
[Player Feedback Request] Tulnar Concept Art Shown During July Livestream

VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
edited August 2022 in General Discussion
Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the Tulnar concept art. We shared our most recent art of this race during the July Development Update livestream.

Your feedback matters to us! As a direct result of your previous feedback and our creative direction, you can see that major changes have been made to the Ren’Kai race in comparison to the last time you saw the Ren’Kai.

Tulnar Concept Art

To help guide the conversation, here are a few thought starters:
  • What do you like about the current art direction of this race?
  • Is there anything you dislike about the art direction for this race, and why?
  • What are your thoughts on what was shown during the livestream for the Tulnar concept?
  • Are there any specific Character Creator customizations you would like to see for the Tulnar race?
Don’t feel limited to the questions above. Please, share anything you’d like about the Tulnar race design.

We’ll be leaving this thread open for your feedback until the end of the day on Friday, August 12, 2022, so that we can begin compiling a report for our development team.

Everyone here at Intrepid Studios looks forward to reading all the great reactions to our latest character designs!


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    This race is so cool because it has limitless potential, and some of the coolest lore woven into the game. People are going to be able to really bolster their roleplay with the Toenar.
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    I CAN MAKE A LEONIN!! This looks amazing, can't wait to see it with the character builder, want to see how the blending works
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    Also yes, they are now know as Toelnar, unfortunate really
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    I cannot wait for the character creator showcase for this race cause I can't even imagine how cool all the combinations will look. Love them already!
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    SirChancelotSirChancelot Member
    edited July 2022
    I was thinking I may be torn between tulnar and ren'kai, and then they both have pictures released... Now I'm torn even harder.
    I think that Dragonborn looking one on the right is perfect.

    I guess if I was going to nit-pick something I would ask why there are to mammalian options when I was kind of expecting an insect resembling option.
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    LeukaelLeukael Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Looked amazing. No complaints or suggestions. Keep it up!
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    SolvrynSolvryn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I am happy where this race is headed. They look exactly how I expect the personification of Evolution to be.

    I hope they have lots of tattoos, scarification, and piercing options (both facial and body) available.
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    I think what we are seeing in this concept art is really great already. And there will be a slider to choose how humanoid they will be. This will make customization so versatile. I can imagine lots of people will choose the lion looking Tulnar and slide it all the way to human and make cat girls. Can't wait to see the possibilities. Really hope they let us make humanoids with animal characteristics. Also curious to see if we can change the ears for the gorilla looking one into round fur monkey ears.
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    So these are the descendants of the race that never left the surface / planet that the AoC world is placed in? They must be tough to have survived. They seem more animalistic, there are buffalo and dragon-looking faces, can we make them into many other animal types?
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    Schmuky wrote: »
    I CAN MAKE A LEONIN!! This looks amazing, can't wait to see it with the character builder, want to see how the blending works

    Exactly what I was thinking. Cat girls....
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    edited July 2022
    I know I'm probably in the minority here and that it was said early into development "No avian tulnar" but it'd be awesome if we at least had some hair / fur / maybe even feather options that could look a little bit feathery or feather-like to BS our way into a bird-like appearance. Hell, I'd settle for "feathered raptor/dragon" at this point.

    It doesn't have to be an actual official bird tulnar - that's what roleplay is for! - just let us BS a bit with the sliders between the different options

    Something like this just as an example
    My AoC Wishlist:
    -Avian Tulnar (topic video)
    -Dwarf-to-tallest race heights for Tulnar
    -Crows/ravens for Falconers
    -AC:O & AC:V type aerial scouting for Falconer
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    I think the race concept art is absolutely amazing. I can't wait for the models to come out. People in my guild have theorized that there could be centaur lower half options, which could be absolutely amazing. I personally would like more insect or invertebrate customization options, however minimal.

    - What do you like about the current art direction of this race?
    This is amazing, beyond any of our imaginations and expectations. I would change nothing and have absolutely been fangirling ever since the reveal.

