Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I agree with both of you immensely.
This game is intended to be PvX, so you must allow PvP to happen open world naturally. Corruption is just stopping it all together (it's intentionally overturned right now, I know).
And no, the answers not to get rid of corruption, it just needs less punishment and some other stuff around it.
I completely hear what you are saying and I hope that they really dial it in and figure something out. PVP is what captures a huge demographic. The PvErs are the Die hards, and I feel like probably are the minority. The PvPers are fickle and will stay if there is good pvp, but if there is bad pvp, they will leave.
This actually isn't totally true. I was mistaken about this at one point too, and I recently made a thread on the subject.
Lawless zones will not be in the finished game according to the AoC Wiki. They're only for Alpha 2 testing purposes and will eventually turn in to naval zones.
I basically said that lawless zones should stay in the game and have attractions to draw players in and give PvPers a place to fight without severe punishment.
"If you don't put yourself at an obvious disadvantage you can't complain"
Nah, as is I am using corruption as a shield to opt out of ever being engaged. And on the rare occasion that I do. I have friends nearby to kill and collect exponentially more than I lost when they go red. Its a lame way to play, but you cheese the system to get the advantage. That being said, it hurts general open world PvP engagements. If it wasnt a death sentence for players to go corrupt, I wouldnt be as inclined to utilize it as a shield and actually fight back.
You mean like the disadvantage that the pve gatherer without gear that does not like nor ever engage in pvp has that you are complaining you cannot roll up on and force into pvp without incurring a penalty?
As previously mentioned, a lot of people on Resna run around flagged during test so stop complaining about PVP not happening and pull up those big boy/girl panties and flag up if you want pvp.
For someone stating they are a hardcore PVPr, it sounds more like you want to handpick your battles where you always have the advantage rather than staying flagged like the true hardcores so perhaps think about changing that title to you being a 'select my own battle' PVPr or pseudo-hardcore PVPr? π
At first, I was opposed to any opt out mechanic or penalty for pvp but upon experiencing the first three weekends of test, I see how Steven's corruption system can prevent griefing and large guilds always holding the best resource spots simply due to numbers.
there shouldnt be one. period and just having found out people were banned for pvping asmon i dont see this game being worth a dang for pvp players.
They weren't PvPing Asmon they we're griefing the fuck out of him. I don't even like the guy but at least I'm smart enough to understand the difference between preventing someone playing the game and PvPing them.
It's wild some people can even have this take.
they are allowed to kill whoever they want thats the entire point of a karma system.. you can be the bad guy.
The simple solution is don't get corrupted...
Like why is that so hard to understand. This is essentially an opt in out system within an grey area.
The only people bitching about it is the ones who know they'll get account banned for violating terms of service.
It needs tweaking sure but the corruption system is viable and it performs the risk/reward mechanic in a PVX game as stated from its Kick Starter design principle.
If corruption is stopping pvp all together, why do we have it happening all the time on Resna? Oh wait, people enjoy PVP there and actually flag up and pvp. π²
What we are seeing less of on Resna is people flagging and killing players that do not wish to pvp and smaller guilds and groups not being repeatedly killed for resources by groups 2-3x their size. The latter will be important for the progression of smaller guilds and for newcomers trying to catch up and progress as they cannot be griefed out of the resource area. There is always room for tweaking but the mechanic is working as intended.
With all due respect, it seems youβve created a reality of your own. Iβve been a backer of this game since the original Kickstarter, and while open PvP was always a feature, Steven has consistently emphasized that PvP in Ashes of Creation is meant to be player-driven conflict.
If youβve read my posts, youβll see that Iβm a strong advocate for PvP, especially when it comes to resources, territory, and competition. However, people often overlook the foundations of player-driven conflictβit stems from resources, land, and wealth, just as it does in human history. Nothing about that justifies killing a new player purely to stroke your ego or play the villain in some self-proclaimed story. Thatβs not meaningful PvP; itβs just griefing, and the two should never be confused.
I think some of those bitching are doing so because this is alpha and the corruption/blight system still needs some work. First weekend people could kill repeatedly and not go red, people could kill mounts out from under you and not go red, now killing a mount supposedly gains blight so people are placing them in areas to trigger corruption ect. This is what happens in alpha and the feedback from this is how developers fix/add/remove/tweak mechanics for a smoother launch.
Also, there is supposedly an option under settings where people can select not to have aoe heals or damage hit non-combatants and flag them so not certain if the issue is that this is not working or people are just not setting this.
Where did I ever say there shouldn't be penalties?
And an ambush naturally should give an attacker the advantage. That's the entire point of an ambush.
