Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Proximity Voice Chat Poll



  • voted for C: limit it to taverns.

    While I understand social-ing and sometimes mingling is an important facet of MMOrpg (why not play single-player rpgs if you reject social interactions entirely), I dislike the idea of being expected to have a headset (with mic) ready whenever I login (which might very well be the case if voice-chat's enabled everywhere). What happened to typing??

    I can remember back in Eve Online, due to the constant risk of ganking and therefore the need for quick responses, we were expected to join voice chat (discord / mumble etc.) upon login. But with that comes the social pressure to greet everyone in channel when you login, and vocally responding to anyone saying hi when they logged in, and sometimes feeling having to join the conversation when I only intended to login for 10 min or so and quietly manage my PI (planet interaction, think of it as your personal farm) and market orders.
  • BricktopBricktop Member, Alpha Two
    edited September 2020

    Action's speak louder than word's.
    When my axe is swinging for your head. Your get the idea what im after :)
    After ive smashed you and your men i could turn on the mic to laugh down, just to rub insult to injury, but im not that childish >:)

    This is most likely the approach my guild will take 95% of the time as well tbh. I'd love to see you try though dave! :D
  • MountainBoomerMountainBoomer Member, Alpha Two
    I would turn it off. If there is no option to turn it off I will not be interested in playing.
  • Right now, I am afraid of going near a tavern, because of voip. All that RP Cybering and Kids who found their voice, or someone eating chips in their mic, does not appeal to me. And these are just a few issues I have. At least with Team Speak, I can filter those annoyances. If Intrepid wants to commit resources to a feature that is already out there, they better make it very good and customizable. Otherwise, we have the tools already. Why reinvent the wheel?
  • Summer LegacySummer Legacy Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I will turn off any proximity chat, i have a hard time as it is
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    It seems like a ‘nice to have,’ if you can turn it off, and there’s no performance hit, it’s fine.

    Certainly not a hill worth fighting for imo.
  • Okay let's get real here… One of the biggest joys/pleasures for me in a game is to hear someone's “hot mic” when you are ganking/killing them. It just makes the interaction so much more enjoyable, And i’m still looking for an mmorpg to do this. I’m not talking about full blown Proximity voice chat, but something that activates when you are getting killed by another player. So you could hear them and they could hear you.

    Obviously this would be something you would have to opt-in, but I would love to see this as an option specially because the game is so PvP focused.

    ⇻ theNILV ⇺
  • MowabyMowaby Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    nilv wrote: »
    Okay let's get real here… One of the biggest joys/pleasures for me in a game is to hear someone's “hot mic” when you are ganking/killing them. It just makes the interaction so much more enjoyable, And i’m still looking for an mmorpg to do this. I’m not talking about full blown Proximity voice chat, but something that activates when you are getting killed by another player. So you could hear them and they could hear you.

    Obviously this would be something you would have to opt-in, but I would love to see this as an option specially because the game is so PvP focused.

    ⇻ theNILV ⇺

    From what I have heard it will be party/raid and maybe in taverns. I think open voip would be terrible.
  • Honestly, I wouldn't like this at all. The amount of 30 years olds that act like they are 5 screaming, cursing, etc. would just ruin the game. If you want to hear people yell, sent them a PM asking to come on your discord ... then kill them :P
  • If there is activate/deactivate toggle i don't really care...
    Aren't we all sinners?
  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    If you have ever played Rust, you will understand why open mics just ruin games. It's not enjoyable and brings nothing to the game itself. Being able to communicate only in raid/group/taverns is a really unique idea and I hope we end up seeing this.
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The heart of what I was saying in the other thread about this comes from ARK: Survival Evolved. There would be some real cringe tier shit going on in proximity chat. It was always best to just mute it, and use discord. Proximity chat is a cool idea, but even in survival games where it would in theory thrive best, it is a useless novelty.

    I have also stated that any in game VOIP is competing with discord, and will not win. It is a waste of time to develop and host. Did you guys know that WOW has in game VOIP for raid groups? It has been their since like Wrath, and everyone still uses discord. The only MMO I have seen where people actually use the VOIP is DDO and they is because the player base is like 40+ year old dudes that can't be bothered to have two programs for one game on their computer, but even they have been slowly adopting discord.
    This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    In game VOIP is a tragedy. I hate listening to random stuff that other people listen to at loud volumes.
    We all like different stuff and most people don't list the same stuff I do and that is ok.
    This falls into the same group as people being able to do in game music. Is all ok as long as I can opt out completely and it doesn't take resources from the main project pushing back launch.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • WhitneyHagasMatsumotoWhitneyHagasMatsumoto Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I can only speak Japanese, so I don't care if it's on or off.😅

    This is a bit sensitive, but I have poor "selective hearing" and my brain gets tired when I hear a lot of people's voices, so I'd like to see at least an on/off function implemented.

