Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I accept and aprove of the no multiclienting on same hw, and no wm. As it removes alot of hard work Regarding botters.
I like to have 2 seperate computers but using a software like synergy where its a virtual KVM software where it ads the second computer as a new screen sort off. (easier to research it then for me to explain) but would this be allowed or not?
Advantages are people can multi box with same keyboard and mouse.
Disadvantage it can cause some challenges detecting between input as botting inputs or actual hw inputs.
Naturally, I would also like to know if there is any way to get my guild members onto the same server as AOC comes closer to launch. This would indeed destroy us if there is not a way.
First question: with limited fast travel options, do you see regular occurrences of people needing to ride for an hour+ to go get to something important, like a dungeon or world boss?
Second question: with figures floating around like 45 days to level one character, do you have any mechanics in place to cultivate alt character friendliness? examples: level boosts after first character reaches max level, bonus xp gear for alts, etc.
Thank you!
My question, though:
Given the current desire to maintain the "Trinity" system of tank-cleric-DPS, what are the team's plans to make sure the game doesn't bottleneck for the tank and healer in group/raid formation for content? I like playing a tank, I've been main raid tank for my guild in most of my games that I've played (for RIFT I was rogue and main tank.) My wife likes to play healers which often makes building a group simple for us. However, many of my DPS-preferred friends struggle to find slots to get into content. Dark Age of Camelot was also eight man party size with easily filled DPS slots, but there were 20-30 players trying to get into those six slots (during it's prime.)
I'm not sure if the summoner is going to be a boon or hindrance to this system. I would hope that a well-played and appropriately geared Rogue/Tank would make a better tank option than a summoner tank pet. I think I've read that X/cleric will only allow for self heals.
I am worried that 70% of people will play a summoner, be forced into playing a tank/X, or struggle through as cleric/X even though they dislike those roles just to find a group for high-end party content
I do NOT feel every class should be able to do any role, but only having one real tank/X option and one real cleric/X option will hinder many people's ability to take part in party content. Previous statements indicate the content is ideally involving each of the eight classes. I hope you don't assume the game's population will naturally sort themselves out evenly into each of the eight main classes.
I feel the lack of fast travel and teleports, while awesome and I personally support this, will exacerbate this bottleneck if a node doesn't have any cleric/X or tank/X at hand.
In summary, I'm hoping that the majority of content will allow more than 1/8th of class options to fill the tank or healer roles.
This would be an amazing side project to give the player another identity.
Gonna be more than one language available at the start?
Something that keeps me invested is knowing there's more power to be achieved aside from my skill.
Let's say i'm killing monsters in Vera,i use one of my aoe skills.
Some random guy gathering herbs walks near by me and steps in the aoe damage effect of my spell.
He will receive damage from me.Will i get into combatant state from this?
How will the game handle situations like this?
Thank you very much for your answer!
best regards:
Some people might only have time to log in once per week during weekends, or maybe they go on a vacation for a few weeks. It would be pretty sad if you logged back in and lost your house and everything in it due to a siege taking place when you were offline.
Specifically I'm talking about like in Star Wars the Old Republic where you can unlock multiple outfits to swap between appearances. I know personally as a Roleplayer this is something I've long enjoyed, the ability to create and wear outfits for various situations. Like wearing light armor in tropical and desert areas, thick leather or fur armor in a tundra biome. This would give players an option to show off some of their most prized collections or just appearances that they truly enjoy wearing.
A rare sword drops in a dungeon with 50 strength to which that sword's stat range is known to be 45 - 60 strength. Would a blacksmith have the ability to do a one-time-only manipulation of the weapon to increase the stats up from 50 to 53? Similarly, if the weapon drop instead had 58 strength, the blacksmith would only increase the stats up from 58 to 60 because "the weapon has reached its maximum potential?"
Since you're all inspired by so many different games, movies and books, can we expect to find (more or less) hidden refrences of set medias in the game itself?