Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

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  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Meanwhile, we try to get combat right and this guy worries about collectables.

    Shows the state that the mmo genre is in. Meaningless gameplay designs
  • CROW3 wrote: »
    Kionashi wrote: »
    but don't lock cool concepts away for people who want to invest in the game closer to release...

    What do you mean by 'concepts'?

    concepts like "wizard hat" or "frozen armor" or the ghost ship we saw in previous support packs or the rabbit mount we saw in February
    Vhaeyne wrote: »
    Conrad wrote: »
    I doubt people would be mad if they apologised for making cosmetics phase wide availability due to popular demand.

    A company keeping a promise going for years to raise a massive amount of money only to later change the deal in a way that ruins the value of the original promise for everyone who bought into it, and they get MORE money for doing so...

    A simple apology makes that okay for you?

    I can understand that, and the solution would be to stop putting exclusive cosmetics from now on...even if is too late to bring older cosmetics back form the exlcusivity hell we can stop any more cosmetics from becoming unaccessible to 95% of the proyected playerbase...
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Meanwhile, we try to get combat right and this guy worries about collectables.

    Shows the state that the mmo genre is in. Meaningless gameplay designs

    This sounds like a person who has to stand completely still when chewing bubble gum.
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    Ah, but those are just cosmetics not concepts.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    JustVine wrote: »
    Meanwhile, we try to get combat right and this guy worries about collectables.

    Shows the state that the mmo genre is in. Meaningless gameplay designs

    This sounds like a person who has to stand completely still when chewing bubble gum.

    This sounds to me like a made up scenario inside your head that makes you look like you are winning.
    Are you winning tho, son?
  • Meanwhile, we try to get combat right and this guy worries about collectables.

    Shows the state that the mmo genre is in. Meaningless gameplay designs

    Looking cool is important in RPG setting. Different people value it less than others but it's still important.

    Also not everyone has access to alpha and this is something they can critique, whereas combat they can't since they don't have hands on experience.

    Also you could say they same thing about Intrepid. Why are they pumping out sets already if there are more important things.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited August 2021
    Meanwhile, we try to get combat right and this guy worries about collectables.

    Shows the state that the mmo genre is in. Meaningless gameplay designs

    Looking cool is important in RPG setting. Different people value it less than others but it's still important.

    Also not everyone has access to alpha and this is something they can critique, whereas combat they can't since they don't have hands on experience.

    Also you could say they same thing about Intrepid. Why are they pumping out sets already if there are more important things.

    What happened to looking cool by leveling up, crafting high end armor and winning against enemy guilds?
    And yes, I agree that we have too many sets. But then again, if the sales from the monthlies bring more employees in then it's alright aint it?
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2021
    JustVine wrote: »
    Meanwhile, we try to get combat right and this guy worries about collectables.

    Shows the state that the mmo genre is in. Meaningless gameplay designs

    This sounds like a person who has to stand completely still when chewing bubble gum.

    This sounds to me like a made up scenario inside your head that makes you look like you are winning.
    Are you winning tho, son?

    People can care about cosmetics and combat at the same time. If you can't no hard feelings. I just don't understand why you set yourself up like this all the time when attempting to bully others for not being like you. Seems like a stressful life.
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    JustVine wrote: »
    JustVine wrote: »
    Meanwhile, we try to get combat right and this guy worries about collectables.

    Shows the state that the mmo genre is in. Meaningless gameplay designs

    This sounds like a person who has to stand completely still when chewing bubble gum.

    This sounds to me like a made up scenario inside your head that makes you look like you are winning.
    Are you winning tho, son?

    People can care about cosmetics and combat at the same time. If you can't no hard feelings. I just don't understand why you set yourself up like this all the time when attempting to bully others for not being like you. Seems like a stressful life.

    Ahh... how about you stick to my posts instead of trying to figure out what's going on on the other side of the screen?
    You seem desparate for validation unlike me.
    Let's stick to the discussion then:
    I find completionists concerns unimportant.
    I find peoples demands that limited cosmetics be available to them, even though they didnt SUPPORT the studio on it's grassroots when it needed to see that people believed in the vision, PETTY.
  • i have seen this view a few times and i honestly don't understand the attitude. Time limited cosmetics are fantastic. Being able to have something that is rare and you can wear is as a badge of honor is the best feeling ever. Your argument is "he supported the game early in development and got a skin, wtf, my 100% completion meter is ruined" and i honestly cannot take this view point seriously. It is as if you play the game to finish it. That's not the point of an MMO. I get that feeling with single player games, most of all with RPGs like Witcher or adventure games like Tomb Raider, where i did spend my time getting 100% because i knew that after i finish the story and 100% it i will never install it again.

