Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
But... I won't be without one.
As I have said many times, they are already working.
You saying you want this is about as effective as you saying you want people in WoW to not have trackers.
You want to force Steven to do more than he wants against trackers?
Even if that makes a worse game overall for everybody, just to see Noaani struggle?
This would be the typical dictator attitude who would cause a mass destruction when he cannot win otherwise.
I will be waiting for executive decision to remove all possibility of Trackers.
It is to reward skill and leadership as I've said many pages ago.
It is for a better game experience where you are rewarded for paying attention. In other words, a more engaging and fun game.
I hope to see those that expect pampering accommodations from Sharif to be met with a good game that lets them struggle at the bottom.
Many pages ago you also said you do not play games, you ignore Noaani and you will delete your account.
Extreme solutions to prevent something can lead to a worse game.
Just like players can coexist with bots and gold sellers, they can coexist with combat trackers too. If you feel your fun comes from defeating the raids without such tools and that is your main goal, to show how more skilled you are to players around you, then I would rather buy raid drops from Noaani.
I never said I will delete my account. I said I might leave the forum. I also said I don't play many games, that I don't really play any now.
There is nothing extreme about removing trackers except for those without any skill or leadership, relying on Logs. lmao
You can struggle against your own weaknesses as well.
Now it is clear to me you are a botter; talking about coexisting with them lmao
Regarding gold, try making on forum a suggestion to remove it or restrict player trade and see what happens.
This won't happen, because Steven knows it is not possible.
Now, I know I won't get an answer to this - as you seem adverse to actually answering questions. However, I will still ask - what is it about trackers that makes you think they can not exist in an atmosphere with good leadership?
Since trackers are just a tool, they are something that will assist a good leader in being a good leader, and assist a bad leader in being a bad leader.
Why are you talking about first person shooters.
I have talked about rough 'somewhat' RNG; mostly complicated; UI change behavior that is highly situational. Context sensitive. With mob variability and player ## ranges with weights that are affected in a complicated basically intuitive and realistic way.
With random dev fiddling to keep some things opaque; but no fiddling in response to what players are doing to 'crack the code'. And mostly to make the behavior deeper and more grounded, realistic.
No one said anything about cooldowns though.
who cares about people complaining? "see what happens" lol
I look forward to the struggle of those without any actual leadership and combat ability in a massively multiplayer civ building 'war' game.
I still don't see how you think that would make combat trackers less valuable.
Clearly, you don't know how combat trackers are used if that is what you believe.
Keep in mind, if the game isn't going to provide a combat tracker with data, we will automate a way to feed it data based on what is happening on screen. This is literally how we are able to parse combat from developer livestreams. There is no feedback from the game, because "the game" is a YouTube video.
This post doesn't even make sense.
Even for you.
You can keep doing what you do and I hope the game keeps getting deeper and more grounded; and I hope the magic side of things is just as well-done as the physical.
even if you hide hp bars you can still get all game values with repetitive work on all numbers you and your enemies have
― Plato
AoC is not everquest, tab target game play. Stop using game designed related in EQ as a reason to keep track of abilities. There shouldn't be a point where you need to know that, you are using excess of information as an excuse for tracker you are wrong.
In a 40 player raid, it is impossible to keep up. Not only do you have 40 people all interacting with a number of enemies, but those 40 people are also all interacting with each other.
I mean, it's not like Ashes is going to be some 2D fighting game where the ultimate defensive maneuver is a jump or crouch - though I'm sure you'd like that.
This is not Everquest, stop using EQ to compare if they need trackers when the game isn't being designed for trackers. You are simply using some large number to try to manipulate thoughts.
Literarily this guy is saying "I'm going to basic attack 1000 times so I need to know the information since you can't keep track how many times you basic attack"
You literally just proved Noaani's point with this statement.
I have stopped assuming that you are trolling with these responses, so I want to leave you to it, but I feel like you're going to derail the conversation even more than it almost always already is, and you're going to complain about literally all the discussion points I could possibly use to prevent that, now that we've reached this specific point.
Don't suppose I could get you to stop on your own?
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
I'm not.
I'm using all MMO's.
More specifically, EQ, EQ2, DDO, UO, LotRO, WoW, Rift, L2, AA, SWG, EVE, ESO, GW, GW2, FFXI, FFXIV, AoC (the first), WAR, Vanguard, Tera, DCUO, CoH/V, Flyff, DAOC and Aion.
These are the games I am talking about.
These are games I know people use trackers with. In some of them, trackers are required. I am not just talking about trackers being required in Ashes though, I am talking about them being useful tools. In every one of the games above, a combat tracker is a useful tool that exists.
