Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Next Live Stream + Q&A Submission - Thursday, August 29, 2019 at 11AM PDT



  • I loved testing the action combat in apocalypse - It is truly revolutionary for the genre <3 My question is; is there any eta on when we might see the highly anticipated hybrid combat (before alpha 1 - perhaps in a dev diary explaining and showing how it will work?). Thanks in advance!
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Hello AOC team.

    I have a couple of questions regarding AOC combat

    1) Will we have individual cooldowns for each ability based on how strong the effect and impact is?

    2) I am worrying about combat looking glitchy if you allow ability animations to be cancelled before the ability input/output registers.
    Will animation cancelling be a thing?

    I think that the animation AND effect of an ability should ONLY be cancelled in order for a player to react to an opponents move, by dodging or blocking.

    What is your vision for a good looking combat once we get to later stages of development?
  • DarakrisDarakris Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited October 2021
    Hello everyone, it is a great pleasure for me to be part of this great community. I have 1 question and some suggestions.

    Will you add features to share your house, decorate?

    Recently a friend introduced me this project, sincerely I have been passionate from the moment I started reading about what it was about. I had the opportunity to enter the previous test, and I can say that they have beautiful scenarios, but they still need to improve details so that they look even more amazing, like with the bushes that looks pretty ugly. And as for the design of the characters, animations, they still have a long way to go to make them look more realistic and not deformed.

    I will wait as long as necessary to play this wonderful game, I just ask you, do your best in this project, and do not limit yourself to a "that is difficult to do" as I heard there in one of your streams. You seek to be what your name is "intrepid", so do what others do and do it much better, seek to innovate, seek to be better, seek to be unique, I know you can do it. And I think almost the entire community expects the same from Intrepid Studios. Dream it, believe it, and build it.
  • maltorymaltory Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I am sure this will be mentioned soon, but based on what you saw from August 20th during the BR mode, what are some of the main areas that you saw that were troubling and some of the things that you saw that were working the way you intended? i.e. Server size, stability, movements, combat, structures, and various other things that you were testing for.
  • The what extent will the MMO feature cash shop cosmetics? Will there be equally tantalizing skins in game, or will the most impressive skins be purchase only?
  • Would you consider having a system were pvp rewards like titles would be given out per class. Like lets say top 1% of mages get x reward. Since one class will always be at least a little bit overpowered then think this is appropirate. Would not work well in tournaments but that is less than 200 people.

  • Idhalar AlBaieshIdhalar AlBaiesh Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    -Here we go again!

    -We already know about utility skills and have seen things like polymorph on apoc. What variety of out of combat skills and mechanics can we expect from the different classes? Can you share any example?
    Most MMOs focus too much on combat skills and it's a shame. Most if not all classes should have plenty of uses outside of combat.

    -And another one. When can we expect to start listening to McCreary's work? Really love his works and think that the sound track is a very important part of any game.
    Only in silence the word, Only in dark the light, Only in dying life.
  • leameseleamese Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    how will you handle changes to items/classes. We might build X or choose archetype Y, but with the changes it's no longer appealing to us.
  • leameseleamese Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    What about Ray Tracing? Can we expect it, like in 2 - 4 years in a mayor update? I know it is a lot of work editing all the textures etc. I think you'll have to implement it at somepoint in time to keep up graphics wise.
  • Can we see some class in the next server test. Also why a working cash shop when there ia nothing but hack and slash?
  • malgusmalgus Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hey Intrepid hope you doing well

    Just curious have you given any more thoughts on having a NA server with events set within an EU timezone. Just want to know for us EU folk that want to play on intrepid servers and want to do events during EU prime time much love malgus <3
  • I really like the third person action camera in Apocalypse so I was wondering if that will be in the MMORPG as well or is it exclusive to APOC?
  • shintaroshintaro Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2019
    In some early videos you mentioned how advancing nodes trigger events in the environment like a dragon awakening or something. If that happens, will there be for example a cave near the city where the dragon comes from, or will it just spawn somewhere? If there will be a cave, can players try to explore it regularly and be warned a couple of hours/days before the dragon attacks, so that they can prepare? Can they maybe even choose to fight it there already, although it might be harder and they might provoke it to attack the node instantly if they fail?
  • In regards to the economy: We've seen time and time again in various games that if there's a mechanic that is fully player driven, more often than not it leads to players breaking said mechanic and causing massive imbalance. Can you give us an example of what solutions (if any) you would implement to prevent or correct any player made imbalances?