    Having the same mentality about a game that is supposed to last for months and months is missing the point. I can't speak about WoW crowd, but I have seen them around the forums complain about something or other usually something like "But WoW did it this way, why aren't you?" and the answer, obviously, is "AoC isn't WoW"

    It doesn't want to be, and it shouldn't be. We had 10 years of WoW clones and "WoW killers" (until WoW killed itself). AoC wants to be something different. I am optimistic now about the game and will say that if (MAJOR IF) the team can make all systems and fix the combat and have the content and the social systems and everything else, it will be the best MMO for me. And I do mean it when i say "for me".

    I want a living world where i can lose myself, and unique and rare cosmetics are part of that. When i see a skin that was given before the game, yea i can be jealous a bit, but that's fine, i will probably have stuff that person docent, that's how the game works.

    But tbh, if this is such a big problem for you, what about flight? 10 people out of 10.000 will be able to fly on a server. Content will be locked behind node progression, so unless you convince a few hundred people to take down a metropolis that is well defended, you will never experience that content.

    A lot of the game is "time limited" or "location limited" or "server limited". There will be unique weapons, 1 per server. And i love all this. And, I don't want to be rude, but if you don't, maybe this game isn't for you? Consider what it wants to be (can't say "is" yet) and then see if you really want to play that game.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited August 2021
    Why should this guy get all the limited cosmetics, when he isnt even that interested in the core designs of the game:
    Risk v reward
    Open world instead of instanced content
    Community economy and world build.

    If you can't find joy and good times in that then go elsewhere and collect all the mounts. ffs

  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    JustVine wrote: »
    JustVine wrote: »
    Meanwhile, we try to get combat right and this guy worries about collectables.

    Shows the state that the mmo genre is in. Meaningless gameplay designs

    This sounds like a person who has to stand completely still when chewing bubble gum.

    This sounds to me like a made up scenario inside your head that makes you look like you are winning.
    Are you winning tho, son?

    People can care about cosmetics and combat at the same time. If you can't no hard feelings. I just don't understand why you set yourself up like this all the time when attempting to bully others for not being like you. Seems like a stressful life.

    Ahh... how about you stick to my posts instead of trying to figure out what's going on on the other side of the screen?
    You seem desparate for validation unlike me.
    Let's stick to the discussion then:
    I find completionists concerns unimportant.
    I find peoples demands that limited cosmetics be available to them, even though they didnt SUPPORT the studio on it's grassroots when it needed to see that people believed in the vision, PETTY.

    We both agree on this point.
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Kionashi wrote: »
    CROW3 wrote: »
    Kionashi wrote: »
    but don't lock cool concepts away for people who want to invest in the game closer to release...

    What do you mean by 'concepts'?
    concepts like "wizard hat" or "frozen armor" or the ghost ship we saw in previous support packs or the rabbit mount we saw in February
    There will be other wizard hats, and other frozen armor - just not the exact ones that have already been offered.

    They are not making the art pieces available again, that means nothing for the concept of the individual pieces.
  • DolyemDolyem Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Looking cool is important in RPG setting. Different people value it less than others but it's still important.

    Also not everyone has access to alpha and this is something they can critique, whereas combat they can't since they don't have hands on experience.

    Also you could say they same thing about Intrepid. Why are they pumping out sets already if there are more important things.

    To be fair, all of the people who got the earlier skins are going to feel cool as heck. And allowing everyone to suddenly use them would drastically reduce the cool factor
  • FuryBladeborneFuryBladeborne Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2021
    "...The exclusive nature of the limited availability is something I think collectors value. If you buy cosmetics as an MMO player, I know I enjoyed if the cosmetic is rare and not every girl at the party is wearing the same dress..."
    -Steven Sharif

    Exclusion is one of the main features in Ashes. There are a number of systems in game that are exclusive in their nature. Some examples of exclusion other than cosmetics are, developing a node in one area locks out other nodes (and the related rewards). Only a relatively small number of people in a node will be able have in-node housing that is visible in the world. The number of flying mounts will be be so limited that only about 0.0004% of a server will have them. I'm sure that I could come up with more, but I think the point has been made. Nobody will be able to collect everything.

