Are we all 30+

Out of curiosity decided to make this anonymous poll regarding age demographic.

to see if were all just 30+ year old disenfranchised MMO veterans hankering for the good ole days.


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Anonymous, eh?

    EDIT: Oh, it is! I was expecting my result to show up. Neat.
  • That's too personal. :)
  • 32 here.  Interested to see how this split is going to go.  
  • 32 here as well.
  • 37
  •  23, time to show up all you geezers B)
  • (I'm joking please teach me your wisdom)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    I liked the final option so I clicked it. Also I'm 24.
    Edit: Apparently I'm the only one who liked it lol...
  • 30 here, I feel 50
  • I turn 31 tomorrow!

    Just made the cut off!
  • .../looks for the "veteran of life" button. I'm *cough* well *cough* past 30
  • 22 here
  • 21 here boys!
  • im 12 btw  :#
  • Born in 1969. I am sure I could figure out my age but that is a math thing. Math is some new fangled method to deal with something or another. So ya, definitely maybe older then 21. 
  • 29 :)
  • You know you're getting old when you grunt getting out of a chair.
    You are old when make the same grunt sitting back down.

  • 38, don't feel a day over 25... I have only played a couple other MMO's and if you add up all that time it might be 40 hours. I am an explorer, and once I see everything I tend to get bored quick. I have been waiting a long time for a game that has a changing environment as opposed to smaller DLC areas.
  • Personally, I feel like a persons age doesnt determine the level of his maturity or real life experience.
    But hey, thats just me ;)
  • Sozia said:
    Born in 1969. I am sure I could figure out my age but that is a math thing. Math is some new fangled method to deal with something or another. So ya, definitely maybe older then 21. 
    Well let me add 100, divide it by 2 and then add 9.  I got it! #commoncore

  • 30+ but only just!
  • 26 here, I do have some MMO bruises but I wouldnt call them scars..
  • There's a demographic I was not expecting!
  • 25 and enjoy mmo and rpg 
  • Personally, I feel like a persons age doesnt determine the level of his maturity or real life experience.
    But hey, thats just me ;)
    I beg to differ. I was an a-hole when I was younger.. Now, well, okay you may have a point.
  • <--- 34
  • 28 here, cut my MMO teeth on Pre-CU SWG.
  • Oooo interesting so far :3 I'm 24 :D
  • Azathoth said:
    38, don't feel a day over 25... I have only played a couple other MMO's and if you add up all that time it might be 40 hours. I am an explorer, and once I see everything I tend to get bored quick. I have been waiting a long time for a game that has a changing environment as opposed to smaller DLC areas.
    Hi Azathoth.
    I have to ask, did you miss a couple of 0´s in that statement? 
    U said you played a couple of mmo´s and the total time is 40 hours?

    I hope Ashes can make you stay a bit longer then that :)
    I dont have a specific play time on MMOPG´s, but I played Ark Survial over 1700+ hours :)

    ...wich might not be something to be proud over really. Get a life you could say. *coughs*
    ...I love my wife for staying with me :)
  • 46 this year
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