Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Are you a true believer or an utter skeptic?

How confident are you that Ashes of Creation will meet your expectations?


  • ^^ Bet nobody saw that coming.

  • I admire your devotion my friend. I certainly think that Intrepid have the ingredients to cook up something special with Ashes of Creation. Having said that, I simply don't think we've had enough info yet for me to declare this as the best ever. I sincerely do want this to be the best ever though and maybe in a few years time, who knows, maybe I'll be sharing a stage of unwavering devotion with you. ;)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 08
    @Kratz agreed. I have high hopes for this game, and I love what I've heard so far. At the same time, I have been burnt on promises in the past (as have many of us), which of course leaves me with a degree of skepticism.

    But as they continue to be transparent with their player base, inform us of progress, and generally reflect what players have been asking of MMO developers for over a decade, I am coming around to believe that they will actually end up with a great product at the end of this development road :)
  • I agree full with Kratz. I'm just too jaded to go all in just yet. But I have higher hopes then I dare admit.
  • You got to have faith 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 08
    It's a mixed bag.  I'd like to say I have faith and that, I've been burned before to the tune of "Please look foward to it".  Thankfully It feels like this game is the breath of fresh air I need.
  • It's a hard call. Nothing fits my thoughts.   I believe in AOC and the brain power behind Intrepid and I am sincerely hoping it turns out to be the best MMO out there.  The best MMO to me is a combo of many games I have played over the years starting back with EQ.  Ashes seems to be trying to  achieve that and I will do my best to support AOC.

    I stumbled  upon Ashes, now I'm a believer

    Not a trace, of doubt in my mind

    I'm in love, I'm a believer

    I couldn't leave Ashes if I tried


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 08
    It's a hard call. Nothing fits my thoughts.   I believe in AOC and the brain power behind Intrepid and I am sincerely hoping it turns out to be the best MMO out there.  The best MMO to me is a combo of many games I have played over the years starting back with EQ.  Ashes seems to be trying to  achieve that and I will do my best to support AOC.

    I stumbled  upon Ashes, now I'm a believer

    Not a trace, of doubt in my mind

    I'm in love, I'm a believer

    I couldn't leave Ashes if I tried


    @CylverRayne, it sounds to me like you need to take the red pill and wash it down with a refreshing sip of kool aid ;)

    Come on in, the water's fine
  • Answering the title question directly, i am niether. I am neither a believer nor an utter skeptic. I am somewhat in the middle. I understand that this project could be a kS cash grab or something that is actually great. So, i acknowledge that this game can suck or can be a great game. For me, though, interpid has to just deliver half of the promises and this game will still be freaking amazing.
  • None of the options fully fit me. I'm a very skeptical person by nature, but I've done my research and I feel like this will be a phenomenal game and I'll stick with it to the end.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 09
    Humans are too weird for me to have much faith in them but I believe Ashes can deliver on the majority of their promises with what I've witnessed so far.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 09
    I really, really want AoC to succeed and become everything the devs showed us, and even more. But I've been burnt before, so it's a mixed bag for me: I'm really hyped, borderline severe hype here, but I can't help but look back to the previous burns and add a grain of salt to my judgement. But still hyped.
  • Lilem said:
    I really, really want AoC to succeed and become everything the devs showed us, and even more. But I've been burnt before, so it's a mixed bag for me: I'm really hyped, borderline severe hype here, but I can't help but look back to the previous burns and add a grain of salt to my judgement. But still hyped.
    You can look forward to something without the need for hype! In my opinion being hyped only leads to increased blood pressure. :D
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 09
    Chanelle said:
    Lilem said:
    I really, really want AoC to succeed and become everything the devs showed us, and even more. But I've been burnt before, so it's a mixed bag for me: I'm really hyped, borderline severe hype here, but I can't help but look back to the previous burns and add a grain of salt to my judgement. But still hyped.
    You can look forward to something without the need for hype! In my opinion being hyped only leads to increased blood pressure. :D
    They hype will subside, the hopefulness will remain :)
  • Chanelle said:
    Lilem said:
    I really, really want AoC to succeed and become everything the devs showed us, and even more. But I've been burnt before, so it's a mixed bag for me: I'm really hyped, borderline severe hype here, but I can't help but look back to the previous burns and add a grain of salt to my judgement. But still hyped.
    You can look forward to something without the need for hype! In my opinion being hyped only leads to increased blood pressure. :D
    I take meds to stop this, does that mean I'm in the clear?
  • Yip I'm hoping for the best. Been third degree burnt before so Intrepid I got hype hopes on you.
  • Hey
  • Dolphin said:
    Who let the trolls out?  >:)
  • No
  • I lost good money supporting bad games before, so I'm a healthy sceptic now. I funded AoC because it has been a good financial year and I deserve to hope and dream, god damn it.
  • My hype is off the chart sorry x I think with an open development approach we will see great things! 
  • Diura said:
    My hype is off the chart sorry x I think with an open development approach we will see great things! 
    Agreed, transparency is KEY....