    On the other hand, variants of store bought cosmetics will be obtainable in the game without RMT.
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Kionashi wrote: »
    I can understand that, and the solution would be to stop putting exclusive cosmetics from now on...even if is too late to bring older cosmetics back form the exlcusivity hell we can stop any more cosmetics from becoming unaccessible to 95% of the proyected playerbase...

    I explained earlier in the thread that is what would need to happen.

    It is important to keep in mind that the monthly supporter packages are marketed as "Pre-order packs". It stands to reason that once the game goes live, they would discontinue the program. I think they have even explained that before, but I could not find a source.

    I think what many people in the thread should be calling for is for the program to be discontinued early and for the normal cash shop to be rolled out early in its place. I am not certain if I agree with that, but it would be the more reasonable ask. Especially if/when they have the website ready to handle a larger cash shop.

    It may also be possible somewhere that they publically stated that the program would last until launch. If that is the case, then I would not expect/want them to change anything until launch.
    This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
  • Happymeal2415Happymeal2415 Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Can we all just realize that completionism stems from someone whos committed to an MMO that has stopped being challenging in any facet of the game. Therefore making someone whos still committed to said game feel the need to make a higher goal by completing everything. A new game should never have "completion" on its mind or its dead before releasing. Completion isnt end game... its a games end.
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Can we all just realize that completionism stems from someone whos committed to an MMO that has stopped being challenging in any facet of the game. Therefore making someone whos still committed to said game feel the need to make a higher goal by completing everything. A new game should never have "completion" on its mind or its dead before releasing. Completion isnt end game... its a games end.

    I think I agree with the general idea of your post as it applies to MMORPGs. When people run out of content, they start collecting mounts, pets, achievements and items to have something to do until the next patch. I would call it "the post content phase". Until now, you would normally see Asmongold in this phase. Instead of committing to mythic raids or other challenges, he instead farms mounts and items between patches to have something to do in game.

    I don't know that a phase like that will ever happen to people in Ashes. The world will constantly be a competitive PvP sandbox at end-game. That phase never applied to games like Lineage 2 or Eve online. I have said before, it's going to be hard to collect many things when it is a struggle to get anything.
    This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
  • RokoRoko Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Vhaeyne wrote: »
    Kionashi wrote: »
    I can understand that, and the solution would be to stop putting exclusive cosmetics from now on...even if is too late to bring older cosmetics back form the exlcusivity hell we can stop any more cosmetics from becoming unaccessible to 95% of the proyected playerbase...

    I explained earlier in the thread that is what would need to happen.

    It is important to keep in mind that the monthly supporter packages are marketed as "Pre-order packs". It stands to reason that once the game goes live, they would discontinue the program. I think they have even explained that before, but I could not find a source.

    I think what many people in the thread should be calling for is for the program to be discontinued early and for the normal cash shop to be rolled out early in its place. I am not certain if I agree with that, but it would be the more reasonable ask. Especially if/when they have the website ready to handle a larger cash shop.

    It may also be possible somewhere that they publically stated that the program would last until launch. If that is the case, then I would not expect/want them to change anything until launch.

    What I think would be better is to keep the preorder packs as is. Just stop rotating the cosmetics. Pick a cosmetic set and leave the preorder packs static.
  • CypherCypher Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2021
    Kionashi wrote: »
    I don't even care for getting super nice cosmetics via achievements, I just want to be able to buy them when when the game releases....

    I mean...having a few exclusive skins to reward people who bought in early is fine... but how many skins are we going to make exclusive?...there are already tons of skins that are beyond our reach and the game is still far from release... we will see 24 more sets going exclusive before the game is even out?

    also my main issue is how fast are we burning popular themes each example the frost armor...that's a cool looking armor for people who want to live in icy areas, but now is gone forever...we will ever get another frozen armor? And the cool giant Witch hat... I loved the design and that's a stable in wizzard fashion...but again is gone forever...since material swaps aren't valid that means we wont ever get to buy a Wizzard hat? what about that cool skeleton mask Steven showcased in an early video?...we will ever be able to buy an skeleton mask to fashion our necromancer?

    I mean give early backers exclusive colors, or a special discount in those items....but don't lock cool concepts away for people who want to invest in the game closer to release...

    Not enough people are talking about this. I’ve been a backer since Kickstarter and I’ve bought many items since then, and yet I agree with this and have posed these same points multiple times in the past but to no avail.

    The frost armor example you gave was a great one. I like the idea of exclusive *variants* but locking several dozen (by release it will be what 60+ exclusive sets?) *entire concepts* behind this permanently exclusive wall is a terrible idea and will limit the options they have after launch. Like what is intrepid going to do? Are they going to release an entirely *different* frost armor or just never put another frost themed armor in the game?

