Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
A plea to the devs regarding female armor/costume design choices
Please give female characters viable options to wear full bodied, combat practical armor.

Specifically this bit of concept armor we are teased with here on the backer. The male armor looks amazing; blue and gold themes, it looks like you can charge into battle with that on and nobody is going to stab you through any vital organs very easily. However, if the female variant is a simple dress for a female human tank, that is going to be very inconsistent and unnerving.
I would like to see this MMO not fulfill the same extremely overdone stereotypes regarding exceptionally revealing female 'plate armor' that has been overdone to death. Though I'm not against those who would like to see that fantasy aesthetic for their characters, it is in my best interest to see to it that there is viable, aesthetically pleasing options for both styles.
Specifically, can the female royalty costume have an armored version that looks more or less the same as the male version with the same amount of plate armor coverage please?

Specifically this bit of concept armor we are teased with here on the backer. The male armor looks amazing; blue and gold themes, it looks like you can charge into battle with that on and nobody is going to stab you through any vital organs very easily. However, if the female variant is a simple dress for a female human tank, that is going to be very inconsistent and unnerving.
I would like to see this MMO not fulfill the same extremely overdone stereotypes regarding exceptionally revealing female 'plate armor' that has been overdone to death. Though I'm not against those who would like to see that fantasy aesthetic for their characters, it is in my best interest to see to it that there is viable, aesthetically pleasing options for both styles.
Specifically, can the female royalty costume have an armored version that looks more or less the same as the male version with the same amount of plate armor coverage please?
I agree. I just think people need to stop jumping on every problem and focus on what we know and what else is being added
Men can absolutely have an opinion on the subject.
As a male, I do not prefer it simply because it is immersion-breaking.
Immersion in this game is something the devs have said they want to be important. Half naked characters running around (of either sex) surely breaks this goal.
This is the same rationale I carry in the transmog/hiding equipment discussions. If the options available severely break immersion then I am generally against it.
I'm not saying you cant but what I was saying that its not right for us to dictate what people wear that is up to them and if the game lets them dress as a succubus then I don't see what the problem is the same with a knight in full plate it makes no difference apart from making that person happy
No, I wouldn't worry about it much in that particular example. Those are clothes for peacocks to strut their stuff down the metropolitan streets!
Take it from me, I have an eye for craftsmanship - dwarven or otherwise - and I'd sooner take 'me chances with protection from pots 'n pans in the kitchen than any 'o them shiny wearable baubles!
Female Armor should be absolutely as protective looking as their male counterpart. Keep the clothing looking stuff to actual clothing and don't label it as "ARMOR"
Like some strange hole in his stomach (one of the most vital areal in terms of wounds), and some stupid metallic... boots? How do you walk (gods forbid fight) it those?
But this is plague of most fantasy games, their artists just know nothing about real medieval armor and weapons, prefering just to draw "cool stuff" on level of understaning of 15 years old buys playing tabletop in basement. This is likely uncurable thing in mainstream.
And AoC, with all new ideas and good things, has very generic, mainstream art direction. Its like illustrations from dnd rulebooks, 3,5 at least. I remember them pretty well. All this useless absturd armors, oversized and silly weapons. Very typical fantasy solutions.
Thats how real royal armor look like, if you want fo fancy, golden etc:
I am male and I want skimpy magic armor for some of my male characters.
Including chainmail bikinis.
The women can feel however they want.
Mages are wearing cloth armor while being hit with Fireballs and people find bikini armor immersion-breaking?
That's absurd.
All of the magic Str and Sta and Heath stats on plate armor is somehow perfectly reasonable, but not on chainmail bikinis?
hey, i'm the resident medieval nerd here!
well we have to live in a world were the mainstream has no clue about real armor. So even if the armor is a farcry from real ones, a tleast they can look as if they would be somewhat protective
When he said you had a meme for any/every post possible!