DPS Meter Megathread



  • AerlanaAerlana Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited September 2022

    [insert list of claims, accusations and defamation]

    Ok... fine, you did a fine list, now i wait for you to prove i want a single player game (which is false and i have message on this forum to point out i dislike the "singleplayer" turn of recent mmorpg) or any other of your other claims...

    I am on ashes of creation forums for a simple thing : want to have the feeling close to the "old good time" even if i know that i was younger, student (which is impactfull on those). And this is the premises of Ashes of Creation.
    I won't get this feeling on a survival game, or if i need to smash a button, if my summoner is based on devoring universe and not summoning, and clearly NOT if will come a time the game will delete my character because "why not?" and force me to begin again... this would be similar to seasonnal design, not MMORPG design

    And your whole message about "your agenda" and other shit can perfectly apply to you again...

    We both want a good game, but we have a real difference in definition of "good game" and it seems that, you can't understand other vue than yours.

    i tried to explain you why some ideas could not fit MMORPG or are not happening with this mmorpg to avoid you false hope, but here, trying this was clearly a waste of time because you don't care what other people are saying if it doesn't go the way you want.

    Edit : didnt play valorant... also did play overwatch long ago... (before brigitte was added) but i didnt need cocaine to be good at it... ;)
  • SapiverenusSapiverenus Member
    edited September 2022

    "Old good time"

    So you can't see things for what they are? You've told me plenty you want things to be a certain way and are open to nothing that elaborates upon the premises.

    You can say everything applies to me "uno reverso", but I'm not clinging to some Return to the Past and simply want the genre and ideas to be elaborated/ worked upon.

    Then you and others talk about "when things don't go your way you. . ." but let me give you the uno reverso. When things don't go your way you have nothing to really say that doesn't negatively apply to you because it always boils down to "NOT MY GAME NO WAY NOT GONNA HAPPEN IN MY GAME".

    You want to attach all your hopes and dreams on this game to fulfill some nostalgic yearn of yours but I just want the game to be good without the BS emotional baggage.

    At the end of the day yall are "NO COMPROMISES" and don't want anyone to even mentally touch your game like some Star Wars in-the-box Figurine.
  • From my personal experience I only really use DPS meters for myself, as in I like knowing what my top 3 damaging abilities are and what percentage of my damage they make up. I'm not a fan of posting them in group or raid for bragging rights or to shame others. I mostly played a rogue in WoW and DPS meters don't include things like: stunlocking the mob when the tank is low on health and the healer is almost oom, breaking away from the target mob to grab a mob the healer's pulled aggro on, moving away from aoe damage so healers don't have to waste mana on lazy melee dps, and other support actions that DPS classes. There's more to DPS classes than just big numbers. But I would like a means to be able to assess my own playstyle in order to improve it.
    The old world is dying, the new world struggles to be born, now is the time of monsters.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Vexsin wrote: »
    From my personal experience I only really use DPS meters for myself, as in I like knowing what my top 3 damaging abilities are and what percentage of my damage they make up. I'm not a fan of posting them in group or raid for bragging rights or to shame others. I mostly played a rogue in WoW and DPS meters don't include things like: stunlocking the mob when the tank is low on health and the healer is almost oom, breaking away from the target mob to grab a mob the healer's pulled aggro on, moving away from aoe damage so healers don't have to waste mana on lazy melee dps, and other support actions that DPS classes. There's more to DPS classes than just big numbers. But I would like a means to be able to assess my own playstyle in order to improve it.

    DPS meters don't include things like that, but a full combat tracker will.

    The AoE thing is simple. You look at that ability on the encounter, and everyone that got hit by it didn't move out.

    In a number of raids I've run, rather than posting lists of DPS for the fight, I've posted lists of who got hit the least by a given encounter ability (AoE or some such), who cures the most of a specific ailment that we need cured, who heals the most, basically what ever the encounter in question most relies on.

    I actually agree with you that something that was literally just a DPS meter would be damn near worthless. A full combat tracker, however, is damn near invaluable.
  • They need other reasons to kick you besides just dps ;o
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    They need other reasons to kick you besides just dps ;o
    See, you don't get it.

    By the time someone is on a raid with me, they have already proven themselves. We weed out those we do not wish to bring along with us long before they have the opportunity to join the guild, let alone come along on a raid.

    If we are on content and booting someone due to DPS, then we failed as a guild literally months before, when we didn't immediately dismiss that player as not being suitable in terms of their outlook on the game and on personal improvement.

