Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Have you thought of reconsidering the vocabulary used to designate this archetype in order to make it more appropriate and integrated into the history of AOC?
Guardian makes more sense, in a lore sense, since the other role types are named differently from their role.
*Bulwark is a suggestion by Atakgonist from Discord.
@TheWolfofGar (question), @WellwornTraveler (question), @Botagar (question), @Arenir (question), @Nuub (question 1, 2), @LastCrystal (question), @Sherkus (question 1, 2), @ForlornFjord (question 1, 2), @WHIT3ROS3 (question), @Steak777 (question) - Please only post one question next time as requested, and if you only posted one question, please make sure to keep it as direct/succinct as possible - that way it's more likely to be picked!
@Lithion (question), @Sometimessmiles (question) - Please stay tuned for more information regarding cosmetics as we progress further in development!
@Talents (question) - We haven't announced any plans for any additional auto-flagging-as-combatant zones.
@Vyril (question) - This will depend entirely on the dungeon!
@-T0Mb- (question) - Currently, the plan so for any class to have the possibility of dual wielding, thought it might not always be the most effective choice. You can hear Steven discuss this more here!
@TarnishedSolaire (question) - Please stay tuned for more information regarding group mounts as we progress further in development!
@Gimpg (question) - It is very possible that this type of item could be seen in Ashes of Creation
@Babayugah (question) - We have not confirmed or announced any dates for future spot tests at this time. Be sure to stay tuned to our socials for updates!
@Gates2Valhalla (question) - We have not announced any plans on subscription-based loyalty programs
@Hutchy1989 (question) - When a player dies they disintegrate into ash. The ashes contain any items lost by the player due to applicable death penalties. These ash piles are immediately lootable by any player. Player flagging is not triggered by looting. You can read more about this here, on the wiki!
@Acij (question) - Currently, the plan is for Up to eight players of the same primary archetype can band together to create monumental effects during a siege. However, Summoners can collaborate to summon larger summons, such as Golems. You can read more about Siege Summons here, on the wiki!
@Ozijak (question) - If eight Tank archetypes each use one of their summon wall abilities it might construct a larger wall that can divide two raids in a moment; and would require damage and block skills and abilities for a momentary lapse of battle between those two raids. You can read more about this here, on the wiki!
@Neurath (question), @Hoozierpopz (question) - Please stay tuned for more information regarding character creation as we progress further in development!
@Roofian (question) - Shortbows have faster, less powerful, shorter range basic attacks. Longbows have slower, more powerful, longer range basic attacks. For more information, check out the wiki, here!
@itwashear (question) - There will be restrictions on where Freeholds can be placed. You can learn more about Freehold placement here, on the wiki!
@Liniker (question) - The current plan is to populate the world and NPCs of Verra with variations of cosmetics acquired through pre-order packages.
@Balmora (question) - There is a feature called Bulletin Boards which, among a variety of uses, will allow for players to find others for dungeons! You can learn more about them here, on the wiki!
@Strevi (question) - Currently, the plan is that corrupted players can be attacked regardless of other affiliations. This is something that will be tested during Alpha-2
@Neurotoxin (question) - Please stay tuned for more information regarding lore as we progress further in development!
@Azalamir (question) - Please stay tuned for more information regarding weapon and casting animations as we progress further in development!
@Tyranthraxus (question) - Because node development and layout may be different from node to node, it may depend on how that given node was developed!
@Varees (question) - Ashes of Creation will feature many mounts, some of which may be acquirable through different or special means.
@trajdl (question) - 🤔💭
@_Belphegor_ (question), @Chris2810 (question), @nameA (question) - Please stay tuned for more information regarding archetypes, skills, and abilities as we progress further in development!
@Kiwi_ (question) - I believe this question will have been answered on stream!
@Scroon (question) - Currently, this is not a planned feature for Ashes of Creation!
@Savadja (question) - Ashes of Creation is not a survival game and will likely not have those key features of survival games, such as requiring food to live or special gear for climates
@Gui10 (question) - Please stay tuned for more information regarding artisan classes and the crafting systems as we progress further in development!
@Ace1234 (question) Our team has many years of experience not only in MMORPGs but in other games and genres as well. Inspiration may come from those experiences!
@OgreDrupe (question) - You can see our current list of systems and features we aim to have in Alpha Two [url=""]here, on the wiki[/url]!
@Jazerious (question) - We should have news to share regarding this very soon! ^_^
@Villefort (question) - We currently do not have any plans to use AI image generation tools such as Midjourney.
@Selo (question) - Some features will be altered from the testing phases, such as node locations!
@Hazerduhs (question) - Please stay tuned for more information regarding freeholds as we progress further in development! ^_^
@Castai (question) - Mariner classes (also referred to as boatsmanship classes, boatsman skills, or seamanship) contain different skill trees arranged in a similar manner to Artisan classes. As a player gains experience in these different skills, they become more adept at using them. You can read more about naval progression here, on the wiki!
