All Kickstarter rewards to be offered on website now! (I am not amused)



  • Reading this erntire thread is utterly ridiculous.

    Personally I am rather happy that there is going to be an option for backing the game via PayPal, considering that my Virtual CC didn't work out and my bank would need 5-6 weeks to issue me a CC.

    But skimming through this thread makes me actually reconsider backing this game.

    First off all to everyone arguing that KS exclusives should stay exclusives and that this is a breach of trust and contract: Read the FAQ. There it is literally stated that they are working on other backing options than KS ever since 02.05.2017. If you want to take that angle, you should be aruging that they implement(ed) this concept too late and that it is not fair for non KS backers to not receive the same rewards. That is the logical conclusion to this argument, but the way you use it shows an unbelievable amount of selfishness and elitism, utterly ridiculous.

    This part of the FAQ makes literally every single argument for KS rewards staying exclusive irrelevant. 

    The issues at hand now are what kind of rewards the June backers receive, which not and what the KS backers additionally receive. For example: If the rewards are better than KS, it will not be fair towards those who have already backed. If they are worse, it would also not be fair, considering they promised a different payment option early on and only implemented it late. If they are equal and the KS backers receive them additionally, regardless of their pledge, it would not be fair to June backers.

    My way of combatting this would have been to make the KS-rewards avaiable to June backers, but make everything more expensive by a set margin like 15%. That way every KS backer would have received a better deal even without early bird bundles.

    I am actually questioning though, if I am going to back this game now, because the way enough people argued here made me doubt the playerbase this game has attracted so far. Other people like Isende seem to be reasonable though, so I will make my choice by looking at the rewards available to June backers and if KS backers receive everything as well.

    Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
    GOOD NO?
  • Forums are never a true representation of the playerbase as the majority of players never use the forums, so it's a bit early to judge the playerbase. If you're going to judge the playerbase thus far on the content of one thread then I also suggest you reconsider because I truly believe that the community thus far looks promising with many contributors showing a healthy and productive attitude towards the varying elements of the game being discussed in this forum. 

    You will always get a variety of opinions on a gaming forum. I've seen plenty of debate but nothing which I would class as toxic. If you believe that this community is worrying in its current form then please point towards your current MMO because I've seen plenty of worse examples in my experiences.

    I wish you the best with your June pledge and truly hope you remain with this Ashes which has amazing potential.   

  • Umji said:
    GOOD NO?
    Your Keyboard should have a button called Caps Lock.

    If the button is missing or stuck contact your local techsupport to get it fixed.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    @Phayned You should try the Discord channel as well if you haven't already. I would read through more than just this thread and try to gauge the community from a more holistic angle than through this one. But, first impressions are crucial, so I'm sorry if you have a negative impression. The only thing I can do is assure you that not everyone is an ass (but then again that applies to the entire world and not just particular gaming communities and player bases).
  • Northie said:
    The simple fact that the game needs $20-30 million to become reality means this was likely. Steven himself has pushed "only" about 2 millions into the game so far. The rest has to come somewhere and I'm not sure if he can fund the game fully out of his own pocket to be honest.
    Steven has said several times, pretty clearly in my opinion, the game is fully funded out of his own pocket. All $30m.

    He is not running this like those perpetual crowdfunding projects that shall remain nameless. He is re-opening it for June only, to allow those that could not use Kickstarter (due to not allowing PayPal) to get in on the same footing as all other backers.

    Then, he is closing funding at the end of June.

    AND if Ashes doesn't launch, he's refunding everyone - again, out of his own pocket.

    So all of that makes this Kickstarter *very* unlike any other.

  • Forget the whole exclusive stuff. If the KS said you get a free t-shirt if you pledge, and then at the end of the KS, they said there's no t-shirt. How would you feel? Again, it's not an issue of exclusivity but an issue of promises being kept. Even if 99.9% of backers are okay with promises not being kept, I still would respect that 0.1% of backers that want a refund.

    Except that's not what's happening here... 

    They are simply allowing, for less than one month, people to pledge who couldn't earlier because of a credit card situation.

    This is very indicative of what Steven said multiple times about the purpose of the Kickstarter - that it allows players to become a part of the project in a direct and tangible way, and bolsters the whole community aspect he values!

