Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
The chance to crit will be very high because it's a critical spot, but there will still be some RNG.
I also expect there may be some damage RNG affected by the Evasion stat of the target.
My Evasion stat build should not be completely negated just because you chose to attack me with an action ability. You should still be able to do a considerable amount of damage, though.
You choose an action combat attack to risk missing - on the hope for a hit that will have the reward of a significantly higher crit chance.
You've been saying that the devs are trying to eliminate as much RNG as possible and make it more about player skill. When actually the devs are striving for a hybrid of both action and tab target.
The devs aren't intending to reward action abilities more than they reward tab target abilities, but they also aren't trying to reward RNG over player skill.
Hits and Crits from action abilities will be competitive with RNG abilities and stats, just not intrinsically better.
Having headshots grant increased crit chance will wreak havoc on the balancing between crit based and non crit based builds and between targeted and skillshot skills.
A far better way to include headshots is for them to just be a % multiplier to damage. But there are still many problems this would create.
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me
Game devs are not omniscience
"The idea behind headshot in the MMORPG is that, if we do implement headshots - part of this testing is to determine if we will - but if we were to implement headshots it will be along the lines of a higher critical chance."
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me
One of the above for a single class generally isn't too much of an issue... it's when a single class has more then one of the above that things quickly get out of balance.
Which class/combo/perks/skills will PVPers lean towards? Almost always the path that allows for as many of the above as possible. It's just the competitive spirit some would say.. Others would say the above makes PVP easier and being the easy path to dominance.. It will be the one chosen.
Personally, if a PVPer has a skill that allows them to lock another player down for seconds or minutes at a time.. That's not skill at all.. But then they brag how awesome they are.. /rollseyes... haha
Anyway, just my 2 cents and opinions.. Nothing more..
Yes, "if". I never said that headshots will be in the final implementation.
Appealing to authority is not a good look.
"if" meaning they know headshots bring problems.
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me
That the devs are debating the inclusion of headshots is not news.
This problem is hard to mitigate on games were a headshot is a key component (shooters, ect) but think of the huge advantage an AoE heavy class has on getting head shots, ping be damned.
Many of the posts will be from people that need to increase their skill and need to play their class correctly in pvp. Peoople call this L2P or learn to play. Plus if people are not multiclassers then people have a tendency to see the game through only one class making their posts naturally biased.
My advice is to focus on the people that are avid pvpers. On people that pvp a lot or enough to know what they are talking about. Although a person may be very smart and make statements made by looking at game mechanics they miss a lot of things without having the actual experience.
For example some people responded tome saying to run a more defensive set up since no self heals are there for rangers. Well just better to play a mage that has a denfensive cooldown and foregoe running a defensive setup . Or look at this way no point in runningg defensive set up an ranger when you can just run defensive set up on mage. Or really not to helpful since every class can run a defensive set up. Plus running a defensive set up will cost you dps on a supposidley already nerfed dps ranger so better to just play class were you do not have to do that.
The problems caused by not having self heal or defensive cd outweight rangers mobility.
In my personal experience. I noticed that people that are good at pvp usually do not even post . And most of the poeple that post all the time and sound like they know everything about pvp do not even do that much pvp. Kind of like trying to learn how to play basketball from someone that has never played the game.
Ok Nostradamus
you must be new
Idk how I feel about this. A game I played called Fiesta Online there was like a 30v30 or something guild war system. Have like a 30v30 guild war tournament bracket as a community event every month with in-game mechanics to support it. Give a reward to the top 3 teams in the form of cash shop currency and a special guild accessory of some kind to symbolize the victory.
I think guild wars in general should just be open world. In every MMORPG I've played a lot guild wars has always been a big and enjoyable aspect to the game since I typically join strong PvP guilds. The best part of it is hunting for people, having the war go across multiple parts of the maps, and the skirmish aspect of it. That becomes lost in instanced PvP. Plus there's the issue of segregating PvP too much. I'd say limiting it to open world pvp with specific areas that attract PvP, 15v15 normalized or equalized unranked battlegrounds, 3v3 equalized arena ranked, 1v1 equalized arena ranked, and 1v1 open world duels with no consequences are the best options.
AOC presenting alot of combinations builds.. this is usually combined with meta builds and insane inbalance issues..
I would be happy and take less builds anyday.. if the balance is easier to handle this way..
What i like to see in AOC: very depth cooperation gameplay... i would love to see an mmorpg which actually utilize group play on a very indepth level..
not many mmorpg have this option..
They are looking for the rock-paper-scissors idea (sorry, no lizard, but maybe Spock since @Steven is a Trekkie).