    EDIT: and by the way, since I know some people are going to foolishly assume I’m coming from a place of “I want 100% of everything in the game”, that’s not true at all. I’ve purposely skipped cosmetics I didn’t like. I also don’t plan to try getting everything in the full release. I just can’t get behind the idea of burning the candle at both ends with this monthly exclusive x60+ months idea unless intrepid is willing to use themes again but with entirely different and new sets that they’ve otherwise burned in these exclusive sets.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Cypher wrote: »
    Kionashi wrote: »
    I don't even care for getting super nice cosmetics via achievements, I just want to be able to buy them when when the game releases....

    I mean...having a few exclusive skins to reward people who bought in early is fine... but how many skins are we going to make exclusive?...there are already tons of skins that are beyond our reach and the game is still far from release... we will see 24 more sets going exclusive before the game is even out?

    also my main issue is how fast are we burning popular themes each example the frost armor...that's a cool looking armor for people who want to live in icy areas, but now is gone forever...we will ever get another frozen armor? And the cool giant Witch hat... I loved the design and that's a stable in wizzard fashion...but again is gone forever...since material swaps aren't valid that means we wont ever get to buy a Wizzard hat? what about that cool skeleton mask Steven showcased in an early video?...we will ever be able to buy an skeleton mask to fashion our necromancer?

    I mean give early backers exclusive colors, or a special discount in those items....but don't lock cool concepts away for people who want to invest in the game closer to release...

    Not enough people are talking about this. I’ve been a backer since Kickstarter and I’ve bought many items since then, and yet I agree with this and have posed these same points multiple times in the past but to no avail.

    The frost armor example you gave was a great one. I like the idea of exclusive *variants* but locking several dozen (by release it will be what 60+ exclusive sets?) *entire concepts* behind this permanently exclusive wall is a terrible idea and will limit the options they have after launch. Like what is intrepid going to do? Are they going to release an entirely *different* frost armor or just never put another frost themed armor in the game?

    I feel like, at this point, they should do something slightly different.

    Exclusivity is great, but for specific ones, they should probably just 'rotate them back in' alongside new ones, starting after Alpha-One, until Beta probably.

    If they kept to the same original release timing, it might be good too. You would 'know' when the Sep 2018 was coming back (for example Sep 2018 returns alongside new Sep 2020 and you have to pick one).

    But at the end of the day, promises are promises, and it's not like they can get 'unanimous consent from everyone who bought it thinking they would get exclusives'.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • CypherCypher Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I agree @Azherae that sounds like a fine idea if they started it right away and didn’t let any more themes get essentially burned forever
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Cypher wrote: »
    I agree @Azherae that sounds like a fine idea if they started it right away and didn’t let any more themes get essentially burned forever

    I'm moreso just counting on them to live up to their promise that ingame ones will be just as good or better, and I believe they can do this enough that I also don't understand why people generally care about these cosmetics.

    It's either "I'm a collector" or "this thematic is really great for me" or 'I want to be exclusive'.

    Unfortunately I have no sympathy for collectors. Nothing against them, just can't feel it. When you know the neurological reasons why collectors feel good about collecting things, you either ;know that the true ones aren't upset' or at least 'know that the upset ones have something akin to a problem'.

    I feel sorry for the thematic people but if the game has a lot of 'slightly less flashy or different colored' duplicates, meh. I get 'But I wanted the glow on mine to be green!' but that's basically 'luck' so...

    The 'I want an exclusive thing' crowd are the only ones who 'technically gave money for something that is tangible to them', and therefore the 'protected class' in this scenario, so things stand as they are.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • HumblePuffinHumblePuffin Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    They’ve stated that the sets are all modular, so you will see pieces of sets show up on in game sets in some way.

    I’m sure there will be another frost armor in game just with different pieces. I’m sure you’ll see that helmet or shoulders on some other set, maybe with a different effect, maybe with no effect.

    None of the purchasable sets include the weapons shown but I’m sure you’ll see the base models in game for them.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2021
    I dunno. Depends on how the game is designed.
    I don't consider New World to be an MMORPG, but...
    Their Achievement system is ubiquitous, starting from Level 1, and highly addictive.
    Seems like every 15 or 20 minutes, I'm earning some Achievement that I didn't even know I was working on.
    I hooked 10 Fish. I let 10 Fish get away. I caught 50 Fish.
    And every time I earn an Achievement, I see a notification for the next two and realize I only have to Mine 10 more Iron or complete 2 more quests to earn them. So, I play just a little bit longer.