    You might ask why they couldn't have offered it simultaneously with the KS campaign here on the website, and while I don't think it's against Kickstarter's rules, there are plenty of good reasons such as a divided focus for marketing purposes (another stated goal of Steven for the KS campaign) and more.

    Think of it as a 2-month Kickstarter, that's all that's really happening. And there were no "promises" made otherwise. 

    This is the right thing to do based on Steven's stated goals, and none of them have to do with more money.
  • jsolo said:
    WOW , give them a chance they are trying to help out people who couldn't get in on the KS hype because of the limited payment option KS has. I see no issue with that....
    This was my exact same reaction to the statement released as well. They also said that the "early bird" pricing would not be available. So there was some advantage. Please be patient and see what they actually release. 
  • Kratz said:

    If you're going to judge the playerbase thus far on the content of one thread then I also suggest you reconsider

    You will always get a variety of opinions on a gaming forum. I've seen plenty of debate but nothing which I would class as toxic. 

    If you believe that this community is worrying in its current form then please point towards your current MMO because I've seen plenty of worse examples in my experiences.

    I wish you the best with your June pledge and truly hope you remain with this Ashes which has amazing potential.   

    Thank you for your response.

    I have read through about 3 different Threads so far, opened one myself for some information. The responses I read were mixed, at best 60% were positive, the rest was worrisome.

    I do agree that it is too early to judge and I am certain that you will be able to find enough likeable people to enjoy the game, even with some bad seeds. The main reason why I am actually considering to back this game, well obviously apart from the very interesting gameplay elements, is the monthly-subscription model. This has proven to be a more effective way of providing a pleasant playerbase.

    To the point of toxic responses, I can't fully agree to that. The level is still acceptable so far, considering to what I am used to in League of Legends. But it still isn't free of these types of responses.

    Currently I am not playing any MMORPG, since they all made me lose interest after a while. I started with Star Wars Galaxies, one of the best MMORPG's I have seen so far. I even played it for quiet a while on private servers after it was completely shut down. I also played WoW until the playerbase changed drastically, which was partway through TBC. After that I journeyed through more than enough F2P MMORPG's, probably most there are. Every F2P MMO had the same hickups: The playerbase was bad and it usually ended up P2W.

    I will stick around for AoC nonetheless. I will also definitely play it once I get the chance. The only questionable part is, if and how much I will pledge.

    Thank you very much for your friendly words.
    Solarion said:
    @Phayned You should try the Discord channel as well if you haven't already ( I would read through more than just this thread and try to gauge the community from a more holistic angle than through this one. But, first impressions are crucial, so I'm sorry if you have a negative impression. The only thing I can do is assure you that not everyone is an ass (but then again that applies to the entire world and not just particular gaming communities and player bases).
    As I have only a limitted amount of time, I will probably have to decline that offer; thank you nevertheless.

    This Thread is actually not my first impression of this community. To be perfectly honest, my first impression was a lot worse, but it was early on, so it is not necessarily accurate anymore. Thus I decided to read through this topic, since it also interests me as a potential June Backer. Compared to my early impression, this is a lot better already but still questionable. 

    I will still take your advice and read through a couple more threads critically and decide afterwards how much of a pro or con the current community is in my opinion.
  • Seriously. It seems like there are so many people upset about something that isn't even the case. :(
  • tinukeda said:
    * waits for KS backers to realize they'll have to fork out more money to get these "non-KS" rewards *

    @Steven, your ability to milk people of money is uncanny. You should get into MLM. Oh wait...
    FFS, read the dang update.  KS backers will get all the website backer perks too.  No cost.
    He's a troll member from mmorpg trying to make his voice relevant. It's not. They twist anything and everything into something negative. They're just attention whores.
  • alot ppl never heard about an online creditcard i suppose
  • The whole Kickstarter campaign pledges was a very difficult decision for my family.  My wife and I were discussing no less than 12 hours ago if this still was the best choice, due to unanswered questions.  In the end, we are comfortable with our pledges.  With that, I am a Braver of Worlds, as is my wife, our oldest son, and youngest.  As a family we decided that is what we wanted for Christmas.  Now, besides that, there may be some candy in the stockings, but not much else. (Though if I can get a few more 60+ hours a week in before then, I will make sure they have a bit more).