    In regards to dungeons: Given the more action oriented style of the game in comparison to classic mmos, will you be implementing any new and unique dungeon/raid mechanics that arent just 'kill the thing to get to the next thing' (ie. platforming puzzles, environment manipulation, etc.)?
  • Will the MMO combat (hybrid) be more skill or gear based? In most MMOs with tab target, higher stats usually means you win 70% of the time. Will hybrid combat emphasize skill over stats or will it be similar to what we've experienced in other MMOs?
  • ApokApok Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    What kind of stat modifiers can we look forward to seeing on gear
  • BeorBeor Member, Explorer, Kickstarter
    edited August 2019
    1.Do both players and Monsters have different kind of defensive stats which depend on what kind of armor or skin they have? For example do stabs work better against some soft tissue Monsters like rabbit, Wolf, Lion.. and crush type mace attacks better against crabs, Stone golems, Wood ent etc?

    2. RuneScape has probably The best quests compared to other MMORPG because of The lore, difficulty levels, requirements and puzzle solving there any chance of getting similar system where also players personal skills and intelligence gets really tested?
  • rvaladezxiiirvaladezxiii Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Can we please get Super Beautiful powerful ultimate ability for each class that has the potential to change the tides of a battle but as a stipulation has a long cast time that can be interrupted?!?!? Such as if the SoulBow class would be able to summon a Javelin or some projectile that they could literally snipe from super range or if a High Priest could channel a super powerful heal spell that cleansed all debuffs and heals the whole raid? Or if the Necromancer could summon skeletal hands from underneath every enemy in a large radius. I think that a cool mechanic like this could make raiding and big fights very intense and interesting!!!
  • TypicalAricTypicalAric Member, Alpha Two
    How similar will combat be in the MMO compared to APOC? Im a big fan on the way Apoc characters felt.
  • azurlazurl Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Will it be possible to revert or reset our invested artisan points if we regret going in a certain direction, if not at launch, will it be possible to do so during Alpha 1-2?
  • NexlerNexler Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Is there a plan to implement secrets into the game? For example secret locations that are only available at certain times or under certain conditions. Also are there going to be very hard to acquire mounts and gear such as very low chance mob, dungeon, and raid drops?
  • HeartbeatHeartbeat Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2019
    Are there any plans to continue with apocalypse testing for further feedback and improvement or will we be seeing Ashes slowly transition into alpha testing? If so, will we see the server stay up for the entire duration of testing for a longer period of time? As it stands with Apocalypse I personally had trouble participating in the play-tests as they were held on specific days during specific hours which made it difficult for me to join in, especially so now that school/college has started back up.
  • Are there many options for players to build, customize or design outer layers of their house and the house itself when it comes to housing and freeholds?
  • corby704corby704 Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter
    If you were to give an estimate of how long it would take to get a character from entering the world for the first time all the way to being the most powerful (gear included) they could become, how long would that take?
  • azurlazurl Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Will it be possible to put a guild tax on the members, so every gold gain a member makes, a small percentage automatically goes to the guild bank?
  • Pmilhous24Pmilhous24 Member, Alpha Two
    Will Mob A.I. be resposive to our actions? If I'm use a powerful ability will the mob A.I recognize that and block, parry, dodge, ect.?
  • LifetreeLifetree Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Can we harvest the monsters or creatures we killed that we can use for cooking, alchemy, and other material.
  • Nagash wrote: »
    insomnia wrote: »
    Nagash wrote: »
    attempt number 28

    Do we have any new on the remaining classes?

    we know all classes

    We have no info on the Summoner, rogue, warrior or bard apart from the names

    We don't really know anything, about any class
    dualityps wrote: »
    Is there any plan to scrap the action style combat that makes this game feel like an first person shooter?
    I really hope to se a more tab-target way to do combat. This makes a huge difference for me and others for the whole role playing game feel.

    Please please please comment this

    Best regards dualityps

    I seriously doubt that. But if i remember correctly, you can focus 75% on one of the combat types

    noespark wrote: »
    Not sure if this was ever answered.
    Will different races start with different stats.

    I tend to prefer this sort of thing. Sorta like how EQ was

    I recall they said so. There will also be racial traits
    Nexler wrote: »
    Is there a plan to implement secrets into the game? For example secret locations that are only available at certain times or under certain conditions. Also are there going to be very hard to acquire mounts and gear such as very low chance mob, dungeon, and raid drops?

    They did at one point, talk about fx a lake that was frozen, and when it thawes, you can swim into the lake and in the lake, there might be caverns
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    insomnia wrote: »
    Nagash wrote: »
    insomnia wrote: »
    Nagash wrote: »
    attempt number 28

    Do we have any new on the remaining classes?

    we know all classes

    We have no info on the Summoner, rogue, warrior or bard apart from the names

    We don't really know anything, about any class

    All the more reason ^^

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • koltovincekoltovince Member, Settler, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two
    How will the bounty hunting system work?
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