Good for those people, I flag up now and then for the fun of it. But anytime I'm out gathering or grinding I leave it off more or less to prove a point. The point being that I can opt out of PvP via corruption shielding me. It takes a smooth brain to not see the bigger picture of testing an exploitive method of gameplay. If I can take the PvP out of the PvX system design for me to be at risk while adventuring, that's an issue.
And ain't that cute, someone is actually testing a system instead of pissing about and you think you're some hardcore gamer π
Corruption should deter griefing. It shouldn't deter PvP, nor allow for anyone to opt-out of it.
Exploitive method is simply your negative title to make it sound like the corruption system prevents pvp and you need to utilize an 'exploitive method' to get it which you absolutely do not. And for the record, I don't consider baiting someone into pvp where they kill you exploitive as they ultimately make the decision to attack. I also do not think the system prevents pvp, I think it just forces more pvp between players that want/enjoy PVP and less on those that do not like or want pvp.
I have not stated I am a hardcore gamer, is this deflection or projection? Oh wait, it was YOU stating you were a hardcore PVPr and me that stated that the hardcore PVPrs actually flag up on my server, they do not stay unflagged and complain about PVP not happening. I see why the callout might be triggering to you.
I am curious, from your hardcore PVP perspective, why not just flag up when the person in this β¬οΈ scenario flags to kill you so you actually engage in some pvp rather than just waiting to die? I have never seen the 'wait to die' hardcore PVP approach ever, this is a new one for me. I mean, if he/she flags and you flag, no penalty, just pvp and isn't this your actual goal, some PVP? Or are you the type of hardcore PVPr that would rather talk about PVP than actually engage in it? I mean, in the scenario you give above, just bait people into flagging so you can flag and PVP, right?
Corruption does deter griefing, it also deters (does not prevent) people from forcing non-combatants that might not have gear or even pvp experience into PVPing if they do not want to. You can still kill non-combatants, you will just incur a heavy penalty for doing so.
You keep mentioning the option to 'opt out' and if people could actually opt out in this game, you would not be able to target nor kill them. π² This is a risk/reward system where you can make the choice to engage and kill the non-combatant or walk away and pull up those big boy panties, flag yourself and look for people that want to pvp or even rat around and flag when you see someone also flagged that you think you can possible handle.
Steven has already stated that the corruption system is 'overtuned' for this alpha so we know that the penalties incurred for killing someone will be revised but until then, just flag against those that are flagged and get your PVP on hardcore PVPr. π
Thats a lot of words.
You still dont seem to understand the entire point of why I am doing what I am doing. I have been actively deterring PvP engagements by not fighting back. The threat of corruption scares people off. And on the rare occasion I do get PKed, I would say 4 times out of 5 I still come out on top by snagging their gear with a revenge kill by me or a guildy.
Try to argue about me not being a hardcore PvPer all you want. I am not pushing to be a hardcore PvPer in the Alpha Test. I am testing the flaws in the system which I have been predicting for years now. One of us is obviously just here to play and it aint me.
And the very fact that this Test phase carries little to no risk due to the inevitable wipe, players dont give a crap about gear loss despite the corruption punishments. So to say corruption is working well right now is laughable considering the variables. Once players dont have a server wipe to worry about, corruption will be the ultimate shield against PvP if the punishments are too severe for a couple PKs that wouldnt be considered griefing (excessive PKing).
It takes a lot of words when people circle and points have to be repeated. π
You are correct, it makes absolutely no sense why someone that claims to be a hardcore PVPr that wants PVP would allow someone to flag on them and stand there and be killed when their goal is supposedly pvp and they would have no penalty for doing so against someone that flags on them.
It seems your excuse is that you are attempting to prove something with this sort of 'testing'?
Suggesting you are playing as a non-combatant and people are scared to attack you due to penalties demonstrates that Steven's plan to promote more flagged open world pvp and disincentivize both griefers and PKrs is working.
I did find it odd that you would state that the threat of corruption scares people off and it was only on rare occasion you would get attacked and then a few sentences later, claim that this test phase carries little to no risk due to wipes and players not giving a crap about gear in test so which is it- players are afraid to attack you due to corruption or corruption doesn't matter as players don't care about losing gear due to test and the upcoming wipe?
Your words go from past tense to present and at this point, I am not even certain you have engaged in pvp during this test or even picked up gear from a red or that you even want pvp. π²
You did throw me off by implying that I am here for gaming and not testing. Inquiring minds want to know, where did you pull this priceless idea from, me simply opposing something you have said? π€£
And who claimed corruption is working well right now? I have stated repeatedly it is not working as intended and have provided multiple examples. I have also stated that it is currently overtuned which points to penalties being less severe down the road. I simply see some benefit to the core mechanic Steven is putting in place. π€£
Again, your suggestion that corruption will be the perfect shield against pvp is goofy considering we know it is overtuned now and will lessen and we also know that it will deter those that seek out non-combatants and guide them toward actual pvp players that are or will flag for combat. I understand that engaging against someone that flags up for pvp might be scary for some, but I encourage you to give it a try.