No point was proven all both you can do is assume things on people because you don't care what other people think you you deem you can convince them.
Only point that is proven is Noaani and you are both people that would be toxic when it comes to trackers. You will assume, you will skew discussions or topics into what you want, as well as be manipulative. All qualities needed to have a view point on someone and removing them from your group if they aren't preforming based on the tracker and the information you tell them.
Listen to me or don't talk, do what I want or get out of the group (even if you don't say it directly). Its a pattern that has been shown from both you tbh.
But hey you don't care about other peoples view points so its fine, you simply want trackers for some pretty weak reasons.
The variance needs complex behavior to be basically encrypted.
If damage is hitbox based and that's pretty accurate to the model then there's even more to go through as someone trying to analyze it. Arm hit = Arm mechanics impacted for instance.
That's priority on making a good game where being ENGAGED is #1.
It can be made practically unfeasible; oh hey they figured a lot out after 2 years? Well that's a hell of a lot better than the first month. 2 years later their tracker is useful.
Oh by the way we're patching in sweeping changes and everything you learned will be somewhat useful to figure it out, but it'll be another 1 year until your attempt at a tracker is useful again.
And if it's all grounded rather than arbitrary 'anti-tracker' mechanics then even if they create a tracker, every good player can simply play the game and be top .1% or better because the game makes more sense to those with grounding in reality and how stuff works, just being ENGAGED with what's happening.
and How does a bot/ script figure out what's going-on on the screen if there's "Hostile Patterns" embedded into it? LOL
What happens if sometimes there's no indication you're even targetting something? LOL Click and Pray. Maybe it's some shadowy Rogue type perk that certain Mobs have.
@Mag7spy, either you think the below is useful, or you don't.
Now, if Noaani were a fighting gamer and watched this, I would expect Noaani to find it very useful. Technically, I would assume that even without being one, Noaani could find this useful ANYWAY.
If you want to convince people that a situation with 20-40x the data density of a MINUTE of video above could be done in realtime instead of in slow motion, with no equivalent of that JustFrame Analysis for review afterward, please do that instead of just randomly making up stuff no one else said.
Or, at least clarify that you think all of that analysis was unnecessary and you should be able to do it by feeling if you 'had real skill' or whatever it is you do.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
You seem to be arguing that a game can't be figured out in a minute so people need trackers.
You learn and get good at the game by playing it for hours and days and weeks lmao. Everything after that can be rather intuitive.
If you actually watched the video, this answer is a sign that you EXPLICITLY did not understand it. This is not surprising. You would need a greater understanding of the point being made. Your perception of my argument is in fact, incorrect, you do not have enough information/experience to understand the argument. Only Mag7 does.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
You are using the same weak point not all information you do is needed to be tracked. That is like saying ok we need to track you WASD movements to make sure you are using the minimal amount of movement so you don't lose time on attacks. NOR is the game being designed for trackers and dps meters..
Stop using weak points as reasons for trackers, this is not EQ, this is not a mmorpg made 20 years ago.
I didn't make a point. I asked you to make yours using a more realistic baseline.
I literally gave you 'a 2D fighting game with an analytic video' so you could explain to Noaani why, in your opinion, the analytics done are not required, and would not be required even with multiple times the same amount of information.
You could use it, even if barely, or you could use it dismissively. Instead you choose to dismiss it, and advance nothing. This is predictable, but I have done my 'duty' to my group, so I thank you for at least responding to it.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
I have no intention at all of trying to convince anyone that doesn't use a tracker that they should use one.
What I am doing - what I have always been doing - is pointing out to people that if they don't have a tracker and I do, they don't really need to concern themselves with it at all. It literally doesn't impact on them at all.
This is one of many aspects that you have failed to explain. If I have a tracker and you do not, why would you care?
Yes its a tool meant to make the game "easier" because some people can't handle actually taking time on a game to figure things out. A tool made under certain kinds of combat and the rules that generally follow it in lines with TAB gameplay because the difficulty isn't the combat as far as aiming and tacking is concerned.
Difficulty of tab games more in lines with skill use and builds it lacks the action elements of difficulty. Hence giving more power for trackers and those are the kinds of game it is designed for. More action elements that are added the further you get away from trackers being effective.
Again you don't care about that, it is also why you want people in your raid to be more focused on tab. The more in lines with tab the more effective a tracker will be as it makes things more simply with having to worry about less game play challenges.
Even with trackers, games aren't "worked out" for decades.
Pick better points to argue.