    Having said that....... (!).... I do hope that the devs participate in the forums a bit more, as time permits. I think they have done a great job balancing Q&A's, interviews, discord appearances, and other media presentations thus far, but a heightened dev presence in the forums (think Blue Posts on Blizzard forums) would go a long way toward assuaging any lingering skepticism that I (and, probably, others) have.

    Having said THAT... my lingering skepticism didn't stop me from getting the Leader of Men package, but still.
  • Ghyx said:
    Diura said:
    My hype is off the chart sorry x I think with an open development approach we will see great things! 
    Agreed, transparency is KEY....

    Having said that....... (!).... I do hope that the devs participate in the forums a bit more, as time permits. I think they have done a great job balancing Q&A's, interviews, discord appearances, and other media presentations thus far, but a heightened dev presence in the forums (think Blue Posts on Blizzard forums) would go a long way toward assuaging any lingering skepticism that I (and, probably, others) have.

    Having said THAT... my lingering skepticism didn't stop me from getting the Leader of Men package, but still.
    I agree with you some more forum appearances from the team would be great :) I try to pass over discord announcements to here when I can but the team shold make announcements on all media's really ^^ asides from that I think the team will always be with us and interact even when the game launches :3 I can see Steven hoping realm to realm on his sandal dragon to greet the community or troll us with a monster token xD
  • To me, one of the most important things in an MMO is the combat, and I really really love action and fast paced combat. Since the combat in AoC hasn't really been shown yet, or rather can't be shown yet since it's only around 5% finished, I can only pray and hope for the best, but in the end I believe in the competence of the Intrepid team!
  • Wish I had the photoshop skills to pull off Sandal Dragon Steven!
  • lexmax said:
    Wish I had the photoshop skills to pull off Sandal Dragon Steven!
    I know! Someone please make this possible! xD

  • I am a:

    "Healthy skeptic, been burnt before, but hoping AoC will be good.

    but I am also hoping,
    "AoC will be a great MMO, right up there with the best.

    and that
    AoC may not have everything I want, but will still be the best MMO.

    Because I  am a person
    who dreams big and hopes my investment in time and faith is worth all the effort.   I will have to be,

    Devoted, unwavering AoC fanatic.

    Surveys are tainted!

  • No survey could ever capture the mercuric spectre of silver rain.
  • Do you think we should start a cult:dizzy:
    We've got enough unwavering fanatics!
    Rituals and costumes and wotnot?

    And feeding the trolls is more than acceptable, after all if we're going to start a cult, we need some nice healthy sacrifices :D
  • Megs said:
    Do you think we should start a cult:dizzy:
    We've got enough unwavering fanatics!
    Rituals and costumes and wotnot?

    And feeding the trolls is more than acceptable, after all if we're going to start a cult, we need some nice healthy sacrifices :D
    I'm on it!

    Shopping list for starting cult.
    1. Kool aid (bulk)
    2. Fancy robes (machine washable)
    3. Probably need more kool aid
    4. Scimitar or similar (Nothing too fancy, Walmart will do)
    5. Maybe @nagash will be cheaper (i think he works pro boneo)
    6. Other stuff TBD... ask @Megs

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