    - Is there anything you dislike about the art direction for this race, and why?
    I don't think there are any dislikes, maybe add more insect and invertebrate options as stated above. Otherwise, absolutely stunning.

    - What are your thoughts on what was shown during the livestream for the Tulnar concept?
    I love the reveal, the sudden announcement, the suspense. Everything was perfect. Toenar lore, all the discussion, instant theory crafting on them was amazing to see. Hype is higher than ever.

    - Are there any specific Character Creator customizations you would like to see for the Tulnar race?
    Insect and other invertebrate options, such as spiders, snail, angler fish, and squid/octopus options. Centaur lower halves would be amazing. Mixing styles, like mammalian and reptilian aspects into one. Tail types, lion, lizard, seafolk, and more.

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    VyvanceVyvance Member, Settler, Kickstarter
    Absolutely blew past my expectations. Steven sounded very proud and happy with the concepts which I would guess is why he really pushed to show them on stream out of nowhere so thank you Steven for that haha.

    I am very pleased with the direction you're going with the Tulnar, the concept on the right is definitely my favorite. Love the spikes and scale type structures.

    I can't wait to see in game completed models, and even more excited to see the customization options for them. I will definitely be spending many many hours having fun and experimenting in the character creator.

    Their necks (especially the concept on the left) look so thick and chunky, so I am interested in what kind of body structures they are going to have. Definitely excited to see more. If the models look anything like the concepts (like the previous races have) then the Tulnar will be pretty high on the list for which Race I will be playing ^-^
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    cant wait for more amazing looking creatures tho
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    ykkykk Member
    Soooo excited to see these guys in the character creator
    astra mortemque superare gradatim
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    VoeltzVoeltz Member
    edited July 2022
    Very cool and unique idea for a race, being able to choose between 3 different looking beast types. Love it. Can't wait to see them in game and what kind of customization can be done.

    Are there any specific Character Creator customizations you would like to see for the Tulnar race?

    Yes. Variety is key. Give the players plenty of options for lighter and darker skin colors, perhaps more vibrant colors for the lizard type like green red and blue? Also teeth, horn, scale (lizard) and spike size and shape, hair length and styles, body type.

    Keep up the great work!
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    edited July 2022
    I personally wouldn't play them. But the only issue I have is that they feel like 3 separate races (Ape, Lion, Lizard). The only similarity is the horns, the eyes and jewelry. I understand you have sliders, but I would like to see some more consistency between these different looks. Is there something we can do to make them feel like 1 race and not 3 separate races?
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    The Tulnar look very cool. I do not know a whole lot about their race. I am curious to see how they will look in combat and movement.
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    DmhofmaDmhofma Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Honestly just really cool, I do think its really important for this race specifically that the sliders and customization will make or break how it looks for people. For example, if you can make 2 Tulnar with the lizard settings look very distinct as characters I think this will be one of the coolest races in the game.
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    NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    These are way more animalistic than I expected, but in a very positive way. I am SUPER excited to play around with Tulnar in the character creator, and the morphing tool. It looks like we'll be getting a TON of options.

    I like what I see, but it's honestly a little difficult to say much more without having the tool to play with. For example, can we go more human and less animalistic? Or will it all be like this, but morphs between them.
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    NeorineNeorine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2022
    The suspense and surprise of the Tulnar was amazing! Had the whole guild going crazy in chat which was an awesome experience.

    What do you like about the current art direction of this race?
    - The current art is a fantastic start and the community is here to confirm. The Orc hybrid on the left that says "I might be in the jungle or desert", the middle mammality type of features that resemble a great lion is a great start to get those interested in that type. The reptilian on the right with a coolish hue to it gave it winter/ice vibes, almost something you'd see fighting in Game Of Thrones with the ice king!

    The direction is definitely going the way we would all love to see it go; Creatively. The different variants are an awesome way to show the community can look different while also being apart of the same race.

