Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.




  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    What's the point in playing the game if you're not going to contest your ashes??

    You're saying just always let the PvPers always have their way:
    If you don't want to be involved in FFA PvP, just stay away from the Open Seas.
    If you don't want to have to consider your bag inventory when you simply want to pick some flowers, never contest your ashes if you die from PvP.
  • HumblePuffinHumblePuffin Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »
    What's the point in playing the game if you're not going to contest your ashes??

    You're saying just always let the PvPers always have their way:
    If you don't want to be involved in FFA PvP, just stay away from the Open Seas.
    If you don't want to have to consider your bag inventory when you simply want to pick some flowers, never contest your ashes if you die from PvP.

    I just don’t understand. You would go back and fight for your ashes? That seems antithetical to most of your positions.

    They didn’t say you would lose less with that bag, just that it might take longer for them to get into it.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2023
    I am not going to have anything in my bags anyway. So, nothing for me to fight for.
    At this point, we aren't really talking about what I would do because I will be ignoring PvP altogether.

    But, theoretically, if the Open Seas did not exist and bags were not designed to maximize competition and PvP, thus I would be interested in pursuing progression paths --
    whether or not I return to fight for my ashes would depend on how much PvP I had already participated in that day and/or whether I'm in the mood to PvP.

    (And, really, RPGs are not supposed to be competitive.)
  • AbaratAbarat Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »

    (And, really, RPGs are not supposed to be competitive.)

    Says who??
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Abarat wrote: »

    Says who??

    Says Dygz. Basically at the moment around here, just Dygz.

    That's probably why it's in parens. Dygz has always said this. Nearly always been heavily disagreed with. No need to pull on this one, I don't think Dygz is out here trying to hard convince anyone.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • FuryBladeborneFuryBladeborne Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2023
    Noaani wrote: »
    See, there would be a lot more thought than that to me.

    Lets say I am a harvester. I wouldn't go off harvesting overly rare materials if I didn't have at least a few guild members online that I knew would back me up if I needed it. Common materials sure, but I wouldn't waste time with more rare materials. Assuming there is the scarcity that Intrepid seem to want, that would be as foolish as someone in EVE going out in a ship they couldn't afford to lose.

    As to more common materials, I'd be looking at how close my node was to being open for a siege, and how likely it was that a siege would be happening. If I thought a siege was likely, I wouldn't bother harvesting materials. If I thought a siege was imminent, I'd be clearing out my storage related to that node. It is only if I was sure there was no siege coming that I would even bother harvesting rare materials.

    Then you have running PvE content in a group. To me, the definition of a PvP or PvE centric game is where the difficulty comes from. If you have PvE that is dead easy by itself but is made difficult due to PvP, then that is PvP centric. Archeage and BDO both fit in to this - the PvE is dead easy and the only challenge is in PvP, and I have every reason to assume Ashes will be the same.

    So even when you are PvE'ing, the bulk of your concerntration is related to PvP - even if only looking out for it.

    I mean, you say that the game isn't PvP centric because all you would do is ensure you have some PvP options in your build - basically taking things in your build that you wouldn't take for PvE. The thing is, you wouldn't do the opposite. You wouldn't grab a PvP build that has a few options for PvE just incase some difficult PvE breaks out. You either have a PvE build with PvP options, or a PvP build.

    That screams to me that Ashes is a PvP centric game. Sure, PvE still exists, but PvP is at the center.

    Keep in mind, I am not complaining about the amount of PvP in Ashes - I am just stating it as I see it.

    Your trying to spend your whole gaming time focused around PVP even when not PVPing. It's not necessary. You wont leave to gather unless you have others? That's a personal choice. Learn the solo strengths of your class & build.

    I'm not really going to argue past this post. My primary related experience is a few years in Warhammer Online on the server ruleset that allowed killing players anywhere in the world. I spent almost all of my time solo or duo and sometimes small groups. I played almost entirely Sorcerer & Bright Wizard (types of mages) which are not generally looked at as the best solo classes. It's really not a big deal to play alone in an open PVP game. The only real problem is if the server is too crowded with group only players and there is no open area to go to. In which case, get a few friends.

    It seems like your trying to describe that the game is PVP centric because you think that a player needs to play almost entirely focused on PVP. That's a personal choice that could cause the player to experience the game as PVP centric but does not automatically mean the game is PVP centric.

    From my perspective, I know that I will be relaxed and fine running around in PVP areas because I am used to such environments. To me, at this point: Ashes looks like a balanced PVP and PVE game because the two systems support and justify one another. Additionally, it appears that both systems will be interacted with on a daily basis unless the player goes way out of his or her way to avoid one of the systems.
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    well, ashes is a pvp centric game. that doesnt mean you will be pvping 24/7. it also doesnt mean that there wont be challenging pve. you can have challenging pve that sometimes gets enhanced by pvp (remember you wont be pvping 24/7).

  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Your trying to spend your whole gaming time focused around PVP even when not PVPing. It's not necessary.
    Not quite.

    I would spend my whole time in a game like Ashes being aware of the potential for PvP.

    I would not spend my whole time in a game like Ashes being aware of the potential for PvE.

    Thus, on the scale of PvE to PvP which is what PvX is, Ashes is more on the PvP side - thus is a PvP centric game on that PvX scale.
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