    Because whether you like it or not, that is what most top end guilds (outside of WoW) recruit based on. I don't give a shit how good you are at the game, I give a shit how good you want to be at the game.

    People that want to be good at the game look at a combat tracker as a tool to assist in that, as well as a measuring tool to gauge progress.

    People that do not want to be good at the game look at a combat tracker as something to be afraid of.
  • Noaani wrote: »
    People that want to be good at the game look at a combat tracker as a tool to assist in that, as well as a measuring tool to gauge progress.

    People that do not want to be good at the game look at a combat tracker as something to be afraid of.
    Damn, I'll never be in Noaani's guild :(
  • Noaani wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    They need other reasons to kick you besides just dps ;o
    See, you don't get it.

    By the time someone is on a raid with me, they have already proven themselves. We weed out those we do not wish to bring along with us long before they have the opportunity to join the guild, let alone come along on a raid.

    If we are on content and booting someone due to DPS, then we failed as a guild literally months before, when we didn't immediately dismiss that player as not being suitable in terms of their outlook on the game and on personal improvement.

    Because whether you like it or not, that is what most top end guilds (outside of WoW) recruit based on. I don't give a shit how good you are at the game, I give a shit how good you want to be at the game.

    People that want to be good at the game look at a combat tracker as a tool to assist in that, as well as a measuring tool to gauge progress.

    People that do not want to be good at the game look at a combat tracker as something to be afraid of.

    Post translated Dps meters/trackers are about me so they need to be in the game because I want them. Devs need to listen to me to make me happy. Also ME, I'm important me.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    They need other reasons to kick you besides just dps ;o
    See, you don't get it.

    By the time someone is on a raid with me, they have already proven themselves. We weed out those we do not wish to bring along with us long before they have the opportunity to join the guild, let alone come along on a raid.

    If we are on content and booting someone due to DPS, then we failed as a guild literally months before, when we didn't immediately dismiss that player as not being suitable in terms of their outlook on the game and on personal improvement.

    Because whether you like it or not, that is what most top end guilds (outside of WoW) recruit based on. I don't give a shit how good you are at the game, I give a shit how good you want to be at the game.

    People that want to be good at the game look at a combat tracker as a tool to assist in that, as well as a measuring tool to gauge progress.

    People that do not want to be good at the game look at a combat tracker as something to be afraid of.

    Post translated Dps meters/trackers are about me so they need to be in the game because I want them. Devs need to listen to me to make me happy. Also ME, I'm important me.

    How is that a translation?

    All that is, honestly, is you projecting your perceived hate of combat trackers, assuming that everyone for them is perpetrating the situation that makes you hate them.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    NiKr wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    People that want to be good at the game look at a combat tracker as a tool to assist in that, as well as a measuring tool to gauge progress.

    People that do not want to be good at the game look at a combat tracker as something to be afraid of.
    Damn, I'll never be in Noaani's guild :(

    Since you know that I will be running top end PvE content (assuming it even exists), would you even want to be?

    My assumption would be no.

    I could see you in an affiliated PvP focused guild, however.
  • @Noaani
    Find someone good at multi-tasking and observant; and don't hope for WoW style raids and the tab combat that pushes that kind of raid.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Find someone good at multi-tasking and observant; and don't hope for WoW style raids and the tab combat that pushes that kind of raid.

    Someone good at multi-tasking and observant isn't going to be able to keep track of thousands of abilities and effects.

    If we assume Ashes combat will be good (deep and complex), then it will literally not be possible to keep track of everything.

    I mean, top end guilds in WoW often have the raid leader not even taking part in the raid, they have so many other things to keep track of - and that is in a game that I don't consider the pinnacle of top end content, and also has some of the most complex trackers for any game.

    It is also content that Intrepid have said they would like to compete with.
  • Noaani wrote: »
    Since you know that I will be running top end PvE content (assuming it even exists), would you even want to be?

    My assumption would be no.

    I could see you in an affiliated PvP focused guild, however.
    I'll be definitely attempting any and all content in the game. Some sooner rather than later, but definitely all. But I'll be playing on EU servers so I wouldn't be in your guild either way :)
  • SapiverenusSapiverenus Member
    edited September 2022
    Noaani wrote: »
    Find someone good at multi-tasking and observant; and don't hope for WoW style raids and the tab combat that pushes that kind of raid.

    Someone good at multi-tasking and observant isn't going to be able to keep track of thousands of abilities and effects.

    If we assume Ashes combat will be good (deep and complex), then it will literally not be possible to keep track of everything.