    That said, I am very pleased to hear Intrepid is doing this.  I would like to see anybody, and everybody that can afford to do so have the opportunity.  I loathe the term exclusive.

    Throughout my life I tend to gravitate to Directors/Collectors/Special Editions of things I am interested because I like the additional content.  Not because I am ONLY 1 of so many.  It always bothered me.  Especially when your talking about something like a collection of 0's and 1's that can be replicated with a simple file command.

    Now I doubt it will surprise anyone that I would be more than happy to see the Kickstarter Cosmetics on the Cash Shop for those who have not even heard of the game yet.  Though I don't see them doing that for fear of being burned at the stake.


  • The whole Kickstarter campaign pledges was a very difficult decision for my family.  My wife and I were discussing no less than 12 hours ago if this still was the best choice, due to unanswered questions.  In the end, we are comfortable with our pledges.  With that, I am a Braver of Worlds, as is my wife, our oldest son, and youngest.  As a family we decided that is what we wanted for Christmas.  Now, besides that, there may be some candy in the stockings, but not much else. (Though if I can get a few more 60+ hours a week in before then, I will make sure they have a bit more).

    That said, I am very pleased to hear Intrepid is doing this.  I would like to see anybody, and everybody that can afford to do so have the opportunity.  I loathe the term exclusive.

    Throughout my life I tend to gravitate to Directors/Collectors/Special Editions of things I am interested because I like the additional content.  Not because I am ONLY 1 of so many.  It always bothered me.  Especially when your talking about something like a collection of 0's and 1's that can be replicated with a simple file command.

    Now I doubt it will surprise anyone that I would be more than happy to see the Kickstarter Cosmetics on the Cash Shop for those who have not even heard of the game yet.  Though I don't see them doing that for fear of being burned at the stake.


  • The whole Kickstarter campaign pledges was a very difficult decision for my family.  My wife and I were discussing no less than 12 hours ago if this still was the best choice, due to unanswered questions.  In the end, we are comfortable with our pledges.  With that, I am a Braver of Worlds, as is my wife, our oldest son, and youngest.  As a family we decided that is what we wanted for Christmas.  Now, besides that, there may be some candy in the stockings, but not much else. (Though if I can get a few more 60+ hours a week in before then, I will make sure they have a bit more).

    That said, I am very pleased to hear Intrepid is doing this.  I would like to see anybody, and everybody that can afford to do so have the opportunity.  I loathe the term exclusive.

    Throughout my life I tend to gravitate to Directors/Collectors/Special Editions of things I am interested because I like the additional content.  Not because I am ONLY 1 of so many.  It always bothered me.  Especially when your talking about something like a collection of 0's and 1's that can be replicated with a simple file command.

    Now I doubt it will surprise anyone that I would be more than happy to see the Kickstarter Cosmetics on the Cash Shop for those who have not even heard of the game yet.  Though I don't see them doing that for fear of being burned at the stake.


  • The whole Kickstarter campaign pledges was a very difficult decision for my family.  My wife and I were discussing no less than 12 hours ago if this still was the best choice, due to unanswered questions.  In the end, we are comfortable with our pledges.  With that, I am a Braver of Worlds, as is my wife, our oldest son, and youngest.  As a family we decided that is what we wanted for Christmas.  Now, besides that, there may be some candy in the stockings, but not much else. (Though if I can get a few more 60+ hours a week in before then, I will make sure they have a bit more).

    That said, I am very pleased to hear Intrepid is doing this.  I would like to see anybody, and everybody that can afford to do so have the opportunity.  I loathe the term exclusive.

    Throughout my life I tend to gravitate to Directors/Collectors/Special Editions of things I am interested because I like the additional content.  Not because I am ONLY 1 of so many.  It always bothered me.  Especially when your talking about something like a collection of 0's and 1's that can be replicated with a simple file command.

    Now I doubt it will surprise anyone that I would be more than happy to see the Kickstarter Cosmetics on the Cash Shop for those who have not even heard of the game yet.  Though I don't see them doing that for fear of being burned at the stake.


