Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I would also love it if we were able to change the Colors of our ability effects within a very limited range, for example various shades of red/orange/yellow for a fireball… and various shades of blue for ice spells…
I would want to be able to dye it however I like. Lets say I wanna go full jet black + red accents. Then let me.
But im ok with "limited" options as well ig.
guilds and players can stand out.
- Trimmed gear
- Flags
- Sprays
- Mount gear
- weapon skins with options to dye
Agreed. Any game that has this, should allow me to colour my armour the same way.
ESPECIALLY when dying final / end game gear - I want to completely customize my max gear head to toe so that it looks the way I want it to look when I achieve it.
I don't know how you control for the "clown" effect with people running around looking crazy, I do think it's silly and a little immersion breaking. Maybe you don't get full individual dye customization unless you craft the gear and/or craft the dye at a high level? Maybe there are levers to play with here where we start with the restrictive dye channel system and as you level or get better at crafting maybe you graduate to full piece by piece customization, I don't know.
Overall I think more choice and autonomy is better than less choice and restrictions. Especially in a game like ashes where there is so much choice; you can play how you want and engage with the world how you want, the whole UI is customizable, etc. I think the overall philosophy of Ashes is leaning towards players having maximum choice for how they want to exist and play in Vera.
- Its fun, i like doing it, in Terraria i would always find all the colors i needed befor i progressed.
How far would you like the system to go?
- This is a hard one, on one side i want neon pink mohawk whit rainbow glowing armor, and huge "light" tendrils coming out off my back, on the other hand that might be a bit to much. If evryone is glowing, vapouring or sparkeling it might take from the guild colors, gear importance and make the journey peoples gear should show can come second. So iam up for some cool colors and effects but it should mean something and have limits.
Do you prefer a full-color range that allows for some odd color combinations, or a more limited one that preserves visual fidelity and realism?
- i like Getting one color for one gear color slot, and multiple color slots. Then be able to take it out and put it over to another item or sell it off.
That seems like a reasonable suggestion. I'd also really like a more customisable approach than "Dye the character and everything goes that colour". Just trust the players to not do anything too ridiculous, and to PK anyone that does. Problem solved.
I feel like restricting the colours to a more moderate pallette is acceptable, but honestly if there was to be a shiny gold or a neon pink players should be able to flex that agency. A more reasonable compromise would obviously be to keep the louder options to the "trim dye" slot (the one that affects the smallest portion of the armor). Any of these are fine in my eyes as I see players as always the most unique part of the game world.
These are both AMAZING ideas! I've loved the customization systems in a variety of games but the sense of community a guild dye pack could add. And don't get me started on mount customization!!! Give. Me. All of it!!! XD
Professional Skeptic, Entertainer, and Animal Enthusiast
How do you feel about dying your gear?
I love to be able to dye my gear however I want. Although you'll get people mixing/matching/cosplaying, that immersion cost is worth the customization benefit to me.
How far would you like the system to go?
I like the idea of dye channels on pieces and dyes that you can apply. Middle-ground granularity.
Do you prefer a full-color range that allows for some odd color combinations, or a more limited one that preserves visual fidelity and realism?
I prefer more "full-color" than limited realism, but somewhere on the spectrum rather than totally full-color. In the Guild Wars 2 example, they have dyes you can choose from, yes, they have some overly-crazy dyes, but that would be within Intrepid's control.
In a world of magic and fantasy, vibrant colors should exist and be acceptable. Often art and fashion imitates nature, and if there are vibrantly colored flora and fauna, that should be imitate-able. The people of Vera should be able to decorate themselves how they wish, while still implementing mild limitation for the sake of the game's aesthetic.
Perhaps some kind of dye blending system that ties into crafting. Your character creator's "family blending" feature made me think of this. Perhaps a natural limitation on the crazy colors could be that they are harder to create/come by. Maybe to make a crazy vibrant red, one would have to mix multiples colors together, so the investment is greater. That will naturally reduce the amount of people willing to go the extra mile for intense colors.
I agree wholeheartedly with this quote!
But I also heavily agree with this one!
I am sure it has been said somewhere but these two comments were what I saw and wanted to quote lol. I agree color customization is simple yet allows for so much character and identity to be built, however I also agree that unrealistic and sometimes odd color combinations can either break the immersion or just flat out feel to out of place. For example Blue and Red shield, with a pink hair style, yellow beard, grey top, purple pants, turquoise shoes and gloves with an orange sword just doesn't sound good at all. I do understand to each their own and some might find that to be cool or funny, but I also feel like there should be compromise. Color palette should be fully open and all colors added, however there should be restrictions to what can be dyed to a certain color. Maybe also add a texture like is stated above have material types so shields that are made of steel for example can only be these certain colors... something along those lines. At the end of the day I don't think it is that big of a deal but I do agree immersion can easily be broken when the aforementioned character is beating me up in a PVP or there is an army of them in a guild war.
Please ensure the same 'colour' you choose matches on different pieces of gear! And please bump this if you've also had this issue - it would be a bad one for them to miss.
Perhaps not just drops - extremely high quality magical crafted gear too - but I agree with your point!
I also remember that Steven mentioned a dye system that automatically changes the color of armor to match the current preset. That would be wonderful, but the amount of strain it would put on the design team and the team that puts the items in game(forgot the name) would be a lot. So having a low spectrum if you go with how big this game is along with the amount of colors that exist would be to much. So going small spectrum of colors for each armor would be better in my opinion. I'd say each armor have a certain spectrum of colors since it would put the load off the people designing them. It would definitely limit the amount of armors that can be put together, but some armor just wouldn't look good in black or red and such.