Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

What class combination are you going to choose?



  • I was thinking that I would go for a Rogue+Mage. I'm hoping that with the Mage augmenting my Rogue abilities it'll either add CC or some type of after effect that wouldn't normally be available. Or I'll go the opposite, Mage+Rogue but I don't see that working quite as well as the former. Either way, I feel as though I need rogue, especially if any type of stealth is available in the game.
  • Right now I'm leaning towards Fighter/Summoner, Not sure what that's going to get me but I like the sound of it!
  • Id most likely go Rogue/Ranger as my primary character for guild/group questing. Solo play most likely Fighter/Cleric type or Fighter/Ranger type if they get pets. Very interested to see how classes work.
  • I can't decide...
    1) Ranger, probably human or elf that would have secondary either cleric or bard. Kinda woodsman who is "one with the nature" so that they can heal or buff because of that connection.
    2) Bard + Cleric would be interesting as well to be like a buffer-healer, but that would depend if it's useful enough, if not then maybe the other way around Cleric+ Bard. I think this character would definately be dwarf with a bad temper and "colorful" vocabulary. ;)
    3 ) Fighter + Rogue (Human)... or Rogue+Mage (Elf) for tomb-robb... ehem to make archeological discoveries (for a bit of profit maybe)
  • I want to come as close as I possibly can to replicating my EQ2 Dirge.

    Sooo... Bard / Rogue?
  • Rogue + ?

    I hope Rogue hits hard enough as a bass class so my 2nd will probably help with survivability.

    But looking forward to see what they come up with for all the classes.
  • Mage/Rogue or Mage/Summoner, gotta wait for more info tho :)
  • Bard/Ranger or Bard/rogue, all depends.
  • Rogue mage or cleric rogue. Stealth healing is fun. Rogue fighter sounds interesting too, maybe get a chance to use heavier weapons than the rogue would normally use, with the deception inherent to rogue game play.
  • Mage/Rogue for me so far, could change depending on how other classes look when they are shown like the Mage.
  • Either Rogue/Bard or Cleric or a more supporting roll. All depends on how much freedom and what augments I am able to do in spells. Having a sneaky sneaky that could support itself is always quite fun. Then again, having a sneaky guy who buffs everyone around is as well. Hopefully, we'll get more information on classes/augmentations soon :D There could be lots the theorycraft coming into this.
  • I would go either pure summoner/summoner or depending on how the class gets augmented fighter/summoner.
  • I'll definitely be a bard-summoner. Fits in with my roleplay. Animated constructs to walking corpses, we all dance to the tune of life and death that I'll play as a bard to my muses.
  • Ranger/Cleric sounds good to me. If I could keep my distance and be able to heal myself I would be happy. Or on the other side of the spectrum just go balls deep with a tank/tank build.
  • I would love to play sort of a spellblade class, a mix of mage/warrior maybe, i just hope the balancing will allow it.
  • I'll probably, if I decide to play it, be a dedicated Tank.
  • Hi,
    Where is all this info about multi-classing please?
    I haven't found anything beyond our own postings so would be very interested in any official info.

    On Topic: I know what classes I like to play but can't comment regarding this game as I have zero idea of what class does what, and less idea of how the multi-classing works..

    Link please anyone?
  • Check out <a href="">DeathsProxy</a>'s Channel. It's very informative :
  • [quote quote=11275]Check out <a href="" rel="nofollow">DeathsProxy</a>‘s Channel. It’s very informative :


    Ta <3

  • Cleric for sure and for sub I would like to go with ranger or mage. Will decide when more information is revealed.
  • For me, I'am aiming for a cleric - as it sounds like a healer class. Who I end up mixing it with, I'am not sure about that yet.

    What I do know is, no one will die on my watch. ;) ;)
  • I will probably go with mage/cleric.
  • Depending on how doubling down on a class plays out will influence my second decision.

    Primary is rogue for absolute certain. If it's worthwhile I'll go Rogue/Rogue. Otherwise I'll probably do something else offclass like mage.
  • Bard\whatever, as long as I can help make a party stronger. If i had to choose based on just flavour text alone, I might go for a Bard/Fighter or perhaps even Bard/Tank. I'm partial towards martial classes. 
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