Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
<blockquote>| Primary & Secondary Classes
What are you guys currently planning for progression?
Our player class advancement follows both a vertical progression in the traditional leveling sense, as well as a horizontal skill customization platform. When players start the game, they will be able to choose from 8 separate Archetypes. These archetypes represent the staple fantasy classes; Fighter, Tank, Rogue, Ranger, Mage, Summoner, Cleric, Bard. As the player progresses vertically with their primary class, they will have the opportunity to add a second class. This second class will be chosen again from the 8 archetypes, and will follow more of a horizontal progression. The second class will allow the player to augment their primary skills from their main class, with effects from their secondary class. For example; A fighter has a skill called “Rush”, that allows him to rush towards a target and upon reaching the target, deals x damage with a chance to knock the target down. If that fighter were to choose Mage as his secondary archetype (Spellsword), he would gain access to certain augments that he could apply to his primary skill tree. Let’s use his Rush skill as an example; As a Spellsword, he could choose to apply a teleportation augment to the Rush skill, which would allow the skill to now teleport you to the target, eliminating the charge time on the skill. Each skill in the primary tree will have several augment options from your secondary tree. The secondary skill augment tree will follow a horizontal progression that will be expanded upon further in a developer’s blog
Idk who got quoted there, but combining classes sounds way different than just slapping some holy spells onto the tank skills u had before.
Just as an fyi as i got the feeling some have a different idea in mind when it comes down to class-combinations.
I'm going to focus on the more destructive magic. However, if this game is going to have illusionary magic, I will also attempt to master that.
Swords are a must for me, no shields or other weapons (other than perhaps a spear.) I will likely play in a quick-fighting way. Finish the battle as quick as possible without any unneeded pauses.
Dexterity, endurance, strength. Are what I am going to need the most of, aside from magic related skills.
If a rapier or bastard-sword is included in the game, I will more than likely use one of the like.
I usually end up in a stealth/cc or healer/cc situation but it will also depend on the general vibe of the game. Sometimes I'm a tank, sometimes a dd, sometimes a healer. But as I like to annoy people a lot I guess rouge is a must have :D
First and foremost question is - what if I choose two complete opposite classes. The spellsword example is a good sign (in my view) as it seems that combining two classes may result in smaller adjustments to the main class but won't hand you a full toolbox of new things to do for example giving melee players the ability to cast fireballs (spellsword) would be kind of lame. The teleportation (instantaneously) rather than charging (time consuming) is a solid concept I can get behind. Also adding magic effects to weapon attacks (let's say you can add fire based damage to abilities or what ever) could also work. Simply just don't create combination which let's you faceroll other not so good combinations like ArcheAge did).
Also I guess locking certain powers behind choosing your archetype two times (primary+secondary class) will also be a thing - not that I have anything against that but I just guess it will happen (for example Rouge having a Hide ability at first which could change to true stealth at primary+secondary stage).
This. No one should underestimate the player base's ability to find the most efficient path and then pursue to the exclusion of everything else. It's sad in my opinion, since it often sucks the fun right out of a game.
I'll probably go with fighter+mage tho, if it's done right.
But I'll try all kinds of stuff anyway.
Are you me?
For for now it would be:
Fighter/cleric - I would like to see this game not make all sword and board users tanks, I really liked WoW's gladiator stance. Too bad gladiators stance got scrapped D:
Ranger/cleric - I like guns, not machine guns, but more on the musket side. I know some people hate it, but I prefer guns over bows. The WoW cinematic with the Dwarf hunter made me buy that game!
Cleric/rogue - This combo will all depend on how the stealth mechanic works.
Off topic - I would love to see a class where the pet does most of the fighting, something like the Puppet Master from Final Fantasy XI.
If I can't get the class I want aesthetically then I'll look at the classes mechanically and go from there.