    Is there anything you dislike about the art direction for this race, and why?
    - Not much to dislike honestly, just would request for more variety when it comes to the eyes. The colors are a nice addition, but different Mammal, insectoid, or reptilian eyes would be nice. Although, this is all concept so im sure that's something being done already.

    What are your thoughts on what was shown during the livestream for the Tulnar concept?
    - My thoughts we're "Woah, these look amazing". It was very huge wow factor compared to what we are used to seeing when it comes to the other races being "oh wow, Py'Rai are pretty!" to "damn, the Tulnar look bad ass".

    Are there any specific Character Creator customizations you would like to see for the Tulnar race?
    - I would love for the lower half of the Tulnar to be as customizable as the faces seem. Of course we're going to need more insectoid variants compared to what has been shown. For instance, a centaur bottom half so those can feel more in tuned with the Tanky/Dps Barbarian class types and maybe more subtle sleek features that the clerics or rouges can feel like they match with.
    - Of course having the option to run on all fours depends on the body type, but that would also be a mythical thing to see coming at you full force.
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    JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2022
    Good job Intrepid. These are great.

    It would be cool if the dragons could have optional scale/feather options for their hair
    Small print leads to large risks.
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    AsgeirAsgeir Member
    I love them but, I would really love to see concept art or models of what the 'base' Tulnar for Character Creation would look like. The way it was described today on the live stream was their would be sliders for each of the 3 beast types that would bring out features depending on percentage of the slider used... but, what are we starting from? Is it a base human? Elf? Something else?
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    LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2022
    Fucking amazing, love the direction. Don't change it, move forward, not backward.
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    Vi FallenVi Fallen Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter
    I like the direction! I know going off the concept art is really limited information. I feel like horns are on everything shown lately. Don't get me wrong I like them but i feel like they are overused. Or maybe It's that they all resemble dear or ram horns. I hope there are more spike or reptile like horns. I also agree with The Cawckiest King. I would like to see feathers as an option for the reptilian slider. Or more things of that nature. As long as it would make sense for those creatures. I love the how the eye's glow. I do hope there is a slider to make eye's larger as i feel they are really tiny. I can't wait to spend hours in this creating my perfect character.

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    -T0Mb--T0Mb- Member
    These are looking very good! B)
    I once wondered that if Tulnars are mix of major and minor races, is it possible to make a dwarven size Tulnar? :#
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    Looks amazing all 3 of them EPSECIALLY the MIDDLE AND RIGHT as long as i can be a BEEFY BOY they look great.
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    I like the a lot
    Asgeir wrote: »
    The way it was described today on the live stream was there would be sliders for each of the 3 beast types that would bring out features depending on the percentage of the slider used... but, what are we starting from? Is it a base human? Elf? Something else?

    This was my thoughts as well. I really like all three of the concepts. I wonder if it will be like the "mixing" option they showed in the character creator? :/

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    daveywaveydaveywavey Member
    edited July 2022
    They look good so far, but I'm wondering: Is it a must that they have to have horns? Or is that just what these ones happen to look like? We've got tusks, branchlers, whatever those weird Empyrean head things were - do we need horns too?

    Further suggestions: something snakey, something mousey? Look to those original silhouettes you released. Some of those already looked cool, and they were just a black shape.
    As others have said, different eyes would be funky. Normal monkey-like eyes, the slit reptilian-like eyes, the rectangular goat-like eyes, etc.
    This link may help you: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/

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    Even though it's just concept art, the Tulnar look amazing so far. I defiantly enjoy the direction Intrepid is taking with them. I especially enjoy how different the three faces are from each other. Allowing players to make almost sub-races out of the Tulnar.

    Maybe having the option to enable or disable the horns will be a great addition, and perhaps adding less compact Tulnar? The ones showed seemed as if they are all rather bulky. Maybe adding more slender ones will really add a uniqueness to the Tulnar.
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