    I mean, top end guilds in WoW often have the raid leader not even taking part in the raid, they have so many other things to keep track of - and that is in a game that I don't consider the pinnacle of top end content, and also has some of the most complex trackers for any game.

    It is also content that Intrepid have said they would like to compete with.

    Deep and complex can be in execution. If you fail in an execution of something it can be instantaneously recognized for the most part (especially for something like positioning, movement, blocking if there's some indication, et cetera).
    999 Effects to track is not good.

    You said you need to know if someone is cleansing something, overhealing, dodging mechanics et cetera and this can be visually easy to read.
    Just find someone that notices when people are messing up.

    They want end content to be competitive. That doesn't mean 999 hidden effects where you need to click on everyone to see them.

    Get observant officers. Have them lead in groups of 8.

    Make sure the people you bring along use their abilities right. That should be simple for someone leading a group of 2 - 7 to figure out over the course of playing with them and watching them.

    Just 'train' the members of the group.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    999 Effects to track is not good.
    It is if you have the tools to assist in doing so.
    Just find someone that notices when people are messing up.
    But then I am relying on that someone not messing up.
    Get observant officers. Have them lead groups of 8.
    Not how raids work.
  • SapiverenusSapiverenus Member
    edited September 2022
    You're just not good at video games.

    Others shall out-perform you.

    You are not a Leader you are a Log reader.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited September 2022
    You're just not good at video games.

    Others shall out-perform you.

    Others probably will. That's fine.

    However, my above points are perfectly valid.
    You are not a Leader you are a Log reader.
    I'm both.

    You can't effectively lead people without objective data.
  • SapiverenusSapiverenus Member
    edited September 2022
    You can lead people by preparing people, training people up, improving as a group, deferring responsibilities when appropriate, and raiding with situational awareness.

    Others can lead in the ways I've described. Based on what you say, you can't.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    You can lead people by preparing people, training people up, improving as a group, deferring responsibilities when appropriate, and raiding with situational awareness.
    Indeed you can.

    None of this prevents the use of a combat tracker though. All a combat tracker is, when you know how to use it, is a tool that assists in the above.
  • SapiverenusSapiverenus Member
    edited September 2022
    I know what a tracker does.

    I want the game to be more difficult for you and others that must rely on a tracker.
  • NiKr wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    Since you know that I will be running top end PvE content (assuming it even exists), would you even want to be?

    My assumption would be no.

    I could see you in an affiliated PvP focused guild, however.
    I'll be definitely attempting any and all content in the game. Some sooner rather than later, but definitely all. But I'll be playing on EU servers so I wouldn't be in your guild either way :)

    Do they have EU servers for Alpha 2?
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
  • Strevi wrote: »
    Do they have EU servers for Alpha 2?
    Dunno. But iirc people said that alpha1 ping wasn't that bad from EU, so I think it'll work just fine for general testing purposes.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    I know what a tracker does.

    I want the game to be more difficult for you and others that must rely on a tracker.

    I will have a tracker. That is essentially the end of it.

    If you actually know what a tracker does, you wouldn't care that they exist. You may not want to use one, but you basically just wouldn't care at all if others used them.
  • Noaani wrote: »
    I know what a tracker does.

    I want the game to be more difficult for you and others that must rely on a tracker.

    I will have a tracker. That is essentially the end of it.

    If you actually know what a tracker does, you wouldn't care that they exist. You may not want to use one, but you basically just wouldn't care at all if others used them.

    I know what a tracker does and I want you and others that must rely on them to struggle without them.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Noaani wrote: »
    I know what a tracker does.

    I want the game to be more difficult for you and others that must rely on a tracker.

    I will have a tracker. That is essentially the end of it.

    If you actually know what a tracker does, you wouldn't care that they exist. You may not want to use one, but you basically just wouldn't care at all if others used them.

    I know what a tracker does and I want you and others that must rely on them to struggle without them.

    But... I won't be without one.

    As I have said many times, they are already working.

    You saying you want this is about as effective as you saying you want people in WoW to not have trackers.
  • Noaani wrote: »
    I know what a tracker does.

    I want the game to be more difficult for you and others that must rely on a tracker.

    I will have a tracker. That is essentially the end of it.

    If you actually know what a tracker does, you wouldn't care that they exist. You may not want to use one, but you basically just wouldn't care at all if others used them.

    I know what a tracker does and I want you and others that must rely on them to struggle without them.

    You want to force Steven to do more than he wants against trackers? :smile:
    Even if that makes a worse game overall for everybody, just to see Noaani struggle?
    This would be the typical dictator attitude who would cause a mass destruction when he cannot win otherwise.
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
  • Noaani wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    I know what a tracker does.

