Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Welcome! Introduce Yourself Here



  • Sh1taSh1ta Member
    Hi, my name is Iuri "Sh1ta" castro, I'm portuguese, im 30 years old with a real passion for Gaming. I am a highly social person, quite fun, sincere and honest. I'm really thrilled about this game because I have played Lineage 2 for more than 10 years, and Ashes is very similar to it.
  • OsKuRoOsKuRo Member
    Hi there!,

    Spanish content creator here. I upload videos to YT and stream on Twitch, so I hope we can play this great game soon!. Experienced Mmorpg player (20+ years).

    Have a great day!
  • Oldtimer209Oldtimer209 Member, Alpha Two
    Hello, I'm a long time MMO player starting in 2003 with Shadowbane, with stops at WOW, Vanguard SoH,Conan, Guild Wars 1 and 2, Rift, ESO and a few others along the way. I am retired enjoying metal detecting, 3D printing,gardening and of course gaming.
    I hope to see you all soon in the Beta test. Cheers
  • ArfujiArfuji Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hi folks, I'm Arfuji! A friend first mentioned Ashes to me late last year and I've been following along ever since. Can't wait to see you all in game!
  • YopajayYopajay Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hello! I am Josh! I am new here! I been watching develop for a little bit, I have the extra cash to support the developers and try and play so I threw it in there! I am excited for new adventures, making friends, and just experience something unique.
  • OcotOcot Member
    Ocot checking in, older gamer (38!) looking forward to Ashes, bought in just recently but been following for a number of years. Looking forward to losing my life to this game! See you in game adventurer!
  • NazwenNazwen Member
    Hey all! I'm Nas. Found this gem almost a year ago from a friend. Heavily contemplating getting one of the pre-orders and investing more into this. Hope to see you all around eh ;)
  • Bakk0sBakk0s Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hello, Bakk0s here,
    Glad to be part of the pack

    Message me for guilds, have preference for a guild with a few portuguese mates.
    Otherwise might make one :)

    Have a small streaming channel with the same name as my user if you want to check it.

    Thank you and see you in game!
  • Hi all I’m XxMaizexX I’m a Facebook streamer if anyone wants to talk about ashes of creation feel free to contact me ✌️
  • BloodmaceBloodmace Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hello! Bloodmace or Blood here. I’ve been playing MMORPGs since 1999 when Everquest released. Hopping from MMO to MMO since then, playing everything from Shadowbane to FF14. I’ve watched AoC develop since 2017 and very excited about the social systems they create for this amazing always altering world. I’m most excited about the Bounty Hunter and node systems.
  • The GentryThe Gentry Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Greeting's Lads and Lasses! I'm hoping to delve the depths our esteemed AoC creators and designers have summoned forth for us with great vigor and excellent company! I look forward to meeting and chatting with many similarly mannered and minded individuals.
  • FunkyFunky Member, Alpha Two
    Hey, I'm Funky, just your average player! Excited to see you all in game at some point! :)
  • beachbumbeachbum Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Good Morning Good Morning friends! Ye ol ‘ beachbum here checking in. I was excited in 2017 when I heard about this new MMO and its direction. I even donated to the kick-starter so I could test, give feedback and perhaps foster a few ideas. In the end, kick-starter never gave Ashes my donation. Thankfully Kickstarter refunded my money (after 2 years) and I am glad Ashes is making the option available again, even though I lost out on some pretty sweet swag from the original kick starter. I hope to see you all there taking stock, pushing ideas, and helping Ashes create an MMO that we can all enjoy and be proud of.
  • stonedapestonedape Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited May 2021
    Hi, old millennial gamer here... over educated, under employed, and itching to dive back into an MMO. I have extensive experience with the genre, dating back to Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Shadowbane, Star Wars (original), WoW, Runes of Magic, and several Korean ones I can't remember now. I hope to have a streaming situation set up and join the Twitch community. I expect to produce content oriented around beginner/farming/efficiency tactics and more interestingly I hope, provide political and economic analysis and updates on guild warfare, mayors, and other node progress. I will be playing Alpha One this weekend! Look forward to the progress of AoC which brings so many key elements into one game that has me eager to experience!
  • tokyotokyo Member
    ready as ever to indulge in this wonderful work-in-progress when beta one rolls around!
  • ZaragastZaragast Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hi, I'm zaragast, Youtuber and content creators about economicals topics and cryptocurrencies. lovers of MMO genre and exited to spent some of my time to see the born of this amazing project
  • AdamusXAdamusX Member
    Whats up you fine band of ladies and gentleman! cannot wait to start my adventure here along with a ragtag group of friends. we have waited a long time i decided to go ahead and buy in hope to see you soon and learn my way around!!
  • PotatoMasherAnniePotatoMasherAnnie Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hey lovely fellow AoC fans!
    I have been a gamer since I was a wee child. I am housebound so play a lot of computer games and have missed having a GOOD MMO to play. I'm feeling like AoC is going to be the one for me and can't wait to hop into Alpha 2 when I get the chance. I'll be streaming it on Twitch so am really looking forward to enjoying the game with other people.
    See y'all in the game!
  • FallenPaladinFallenPaladin Member, Alpha Two
    edited October 2021
    Greetings to the community...this is a great time for us - Alpha(1) right around the corner! I am signed up for Alpha(2), but my best and greatest friend in the whole-wide-world @1DarkSword will be joining you guys first for Alpha(1) and beyond!
  • Autumn WillowAutumn Willow Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Greetings, Autumn Willow from the Bandit Lords of Baubbleshire here. Been waiting but the first of the alphas I can participate in is finally here and I'm looking forward to it :smiley:
  • umjiumji Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two



