Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I said got canceled because of.
You said canceled after. Dividing the sentence of any relation to affect and cause.
You then agreed to a relation to funding and Next's cancellation but continued to give an alternate reason for the developments halt.
I then corrected myself telling you my theories that the alternate reason is false.
You proceeded to dodge and shifted the focus to landmark being a main reason development stopped. I will say this you did acknowledge some slight viability at this point but even that was backed what the developers were saying at the time which disregarded any viability of my theory.
You never once just said yeah that could be the case, you just spewed facts about the situations of development, disregarding the theory in place with your own point of view.
It's taking a lot of energy to continue this so I surrender.
I'll check. Thanks!
In addition to that, many things could destroy a node - Monster Coin(s) from Player(s), Sieges from Guild(s), or Boss)es) from Legion, Elite, or Epic Level ... and other things they might implement.
( they might Implement Erosion from the Passing-Seasons if the Node has been up
" too long. " But Erosion is a longer process i believe)
I think it's been specifically mentioned that only player sieges can delevel/destroy nodes.
Monsters disable services in nodes.
QUESTION: Given that there's a karma system in the game, if you're attacking a non-combatant player that's not in a PvP area, you're going to be a baddie, so very red player/blue player/Ultima Online.
Now with that being said, is this going to extend into some form of stealing system like in ESO for PvE or more like the PvP side in UO, where you could possibly steal resources that a person's carrying or maybe a looted item that's not bound to them in their bag?
STEVEN: No. There is not a theft mechanic for you to walk up to a player that's alive and allows you to steal something. That's not in the game.
Our flagging mechanic revolves around death penalties in general. Like what kinds of death penalties occur in the game. And, while you cannot delevel from dying, You can accrue negative experience. And this experience debt reflects certain penalties you'll experience from a combat effectiveness both in PvE and in PvP, stat degradation, lowered health and mana, less efficiency in gear equipment and being able to do things.
The more you accrue, the more difficult it will be for you to perform. Which is why, through death, you need to recover that negative experience.
And you can do that by continuing to adventure, to do quests, to do practically what you will do in the game.
But, if you die as a non-combatant, you're going to experience normal death penalty. If you die as a combatant, a person who's involved in PvP, you'll experience less death penalties. If you die as a corrupted player, a person who has murdered a non-combatant. someone that was not participating in PvP with you, then your going to experience 3 or 4 times the death penalty.
And we want to obviously give players the opportunity to exercise some agency in the open world, but at the same time, there has to be a risk v reward.
And ig you're going to go around murdering someone, you're going to become completely ineffective over time if you just continue to do it.
OK. Thanks again for the source. That provides more context and we can see that Steven was mostly focused on corruption.
Which doesn't necessarily mean that stat degradation isn't part of the normal death penalty.
I've included more of the dev quote because it doesn't make sense that you could recover negative xp through death. You can reduce your corruption score through death.
You can recover that negative experience "by continuing to adventure, to do quests, to do practically what you will do in the game."
I'm understanding it as all death will lead to negative xp. Death in pvp results in less penalties. The more negative xp you gain, the more the penalties. Regardless of the scenario.
What's unclear though, is whether Corruption might or might not be a separate stat loss from negative xp.
Perhaps corruption gives you a large chunk of negative xp that keep amassing the more non-combatants you kill, resulting in the degradation of abilities.
I was just pointing out that based on current info, monsters cannot delevel or destroy nodes.
And that negative exp is a separate mechanic affected by your flag status when you die (eg. non-combatant, combatant, or corrupt)
It might feel that way, though.
The type Divine, Economic, etc will always be the same for the same node.
As will the regional influences.
What might change is the racial influences - based on the which race founds the new camp.
Also, different buildings generate different content.
We'll have to see if resources affects the building of the same node - as in whether we will just be able to use the wood from any trees or whether we will be given tasks to use wood from specific types of trees and specific types of stone to build certain buildings.
Seems like it seasons wouldn't change the type of wood being used, but might be that the local wood isn't available due to deforestation from the previous harvesting.
But, yeah, several of parameters could be significantly different when a node is rebuilt from Stage 0. Even though some of the parameters will always be the same.
Hmm? What's both xp?
Heh heh. This is exactly what some of the posters here are against. Hope you brought a nice big shield.
That being said, at 50 (or whatever the final cap is), there'll still be a lot to do, you can work on your free hold, start a crafting profession, progress through the many other progression trees that you have, join a developing node to advance it and then help to take down an opposing metropolis.
There are many other examples that has been shared.
This, in turn brings about new quests instead of repeatable quests (grind). The main thing of course, is having a good variety of things to do late in the game.
Source: Node Series Part 2
I don't think they've shared how node types are chosen or changed yet. Have they?
Do players get to choose the type of node it will develop into?
No, the type of node is predetermined.
How can players tell what type of node it is they are developing, in case they don’t want to contribute to the growth of a particular node?
The NPCs will reflect the type of node to expect, even at stage 1. Divine nodes will have preist NPCs, military will have soldiers, Economic will have traders & merchants, and science will have scholars.
Haha. Cleared up my misconception real quick.
Not that the rebuilt node changes type.
...a variety of good, new content to enjoy all throughout the game, regardless of level. Which should be possible since the world generates new content based on how we interact with nodes as we level and delevel them.
(that is an agreement for those who may not be able to tell.)
Additionally, while solo activities will be possible, their intent is to design the game for social play more than solo. They're trying to bring back that aspect of "old school" MMORPGs where players did more together, rather than just having another multiplayer game full of solo players just doing their own thing independently.