I think that if the current system is close to what they ultimately want, they should just turn off PvP unless players actively flag for it. Right now, the only people who engage in open-world PvP are griefers on alts. The current system encourages players to be as annoying as possible in order to bait others into killing them.
The PvP meta right now is essentially about pulling mobs into a groupβs AoE to wipe them, and then looting the corpses. If you kill the person doing the training, you risk losing three pieces of gear. I don't want to encourage griefing, but if you can't kill someone who is intentionally being disruptive, what's the point of open-world PvP? Intrepid talks about conflict and risk vs. reward, but whoβs going to take the risk of losing three pieces of gear for a fight?
Right now, all you have to do is leave your mount out. If you get attacked, you can stand next to it, and the cleave kills the mount, causing them to go corrupt. Then your group can kill them without even flagging for PvP. Killing someone should carry risk, but the current penalties are too harsh. If you canβt kill the group that just sits on top of your group to farm kills, or the guy who trains mobs on you, or the one looting your tankβs corpse right in front of you, then whatβs the point of having open-world PvP at all?
You should be able to kill a few people without the fear of losing gear or getting severe debuffs. The downsides of corruption at level 1 should be more like what we see at corruption level 3. I also think Blight should only apply to kills made while already corrupt. You should be able to kill players who earn it, but going full "murder hobo" should come with significant consequences.
A lot of words again. Pointless insults.
The point of corruption is to deter griefing. Not pvp.
All I am proving through what i am doing is that I am able to waltz around gathering, and even infringe on other areas for gathering and xp grinds occupied by players who want to fight for them, and I'm able to punish them for fighting for them by not fighting back at all and simply focus on taking things. They kill me, they lose more stuff when I kill them after.
It's a shield against PvP, not just griefing. You'll see it more once people actually have something more permanent to deal with.
I'll test out the mount idea while I'm pushing areas that are occupied to see if I can push corruption even more as a shield against PvP. Sounds pretty busted.
Sorry if my reference to you circling and my needing to repeat points results in more words and this was insulting but honestly, this last post of yours is the same as previous so please refer back to my other replies for a valid rebuttal. (As you seem to be keeping track, only 45 words this time, less than yours) π
Nah you just talk a lot without making any real argument. You seem angry that I am working against the system instead of flagging for some reason, like actually testing the system is offensive or something. "Just Flag Bro" nah, I'll just take stuff until people get tired of it and kill me, then I'll take even more stuff by locking in that x4 loot and gear.
Oops, you did it again. π
Just as a reminder, it was YOU that first reached out and quoted a post I made that was not replying to you or anyone else in particular.
The post simply stated:
I stand by this statement as I have had no issues finding pvp during alpha and I have not once turned red. For people that actually like to engage in pvp and not just talk about it on the forums, we are getting our fill in test.
Understand that I do not care if you want to use the current corruption system to avoid pvp to get gear, I don't even care if you kill horses or go in and rat loot from people that are actually pvping, it just seems odd that for someone that declared themselves a hardcore PVPr, you are intentionally avoiding it but hey, to each his/her own.
Again. Playing vs testing.
I'm using corruption in a way that it isn't meant to be used. You're stuck on this "real pvpers flag 24/7" BS. I shouldnt be able to choose differently, that should be a given for everyone at equal or similar levels. All corruption should do is protect low levels, and prevent camping. I shouldn't be able to use corruption the way I am using it. Stop acting like a child.
This is a strawman argument as I don't care how you test, I simply commented on you stating you are a hardcore PVPr and mentioning that I have never seen a hardcore PVPr choose to stand idle and not fight back and die. Even if I wanted someone to go red, I have found it impossible not to flag and fight back when someone flags on me, just not my nature. π€
While I do not care how you test the game, I see nothing special about what you are 'testing' with the corruption system. You are hypothetically just remaining a non-combatant (everyone's option) and hypothetically getting loot from someone that decided the risk of killing you is worth the reward and hypothetically teaching someone that they were wrong.
This is part of the mechanic as Steven has stated that he wants a system that ensures that griefing AND PKing is almost never worth it (you were non-combatant so it was a pk) and that he wants to 'significantly' reduce a player's exposure to non-consensual PVP. He has stated that he wants to incentivize players to participate in PVP through the flagging system, but not to PK. With this in mind, every player has the option to remain a non-combatant and hide their guildie in the bushes and wait for them to turn red to grab their gear, that is part of the risk/reward.
There's nothing strawman about the argument.