  • aeschines said:
    Isende said:
    Great MMOs are about great communities and that starts by being inclusive. We want to have a good time gaming with other gamers so let's invite them.

    .... I "should" have this and that and so on and so forth, because that's what I paid for.

    No consideration for the other person; yet it's that consideration for the other person that, ultimately, builds a strong and thriving community.

    It's the difference between "Me" and "We."
    Actually yes.  People should get what they paid for.  You are actually suggesting that people not get what they pay for.  Can I please sell you some stuff?  Please?  Send me the money and I won't send you anything, based on your statement you are fine with that.
    Ummmm ... where did I say that? Don't believe I said that. Quote me please, and I'll clear up any misunderstanding. But ... just quote the part where I say people shouldn't get what they paid for. Thanks!
  • aeschines said:
    Isende said:
    Great MMOs are about great communities and that starts by being inclusive. We want to have a good time gaming with other gamers so let's invite them.

    .... I "should" have this and that and so on and so forth, because that's what I paid for.

    No consideration for the other person; yet it's that consideration for the other person that, ultimately, builds a strong and thriving community.

    It's the difference between "Me" and "We."
    Actually yes.  People should get what they paid for.  You are actually suggesting that people not get what they pay for.  Can I please sell you some stuff?  Please?  Send me the money and I won't send you anything, based on your statement you are fine with that.
    Ummmmm ... can you quote, for me, where I stated that people shouldn't get what they paid for? I mean, I'm pretty sure there's a miscommunication here. If you give me the verbiage I used that led you to this belief, I'm pretty sure I can clear it up.

    If it's the "I 'should' have this and that ... " comment then perhaps an expansion on that statement is due. Here's the expansion:

    What exactly did you pay for? Me? I happily contributed to a game I believe in, and with that, I got some cool skins and Alpha 2 access, a nifty little title I'm going to be able to use, so on and so forth. I'm hopeful my hubs and I will be able to grow that a bit ... because we'd like to give more to this game we believe in and hope for. Cool stuff with it? Ok, yeah, that's great. I'll take it, no worries. But where did I say people shouldn't get "what they paid for"? What I said is more along the lines of the fixation on the item. "I paid for early access and cool skins and a title and so on and so forth, and that should be withheld from people who couldn't for whatever reason donate earlier."

    I'm not entirely sure they're giving the same stuff, to begin with. But further? That fixation, that mentality, is what I was speaking against, not the "shouldn't get what I paid for."

    That help?
  • aeschines said:
    Isende said:
    Great MMOs are about great communities and that starts by being inclusive. We want to have a good time gaming with other gamers so let's invite them.

    .... I "should" have this and that and so on and so forth, because that's what I paid for.

    No consideration for the other person; yet it's that consideration for the other person that, ultimately, builds a strong and thriving community.

    It's the difference between "Me" and "We."
    Actually yes.  People should get what they paid for.  You are actually suggesting that people not get what they pay for.  Can I please sell you some stuff?  Please?  Send me the money and I won't send you anything, based on your statement you are fine with that.
    Ummmmm ... can you quote, for me, where I stated that people shouldn't get what they paid for? I mean, I'm pretty sure there's a miscommunication here. If you give me the verbiage I used that led you to this belief, I'm pretty sure I can clear it up.

    If it's the "I 'should' have this and that ... " comment then perhaps an expansion on that statement is due. Here's the expansion:

    What exactly did you pay for? Me? I happily contributed to a game I believe in, and with that, I got some cool skins and Alpha 2 access, a nifty little title I'm going to be able to use, so on and so forth. I'm hopeful my hubs and I will be able to grow that a bit ... because we'd like to give more to this game we believe in and hope for. Cool stuff with it? Ok, yeah, that's great. I'll take it, no worries. But where did I say people shouldn't get "what they paid for"? What I said is more along the lines of the fixation on the item. "I paid for early access and cool skins and a title and so on and so forth, and that should be withheld from people who couldn't for whatever reason donate earlier."

    I'm not entirely sure they're giving the same stuff, to begin with. But further? That fixation, that mentality, is what I was speaking against, not the "shouldn't get what I paid for."

    That help?
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Lethality said:

    Steven has said several times, pretty clearly in my opinion, the game is fully funded out of his own pocket. All $30m.