    I think the New World rewards are Titles. Lots of silly titles.
    I'm not using a title as of Level 24, but the rewards aren't what's motivating me. What's motivating me is that they're for stuff I'm already doing, so it doesn't hurt anything for me to do a little bit more to top off the Achievement.
    Achievers don't need a lot of incentive to collect Achievements.
    Just as completists don't need a lot of incentive to complete stuff.

    I'm already collecting mounts and pets and freeholds and caravans - because they are cool.
    And they help with RP. Collecting stuff is not just because of reaching endgame.

    Completists are gonna want to complete stuff.
    But, in Ashes, we can't do everything and we can't collect everything and we can't complete everything.
    We also can't only PvP 24/7 or only PvE 24/7.
    We also can't fast travel everywhere anytime we want to.

    Games tend to have some restrictions.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Cypher wrote: »
    Kionashi wrote: »
    I don't even care for getting super nice cosmetics via achievements, I just want to be able to buy them when when the game releases....

    I mean...having a few exclusive skins to reward people who bought in early is fine... but how many skins are we going to make exclusive?...there are already tons of skins that are beyond our reach and the game is still far from release... we will see 24 more sets going exclusive before the game is even out?

    also my main issue is how fast are we burning popular themes each example the frost armor...that's a cool looking armor for people who want to live in icy areas, but now is gone forever...we will ever get another frozen armor? And the cool giant Witch hat... I loved the design and that's a stable in wizzard fashion...but again is gone forever...since material swaps aren't valid that means we wont ever get to buy a Wizzard hat? what about that cool skeleton mask Steven showcased in an early video?...we will ever be able to buy an skeleton mask to fashion our necromancer?

    I mean give early backers exclusive colors, or a special discount in those items....but don't lock cool concepts away for people who want to invest in the game closer to release...

    Not enough people are talking about this. I’ve been a backer since Kickstarter and I’ve bought many items since then, and yet I agree with this and have posed these same points multiple times in the past but to no avail.

    As I said earlier in this thread
    Noaani wrote: »
    There will be other wizard hats, and other frozen armor - just not the exact ones that have already been offered.

    They are not making the art pieces available again, that means nothing for the concept of the individual pieces.
    The individual items are exclusive here, not the entire contept behind them.

    There will be other wizards hats made for the game. The one they have released will never be offered again, but that doesnt mean they cant make other wizards hats.

    Same with frozen armor, same with every other item.
  • CypherCypher Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    @Noaani Unless you have an official quote stating that, I won't take your word for it, I apologize. All I've heard them say is these items will never be available again in any capacity but you will see the items on some NPCs or out in the wild that you can't acquire yourself though. "Wizard hat" I feel might be too broad of an example you're trying to use. If you mean a merlin hat, that's different. But anyways, not trying to split hairs. I think they "could" release a different frost themed armor set, but I somehow doubt they would because I'm sure somehow some people would feel jilted by that and they might not risk it. Worse than that, as far as I can tell, they'll never release a swiftclaw (raptor) mount again. Unless what they mean is you can't get a skin for a swiftclaw but you can definitely still tame them and breed them, okay fine fair enough. I need quotes to confirm.

    Also, you tagged the wrong Cypher. Not a big deal just letting you know.
  • HumblePuffinHumblePuffin Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    “From an armor standpoint, we cut armor sets up into many different pieces. These pieces can sometimes be used as part of other sets, that may include helmets, wrists, gloves etc. So while you will not see an achievable white version of the corvid castigator set in the game for example, you may see its shoulder piece used in another set, or its leggings, or wrist piece used in another set (not every piece as to form the whole set, but perhaps a couple pieces). This would be difficult to notice at first glance, due to the material, texture and color variation used, but this modular approach to content creation makes achieving a wide variety of looks achievable for an MMORPG of our size.”[18] – Steven Sharif
  • CypherCypher Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    My hero, the HumblePuffin
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Cypher wrote: »
    @Noaani Unless you have an official quote stating that, I won't take your word for it, I apologize.

    On top of the post above, Steven had clarified that there will be other, similar items to those that have been released. While we wont get another raptor exactly the same as the one that has been sold, we may well end up with a raptor as a pet option to raise ourself, or as an option in the store in the future.

    Steven specifically said that while they wont guarantee any specific item, they have not ruled out creating items similar to any already released.

    And no, I do not have a quote, because do your own research.
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