Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Next Live Stream, Alpha One Giveaway, and Q&A Submission! - Friday, July 30, 2021 at 11:30AM PDT



  • Is there a chance that you will implement spell crafting later?
    For example the archmage has access to (paceholder name) Icestorm Rank 1.
    With spell crafting you can craft/learn more powerful ranks of those up to a maximum of 30 which needs a lot of very expensive materials (from dragons or raid bosses) and a lot of time too.
    Then people could spezialize in different spells/magic and sell/teach those to other players. :)
  • Are there plans for guild halls that will not be siege-able, a place a guild can hold and gather and decorate without worrying about losing it in a war?
  • Breeze SalhyrrBreeze Salhyrr Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Please, can you tell us more about how the SUMMONER will work?!

    Is it going to be a real pet class where the majority of damage comes from pet(s) or will it be like a "WoW warlock" dot/drain class with a minion that only does 10-20% damage? When will we be able to see a preview of it and/or in game?
  • TeylouneTeyloune Member, Phoenix Initiative, Avatar of the Phoenix, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Whether it only be in-game currencies or using real money, have you ever considered lootboxes for cosmetics?
  • FirebrandFirebrand Member, Alpha Two
    I've heard a lot of things concerning alts in the game. As an alt-o-holic this question is near and dear to my heart (yes the struggle is real). I understand the need and want for player to player interaction in any MMO, however I would think that there are ways to have diminishing returns per character, per account in crafting for instance. As a (future) paying customer however, I want to be able to experience the various classes and different combat styles and roles as much as I can. So my question would be how many alts will be allowed to have, will they be able to have node citizenship, and how viable will they be as characters when compared to the main character on an account?
  • DavisBDavisB Member
    With how large of a role it seems that the Artisan classes will play within Ashes of Creation, I think it’s important to have a gathering system that feels fun and rewarding and will keep players invested for the hours on end that gathering skills usually take. Are there any specifics you have in mind that you think will keep players coming back to, and possibly want to primarily focus on, gathering within the world of Verra?
  • DavisBDavisB Member
    If a player decides to switch their secondary archetype after they’re max level, will they immediately have access to all of the skill augments that the new secondary archetype offers, once they complete the necessary steps to officially change that secondary archetype? Or will there be some form of progression needed in order to unlock the augments for the new class?
  • DavisBDavisB Member
    Do you foresee any issues with players purposefully losing node sieges so they can unlock different content to play? Or will the process of advancing a node stage take long enough to keep players invested in that advancement? Once a node reaches the Metropolis stage, will there be enough content/reward to keep that node maxed out, rather than let it be reset so you have something different to do?
  • RyliahRyliah Member, Hero of the People, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2021
    How much can I as a Player influence the life of NPCs through friendly or hostile actions?
  • ZomborkusZomborkus Member, Leader of Men, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Will Tulnar culture, architecture, or weapon design reflect that they had access to magic for thousands and thousands of years longer than any of the races stuck on Sanctus?
  • Sago65Sago65 Member
    -Will there be POI’s in the world that might come online via node development, but otherwise grow or shrink based only on player interactions (such as how many players choose quest path A, B, or C).

    To clarify, previous streams have said that if you develop a node into a metropolis near some volcano, maybe a dragon’s lair dungeon will open up. This makes it seem like most of the world’s development is going to be predetermined (i.e. you don’t get a choice, you level up a node and now you get this dungeon). I thought it would be interesting if players could do something like find a shipwreck and then (based on how many players make a certain choice) either turn it into a tavern, a new mini-dungeon, or have it be looted and destroy the POI.
  • ViBunjaViBunja Member, Alpha Two
    edited July 2021
    Do the Catacombs below a divine node become more mechanically challenging as you venture deeper into them?
  • dmfdiogodmfdiogo Member, Alpha Two
    What happens if person A is fighting a powerful mob and person B casts a meteor on top of A's head, which end up dying to the mob? will be person B considered PK? o:)
  • copperleincopperlein Member, Alpha Two
    copperlein wrote: »
    What are your plans for the future release steps for Alpha 2, Beta 1 / 2, Release. Will you be changing your schedule because of other game releases, or will it be maybe a little bit spontaneously, or are you saying, its finished when it‘s finished?

    I know i posted already an question, but i got today a very important question for myself, i hope you can understand it. I also hope that this question wasn’t asked before, what will you do against botting / gold seller, some Games have at the moment big Problems because of this.
  • KainFPSKainFPS Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2021
    What is the overall philosophy for the Ashes of Creation Combat? High Skill ceiling or Low skill ceiling(Mechanically)? Balanced around larger groups or small groups? Priority to pvp or pve?

    The reason for the question above is quite simple. Many individuals love what you are doing with the game. Several of the core designs of the game are very interesting and have many people excited. With that said I would say currently with how the alpha is going, which in my opinion is awesome so far, combat has many people nervous mainly because there isn't as much clarity, as many would want. Several of the other topics have been clarified on and can be expected to improve on a linear path with a little bit of branching here and there, however combat seems to be one of the last topics that has not been clarified enough to really get a good feeling that it won't completely change. I’d like to for one put my mind at ease and everyone else that might be on the fence about this, and two also allow for better feedback from the community on ideas and adjustments toward the combat.