    He is not running this like those perpetual crowdfunding projects that shall remain nameless. He is re-opening it for June only, to allow those that could not use Kickstarter (due to not allowing PayPal) to get in on the same footing as all other backers.

    Then, he is closing funding at the end of June.

    AND if Ashes doesn't launch, he's refunding everyone - again, out of his own pocket.

    So all of that makes this Kickstarter *very* unlike any other.
    Emphasis mine. Do you seriously think they will close funding at the end of June?  If you do, I have a ton of ocean front property in Colorado to sell you!
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Emphasis mine. Do you seriously think they will close funding at the end of June?  

    Well they will close it later but only because they still didn't get all data from Kickstarter. but will be 30 days from launch.

    Its hard to believe but not all ppl on this world thinking only about money. 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    My 2 cents on this hasn't changed from the beginning.

    I don't care what other people get because I am happy with the things I am getting and I feel it is fair .. and even if they do open up the previous rewards who cares its still people that backed the project .... It's like a 2 month kick start rather than a 1 month. and if the game is what they make it out to be it will still be such a small percentage of the player base with the rewards, they will still be epic! and they are just cosmetic lets not forget about that. Just think of WoW and the player base when it was at its peak, shortly after release it was in the millions "MILLIONS" and we are talking what like....19k backers so far and maybe another 19k which I think is a stretch that's still only  like 40 k ~ that's nothing.

    On top of all the things listed above this will also get more people in the community before launch everything so far is a good thing.

    I'm not trying to make anyone angry but lets be welcoming to new people and give everyone the chance.

    Sorry if the wording is a little messy I've been up like 32 hours. long work days.
  • Valkeries said:
    Umji said:
    GOOD NO?
    Your Keyboard should have a button called Caps Lock.

    If the button is missing or stuck contact your local techsupport to get it fixed.
    @Umji's always had an issue controlling the volume of her voice. I blame it on the Orcish blood. 
  • god you guys could wake the dead with the amount of complaining >:)  
  • I dont understand why people are mad. I didnt read the thread much. But we are all working towards a common goal no? Whats the diff if you donated through kickstarter or the website? What if the kickstarter ran for 2 months (with paypal) and didnt have website donations? 
    The only thing i see, like every game dev is they never keep to their word. Say 1 thing to please the crowd then do the opposite. Is this just the beginning of lies that will perpetually follow? Or a sincere mistake?
  • I dont understand why people are mad. I didnt read the thread much. But we are all working towards a common goal no? Whats the diff if you donated through kickstarter or the website? What if the kickstarter ran for 2 months (with paypal) and didnt have website donations? 
    The only thing i see, like every game dev is they never keep to their word. Say 1 thing to please the crowd then do the opposite. Is this just the beginning of lies that will perpetually follow? Or a sincere mistake?

    Your post almost doesn't make sense. The first paragraph is pro game dev and the second is anti game dev.

    Here are the facts as I understand them:

    The kickstarter is over but Kickstarter INC. hasn't given Intrepid Studios the final results as in how much actually gets paid in full. When KS does finish up, there will be a 30 day "crowdfunding" run on the website here. This is because lots of countries don't use credit cards like the USA does and Kickstarter Inc. does not accept PayPal or other similar cards.

    This website crowdfunding will give these people the chance to pledge to the game outside of kickstarter. All of the goodies stretch goals from these crowdfunding rewards will be given to the kickstarter pledgers as well. They get extra goodies. The crowdfunding people that pledge, coming up will get only the things from this extended crowdfunding and none of the KS exclusive rewards.

    Intrepid Studios never said that they would not continue funds raising after the kickstarter. They have broken no promises. I don't see any lies or deceptions. Do you?

  • nagash said:
    god you guys could wake the dead with the amount of complaining >:)  
    Get your nap interrupted did you?
  • Cry me a river so i can grow my crops and allow my chicken to quench their thirst that allows them to grow so i can sell it at my taver my good sir
  • Hey guys,

    I hope there has been clarification on the upcoming store. This topic has derailed its original intention and has now been closed. Thanks again guys and we encourage you to speak your opinions, but make sure you're reading our Code of Conduct so you don't end up in the Shadow Realm. <3 
This discussion has been closed.