For example, a node may be defeated in a siege battle but not all the homes and freeholds are destroyed and raided. However, it's been said that citizens of a defeated node lose their citizenship, so I'm just curious how that is handled.
  • BriggsBriggs Member
    shakman wrote: »
    How are you making core game loops rewarding for players that will not have access to endgame content?

    Good question, How will the game differ for people that don't participate with guild wars and castle sieges? I'd like to see the ability to queue for a battleground once a week for castle sieges to participate with the content even tho my guild will never be in the running for a castle.
  • With the harbingers and connection to planes through rivers of essence.
    Is there plans to travel through planes of existence later in development?
  • What languages will be available at the start of Alpha-2 or in later phases?
  • BarentainBarentain Member
    edited 1:50AM
    Are there any plans for PvE-focused cross-server competitions where entire servers race to complete objectives, with the winning server earning unique rewards or world-altering benefits for coming out on top?
  • CastaiCastai Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Will dungeons have their own maps? And if so, will they have the same fog-of-war mechanic like the overworld or something else like discovering the map while exploring inside or purchasing the map from a vendor in a different location? ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • zklzkl Member
    I'd like to know if we will be allowed to play the game in Linux using Wine or if it's something that could get us banned. I am not asking if it'll be supported, or "possible", but just if it's allowed. I'd like to try using Linux to play during Alpha 2 possibly.
  • Greetings Team,

    Ashenforge from Clan FÖRGE! Just want to say great work getting the game this far! My question is more related to the Alpha 2 testing side of the game.

    Will there be a in game built reporting system?

    Recently Forge has had the pleasure of testing Pax Dei's Early Release. They have a built-in reporting system in-game and screenshot option to help with describing the events leading up to the bug report. It is a very easy to approach system that is user friendly to make even the newest MMO tester a master at identifying bugs.

    PVX OCE Dwarven Community
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