    Hope Everyone is Doing Well and Hope the move back into the office goes Smoothly!
  • keyframekeyframe Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    From what we've been told so far about classes, those that pick their secondary archetype won't be able to function as a true, or even secondary, healer or tank role. As picking your secondary archetype will only gain some aspects of that original class. Don't you think this goes against your bring the player and not the class philosophy, when healers and tanks have to be Clerics and Tanks to fulfill those roles?

    (Not a part of my question but please change the Tank class name to guardian or something else, it can be confusing, especially for those not familiar with mmo's)
  • darksingedarksinge Member, Alpha Two
    edited July 2021
    I know player feedback is important for things like bug reporting and balancing issues, but how impactful is community feedback to ongoing development when it comes to the direction of the game? The overall vision seems clear, but are design decisions for various systems already set in stone?

    Bonus question: Am I wasting my breath by suggesting new ideas in the community forum?
  • RavudhaRavudha Member
    edited July 2021
    Does the restriction of not allowing transfer of materials/resources between alts in warehouse storage apply to all other forms of storage like chests in houses?
  • HeruwolfHeruwolf Member, Alpha Two
    We know that there will be many many crafting professions, especially to allow for a proper amount of reliance on community. Will you please name all of the professions that you want to have implemented in the final version of the game?
  • GrilledCheeseMojitoGrilledCheeseMojito Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Will there be a first person or other kind of photo mode? There's lots of beautiful spots in Verra that could make for gorgeous shots with one.
    Grilled cheese always tastes better when you eat it together!
  • SunScriptSunScript Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    What happens to the materials gathered and contributed to build a node building if the Mayor decides to scrap the project?
    Bow before the Emperor and your lives shall be spared. Refuse to bow and your lives shall be speared.
  • Count SlackulaCount Slackula Member, Alpha Two
    Do you think players will generally help and trust each other in this game, or will the community devolve to be a Rust-like survival of the strongest? The mechanics seem to allow it to go either way.
  • EsotericEsoteric Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hello AoC Team! I just wanted some more clarity on how stealth/invisibility will function in AoC. Will it remain the same as it was in APOC or will it be tuned to be a total invis with certain augments. Personally I feel that , as it remains now, stealthing and being not totality invisible is a fine mechanic if there are no secondary sources to reveal me outside of really good perception, making the hide and seek interaction very skill based. However, if there are utility skills and or spells that reveal stealthed enemies, i feel a total invis would be more acceptable. Would love to hear your thoughts on this!!! Cheers!
  • JahlonJahlon Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    For battle pets, we know that you have to invest a portion of your character's power into them, but how soon after their death do you get it returned to you? Immediately, or is there some time delay?
    Make sure to check out Ashes 101
  • HexNSlashHexNSlash Member, Settler, Kickstarter
    edited July 2021
    Are there gonna be any island nodes and are there gonna be castle sieges where we will be able to use ships (either to bombard walls from sea, or try and disembark players in the city ports)?
  • DesordaDesorda Member, Alpha Two
    When will the Steven x Jahlon Interview 2021 be?
  • TrufflecatTrufflecat Member, Alpha Two
    edited July 2021
    My question for the livestream (No need to answer if already answered)!

    Are you, or are you considering, implementing an internship system for e.g. a newbie blacksmith and a master blacksmith, where the intern gets increased xp gain from smithing after signing an internship contract with the master blacksmith smithy.
    1. Newb Blacksmith wants to get faster blacksmithing xp and easier access to smithing recipies. --> Looks for an appropriately experienced blacksmith with relevant knowledge about field of interest, e.g. armor smithing.
    2. Signs a contract with the master blacksmith / smithy for an internship period of e.g. 1 month.
    > Gives the intern access to select materials and recipies. A percentage of created items will belong to the smithy, to pay for the internship and cost of materials.
    > Making items in the smithy location gives rewards of a SLIGHTLY increased xp gain and chances to learn specialized recipies.

    Would love to talk in more depths about this. Or check out viability for it in the game.
    Slightly due to you not wanting to have it as a XP-boost-gold purchase sink. Thoughts around making it anti-gold for boost system would have to be considered in order for it not to be exploited.

  • GrumpyGrumpy Member
    Will there be a High Fantasy Setting Appropriate Maid Costume?
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2021
    Hi Steven, can you elaborate a bit on freehold placement please, specifically in terms of overlapping ZOI. Can the freehold be placed in the ZOI of the parent node that is also a part of the ZOI of any vassal nodes for example? And if the freehold's parent node is destroyed, can the freehold be re-registered to an existing village or higher vassal node, if already inside that ZOI, or even to the grandparent node like a metropolis.
  • Is unintentional PvP flagging a concern of yours?

    For example, I imagine player "A" could purposefully run into player "B"'s AoE to flag player "B" as a combatant, followed by a PK allowing player "A" to subvert the corruption system. I could also see this being a problem in open world dungeons where you might have a large number of players there for the PvE content but not in the same group/raid.
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