  • Greetings. Agent007 here. I'm an older gamer (47) who has been a long time follower of AoC and even longer online gamer having started back in '93. I've been looking forward to AoC for years now as it has developed and can't wait to see what the future holds.
  • CoffeeBrakeCoffeeBrake Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Good afternoon, all! CoffeeBrake stopping in to say hello and that I'm excited to experience AoC with y'all! I'm an MMO veteran - cutting my teeth all the way back to Asheron's Call, EverQuest, Star Wars Galaxies - to current gen MMOs like WoW and FFXIV.

    I've been passively following AoC since 2016, and after catching up on the alpha preview footage on youtube, I decided to jump into the forum fray and see where the future goes! I'm excited to see where the game will go!
  • hey all! Im migler, and im all new to this game. Acctualy just found out a couple hours ago that this game exist, and iv ben watching every video i can get my hands on, and im in. Im so in. Iv ben a World of warcraft player for 10 years but just quited, and i waslooking for a new interesting game and found this! So pumped!
  • WebheadWebhead Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited May 2021
    Hello! I was drawn to the game for the stunning visuals, the eye-candy. Hopefully the game won't be too difficult solo :)
  • h0tsawceh0tsawce Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Welcome to the Ashes of Creation forum community! If you’re new around here, feel free to reply to this thread and introduce yourself.

    Example: Hi folks! I’m LieutenantToast (aka Sarah), and I’m the Sr. Community Manager here at Intrepid Studios! I’m most excited for _____________ in Ashes of Creation.

    Hi, All! I'm h0tsawce, and I have been following AoC's development for a few months now! What I am most excited about is getting involved with an MMO from the starting stages, and of course, no p2w! I hope to find some good friends and a great guild to join!
    We might have a few giving this a shoot.
  • MuehiMuehi Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hello, Muehi dropping in to hunt bugs, destroy lag spike initiatives, and stop that mob from killing you while its glitched! I am in this for the long haul! Hope to contribute however I can.
  • Hey, I'm new here, but an old pro at MMORPGs in general.
    Played WoW since the Maraudon Patch, and played Everquest before that.... and I'm really very upset over the state that the genre has fallen to.

    ...and that's why I'm here. I'm chasing the dream of a new MMORPG experience that lives up to what I think the genre can accomplish.
  • Hey all. T3amdaddy is the gamer tag! I'm new to the community, but extremely interested in the game. Wishing everyone luck, and thanking the creators for the opportunity to join in!
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