    I want the game to be more difficult for you and others that must rely on a tracker.

    I will have a tracker. That is essentially the end of it.

    If you actually know what a tracker does, you wouldn't care that they exist. You may not want to use one, but you basically just wouldn't care at all if others used them.

    I know what a tracker does and I want you and others that must rely on them to struggle without them.

    But... I won't be without one.

    As I have said many times, they are already working.

    You saying you want this is about as effective as you saying you want people in WoW to not have trackers.

    I will be waiting for executive decision to remove all possibility of Trackers.
  • SapiverenusSapiverenus Member
    edited September 2022
    Strevi wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    I know what a tracker does.

    I want the game to be more difficult for you and others that must rely on a tracker.

    I will have a tracker. That is essentially the end of it.

    If you actually know what a tracker does, you wouldn't care that they exist. You may not want to use one, but you basically just wouldn't care at all if others used them.

    I know what a tracker does and I want you and others that must rely on them to struggle without them.

    You want to force Steven to do more than he wants against trackers? :smile:
    Even if that makes a worse game overall for everybody, just to see Noaani struggle?
    This would be the typical dictator attitude who would cause a mass destruction when he cannot win otherwise.

    It is to reward skill and leadership as I've said many pages ago.
    It is for a better game experience where you are rewarded for paying attention. In other words, a more engaging and fun game.

    I hope to see those that expect pampering accommodations from Sharif to be met with a good game that lets them struggle at the bottom.
  • Strevi wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    I know what a tracker does.

    I want the game to be more difficult for you and others that must rely on a tracker.

    I will have a tracker. That is essentially the end of it.

    If you actually know what a tracker does, you wouldn't care that they exist. You may not want to use one, but you basically just wouldn't care at all if others used them.

    I know what a tracker does and I want you and others that must rely on them to struggle without them.

    You want to force Steven to do more than he wants against trackers? :smile:
    Even if that makes a worse game overall for everybody, just to see Noaani struggle?
    This would be the typical dictator attitude who would cause a mass destruction when he cannot win otherwise.

    It is to reward skill and leadership as I've said many pages ago.
    It is for a better game experience where you are rewarded for paying attention. In other words, a more engaging and fun game.

    I hope to see those that expect pampering accommodations from Sharif to be met with a good game that lets them struggle at the bottom.

    Many pages ago you also said you do not play games, you ignore Noaani and you will delete your account.
    Extreme solutions to prevent something can lead to a worse game.
    Just like players can coexist with bots and gold sellers, they can coexist with combat trackers too. If you feel your fun comes from defeating the raids without such tools and that is your main goal, to show how more skilled you are to players around you, then I would rather buy raid drops from Noaani.
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
  • SapiverenusSapiverenus Member
    edited September 2022
    Strevi wrote: »
    Strevi wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    I know what a tracker does.

    I want the game to be more difficult for you and others that must rely on a tracker.

    I will have a tracker. That is essentially the end of it.

    If you actually know what a tracker does, you wouldn't care that they exist. You may not want to use one, but you basically just wouldn't care at all if others used them.

    I know what a tracker does and I want you and others that must rely on them to struggle without them.

    You want to force Steven to do more than he wants against trackers? :smile:
    Even if that makes a worse game overall for everybody, just to see Noaani struggle?
    This would be the typical dictator attitude who would cause a mass destruction when he cannot win otherwise.

    It is to reward skill and leadership as I've said many pages ago.
    It is for a better game experience where you are rewarded for paying attention. In other words, a more engaging and fun game.

    I hope to see those that expect pampering accommodations from Sharif to be met with a good game that lets them struggle at the bottom.

    Many pages ago you also said you do not play games, you ignore Noaani and you will delete your account.
    Extreme solutions to prevent something can lead to a worse game.
    Just like players can coexist with bots and gold sellers, they can coexist with combat trackers too. If you feel your fun comes from defeating the raids without such tools and that is your main goal, to show how more skilled you are to players around you, then I would rather buy raid drops from Noaani.

    I never said I will delete my account. I said I might leave the forum. I also said I don't play many games, that I don't really play any now.

    There is nothing extreme about removing trackers except for those without any skill or leadership, relying on Logs. lmao

    You can struggle against your own weaknesses as well.
    Now it is clear to me you are a botter; talking about coexisting with them lmao

    Remove Gold. Remove Logs. Remove Numbers. Remove Botters.
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