@Dizz (question) - We hope to make Ashes of Creation as accessible as we can, especially when it comes to language support!
@Stalwart (question) - I believe your question regarding threat management will likely have been answered on the livestream!
@Oceanos (question) - While this tech is very cool, we currently don't have plans to integrate it into Ashes of Creation!
@Minus (question) - Language and region support are important to us! You can read more about language support here and region support here!
@Cadac (question) - Everything being worked on and featured in Alpha Two is subject to change before the beta phases and release
@JayGeL44 (question) - You can learn more about threat assessment here, on the wiki!
@Zahie (question) - Choice of weapon type changes the feel, pacing, speed, and other aspects of combat. Further specialization is achievable within each weapon's skill tree. Different weapon types offer different passive skills and proc effects from their weapon skill tree as well as different waterfall stats. You can read more about weapons here, on the wiki!
@Nago (question) - I imagine that a guild of any single archetype will experience shortcomings in some areas of content!
@Aniion (question) - The animal husbandry system has much to offer outside! This system will be used to create the perfect animal for the perfect situation! Creating cool and unique looks for each mount through the system is just one aspect
@Krazee12 (question) - Yes! They will be called Argent, Guardian, Keeper, Knight, Nightshield, Paladin, Spellshield, and Warden. You can read more about this and all other information that has been said on the game here, on the wiki!
@kanna (question) - There will be a comfortable amount of character slots per account. You can read more about that here, on the wiki!
@Gaull (question) - There may be UI elements that indicate important information upon approaching a caravan
@ThatOtherGuy (question) - There will be limitations on what players can do when creating a character name. We'd love to be able to provide players assistance when creating their character names!
@NiKr (question), @DigitalDayDream (question), @Drunkninja (question), @Obsidias (question), @SnowElf (question) - Your questions were ones we hoped to have gotten to on stream but didn't quite have time. We'd love it if you come by next month for the next development update livestream to ask them again! ^_^
@superwafflefry (question), @Orbificator (question), @NyceGaming (question), @Sago65 (question), @Myosotys (question), @Barab (question), @Azherae (question), @JamieKaos (question), @Serena Venport (question) - Congratulations! Your questions were answered by Steven and Margaret on the livestream! Be sure to check out the VoD on YouTube in case you missed it live!
👀 Check it out and leave us your feedback!
💬 For Loot & UI Feedback
💬 For Tank Update Feedback
(OP updated as well)
I'm afraid this answer does not address my original question. I am specifically asking about "naval PvP progression". Analogous to bandit and defender progression in caravan PvP on land, will there be some specific PvP progressions for attacking and defending other players on the open seas? Or, I guess in other words: Do mariner classes measure naval PvP progression in a unique way?
❓ What is your favorite part of the role, or is there another role you prefer to play in party gameplay?
(Edited OP as well)
It's up now.
Thank you for your response, but i wanted to know about crossbows.
I would like to see these tbh, i would also like to make one change to it aswell though, i would like to see these drop on death corrupted or not. i feel it make sense with a curse can be protected via devine grace or what ever that keeps the gear linked to your character on death (and the fact you can loose gear on death when corrupted it kinda follow that trend that this item been corrupted so much that it can no longer be kept on death) would also means this cursed items with be stockpiled or passed around often aswell as adding the occasional dopamine for the one who loot it from player kill i feel.
Can i offer a little recommendation for this one, Can you add a small grace where only the group that killed the person can loot them or atleast contributed to the fight in some way like 1-2 minutes, otherwise u get the annoying situation in group fights running in ninja looting everything that might drop and run off if you wanna keep the ninja looting option which is fine atleast have them get flagged as combatant cause if you kill somone and a green ninja loot the corpse you now got to take a corruption hit to kill them and u wont even get the items back that you earned by the kill :P
RP guild like this owuld be cool but might have to make friends for somethings :P that being said if u made it a little more broaders it could work for example u can be any class bur ur sub class must be summoners cause then you would have a tank oiption as the tank/summoner class along with a healer option with Cleric/summoner for example and still keep the summoner guild theme.
I would like to see a religion based guild where everyone is some form of cleric :P even or a couple cleric types like templar, apostles, high priest, highsword, paladin, acolyte there all very churchy in nature and probaly covers everything required for group play too so could make a rather interesting RP guild theme
they may not have a cross bow as a weapon planned although i hope they do and it should function mechanicaly different from bow where it shoots first and reloads afterwards so basicly dmg happens at front half of the animation instead of the end but longer reload times with higher dmg per shot so u can fire quickly hide bhind some LoS to reload and pop out again kinda play style.