    I also fear that people who turn off voice chat will be distanced from those who use voice chat……
  • WhitneyHagasMatsumotoWhitneyHagasMatsumoto Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited February 2021
    As I mentioned earlier in another thread, I have less "selective hearing" than most people, so I get confused when I hear a lot of voices.

    In my daily life, I have a hard time making outdoor calls or having conversations in noisy pubs, so I honestly don't need this feature. :'(


    I've written a bit categorically, so I'd like to add something.
    If you are talking in a limited place and with a limited number of people, there is no problem at all.
    I'm more than happy to communicate smoothly with my fellow Japanese! :D
  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    Perhaps not for the open world, but it could be a neat tool within player controlled areas such as taverns, freeholds and apartments. I say player controlled because that's the most efficient method to moderate who is saying what, so you can keep your company filtered rather than a toxic vat of insanity.
    Commissioned at
  • LieutenantToastLieutenantToast Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Merged together a few recent topics here regarding proximity chat - keep talkin'! 🗣
  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    Merged together a few recent topics here regarding proximity chat - keep talkin'! 🗣

    Commissioned at
  • AntVictusAntVictus Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    We already have discord, there's already prox voice in taverns. We don't need more of it.
  • VirulentVirulent Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    No. You can't have that in a game like this. The bad words and other things would be really horrific.

  • I also fear that people who turn off voice chat will be distanced from those who use voice chat……

    That too. Ohhhh the peer pressure ......
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Let's not forget.

    Half of you can't dial in your mic half as well as I should like; and less than half of you can't keep your background noise in check half as well as you think.
    This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
  • BlandmarrowBlandmarrow Member, Alpha Two
    As long as you can control the settings I think it's a good feature, just turn it off if you don't want to hear other pepole in-game.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    As long as you can control the settings I think it's a good feature, just turn it off if you don't want to hear other pepole in-game.

    I'm not against it at all, but I can't see how anyone could consider it a good feature.

    Unless of course the game ships with a decent quality microphone, and Intrepid set it up, I don't see this ever being able to be thought of as a "good" feature.
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Noaani wrote: »
    Unless of course the game ships with a decent quality microphone, and Intrepid set it up, I don't see this ever being able to be thought of as a "good" feature.

    Even then there would be issues. Everyone's home environment is different. A lot of people have noises that they have to live with, that I don't want to deal with.

    Some peoples computer hardware adds noise. I have seen motherboards be major sources of input and output noise with the onboard DAC.

    I know you were joking about Intrepid sending a mic, but even such a pie in the sky solution would not work.

    Then there are the people that just want to wear the "Way past cool" LED GAMER headset they spent extra money on that has a awful mic, but they refuse to not use it because they think they look cool when they sit in a room with it on for 14 hours a day. You send them a official Ashes microphone, and they still wont use it.
    This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
  • BlandmarrowBlandmarrow Member, Alpha Two
    Noaani wrote: »

    I'm not against it at all, but I can't see how anyone could consider it a good feature.

    Unless of course the game ships with a decent quality microphone, and Intrepid set it up, I don't see this ever being able to be thought of as a "good" feature.

    So turn it off.
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    So turn it off.
    It is not about opting in or out. It is a waste of the developers time. It has been historically shown that people just use what ever external program is popular at the time over in game voice chat. Right now that is Discord.

    Discord developers dedicate a lot of time and money into having an amazing voice chat program. Nothing Intrepid does as a side gig in their game is going to be able to compete with that.
    This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
  • BlandmarrowBlandmarrow Member, Alpha Two
    Vhaeyne wrote: »
    It is not about opting in or out. It is a waste of the developers time. It has been historically shown that people just use what ever external program is popular at the time over in game voice chat. Right now that is Discord.

    Discord developers dedicate a lot of time and money into having an amazing voice chat program. Nothing Intrepid does as a side gig in their game is going to be able to compete with that.

    Use cases are not the same though. Being able to communicate with either hostile players in open world during PvP or in a social place without having to add or join a server is much easier.

    I'm not saying it should be a priority feature because it's not that important, but if they have time closer to launch or even after it I'd still welcome it.
  • btw I'm curious that in games that do have proximity chat / open voice chat, how're pranks & harassments usually handled / regulated?

    e.g. approaching a crowd and then suddenly yell or play something loud on max volume, or play sounds that would "trigger" some ppl (scratching a plate with a fork etc.) on purpose ...

    And let's say if someone wants to hear my hot mic while ganking me, what would stop me from writing & keeping a little program ready (which would play audios as microphone input) and blast them with all sorts of max volume deafening noise when the opportunity arise?
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