Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

What class combination are you going to choose?



  • I wanna play whatever comes close to a necromancer or a leech char with many dots.
  • I'm going for Fighter as my primary, but I don't know if I want to be a spellsword, a fighter-rogue or fighter-cleric (paladin)!
  • I would like to make a female monk type that can use fists and do flippy moves.
  • support classes have always been my favorite with healers coming in a close second. after the NGE in SWG i played as an officer, was a runepriest in Warhammer Online, a shaman since Burning Crusade in WoW, and a guardian in GW2.

    so i am stoked to see the cleric, bard, and ranger. cleric dwarf sounds perfect.
  • I'm hoping for a Berserker or Dark Knight type class or combination that creates that. I really like characters with big swords/axes!
  • Im always a fan of monk classes (Think final fantasy monk or kung fu master if you've played blade n soul). Fighter sounds like that might be it but can't be sure yet. Its either that or a class that wields a lance/katana. I'm pretty linear like that :u.
  • For me bard Ranger depending on the bard if it has good buff and Debuff sustain pairing with the Debuff shots archer usual have and sometimes dots it would be a beautiful build will just have to see how the classes play when they show more info
  • Man, that is a tough question, which is going to take me probably a whole day to figure out once the beta starts. I have a problem in that I hate making alts, but I like a lot of different archetypes (I've mained all three parts of the holy trinity at one time or another). So my first pick is especially important and difficult.

    That being said, my top three prospects right now are: Spellblades (some combination of Mage and Fighter/Rogue), because they are an awesome, dynamic archetype in every game; Whatever combination of Ranger, Rogue, and Fighter that gives the most mobility and dual-swords, because gotta go fast; and Priest+Rogue because it's wacky and interesting.

    Edit:[quote quote=8879]I would like to make a female monk type that can use fists and do flippy moves.
    Shout-out to flippy moves. They are nice.
  • This is going to be interesting.. I love playing as a Rogue so that's #1 pick for sure... but for a sub class? hmm maybe a Ranger? lol Rogue / Ranger ooh boy that sounds really fun. Though there are some pretty awesome combos.
  • Im not sure what main class im planning on playing yet as id like to see more information on classes, but I do like the id of the bard so maybe something like fighter/bard.
  • I like playing support if it can be a real support class; if buffs and debuffs play an integral role in the game. I would play a ranger/mage combo as well (arcane archer) if the synergy is possible.
  • Tank + Tank :$
  • I don't know what Fighter/Bard or Bard/Fighter combination will do, but I'll certainly try it. Bard/Summoners is another appealing combination.

    I guess my main will try to replicate the gameplay of either the Mesmer or a Necromancer from Guild Wars 1. I really love being a Disruptive/Counter class. His partner, on the other hand, is pretty straight forward. She's going to be a little ball of mayhem dancing in the battlefield that has a knack for furry creatures.
  • Hmm a Paladin (tank/cleric) is usually what i tank with , but the idea of having a battle mage tank (Tank/wizard) seems a lot of fun. Cant really decide until i play it.
  • I am a shammy person.. anywhere upon creation this will happen?
  • Correct me if I'm mistake but you have the option of combining 2 classes!?!?
  • Yes, you are correct you can have a primary class and a sub class which can change your prmiary skills from my understanding.
    it means you wont have the second class new abilities it will jsut add\change effects on your primary class skills.

    Anyway im more of a Rouge\Assasin class type of player, it will be logical to combine with a ranger but i never liked that class it seems boring. i need to think of a good combination that can work out because Rouges always had a problem when it comes to Dungeons\Boss fighting parties and i hope it wont happen in this game :O
  • I will probably go for Rogue/Mage cant wait to teleport through the shadows :D Of course PvE will probably be hard with a combo like this but im generally more the PvP type so this shouldnt be a problem. :3
  • Ranger/Tank :P
  • Oh my god, I would love to recreate the experience of my Ultima Online Tamer/Bard. Would probably translate to either ranger/bard or summoner/bard. If the summoner can "hunt" for spirits to bind for later summoning maybe? (like a pet spirit)

    Please give pets a range in their stats and skill levels so hunting for that pet magical urang utang with high int and wis becomes a goal by itself. Also loved training the skills on my pets. (anyone else play UO tamer and had some evil evil highly trained chicken in their stable? or a pack of max str velociraptors to hunt with?) So many great memories that I hope to relive whenever I go into a new MMORPG.

    <img src="" alt="a typical Ultima Online tamer" />
  • There's just not enough information for me to decide yet but I'll most likely start with Cleric. With all the possibilities, I just hope we have multiple character slots for all the alts I'm going to have.
  • I'm thinking fighter/mage ( hopes for cool lightening skills) or maybe rogue/ranger
  • Tank/Mage is the way I'm leaning right now. Would be a real bastard in PVP.
  • [quote quote=7281]Paladin always, I’m going for tank + cleric


    i like paladins but a fighter / cleric version of a paladin :)
  • I love the way a melee assassin plays but most of the time they get the short end of the stick when it comes to PvE (Looking at you Darkrunner) so at least for now i'm leaning more towards a support class that can buff allies/cc enemies.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
  • Cleric/bard, probably. I love me some support. =D
  • Tank-Cleric or Fighter-Cleric. Some sort of Paladin.
  • So far I know I will be playing tank with the possibility of either Bard, Mage or Summoner -

    Tank = A heavy, high health, medium damage combatant who favors a sword and shield to block, parry, counter and strike his foe.

    Tank + Bard = A Heavy, High health combatant who also gives AoE Buffs and heals, along with debuffs to his foes.

    Tank + Mage = A Heavy, High health combatant who uses magic to augment his defensive capabilities (Using mana shield ontop of his normal shield, using fire to lasso people closer to him, using thunder to stun his foes.

    Tank + Summon = A Heavy, high health combatant who can summon additional shields to defend himself and his foes, he can summon shields to defend his allies and also make static defensive zones.
  • Fighter/Tank -- I'm all about those all out brawls.
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